Monday, September 26, 2016

Presidential Deviate (Debate)

I vote Francisco and San Pedro. Lord have mercy. 

Such a mediatic spectacle! Avoiding the real issues: fossil fuels, petrodollars, OPEC/ISLAMIC STATE, wars, weapons of war, sellers of weapons of wars, destruction of the Planet and its inhabitants. 

Yo voto por Francisco y San Pedro también. Dios nos salve y tenga misericordia. Vaya espectáculo mediático.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

El amor es...

El amor es el verbo más difícil de entender. 
Señor, aumenta nuestra inteligencia para poder comprenderte. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Who will be the next president of the USA?

Who is next president of the USA?

The one that does no go against the will of OPEC, the Seven "Sisters," or Heads of the Beast that comes from the False Prophet. 

The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. There was the greatest coup dEtat in modern history when John F Kennedy was assassinated in a Conspiracy of the High Ranks of Freemasonry: the Queen of England, the Seven Caliphates of Oil of the Middle East, Sharia Law. Christianity, infiltrated by freemasonry, whose origin is Islam, through the Knight Templars of the Middle East.

Well, bits and pieces of history to help you build your historic puzzle, so you are up to date in current events; that is, the past 2016 years. 

Apaxim, World@eVolution through education, science, and becoming aware that we are at the center of the universe. 


Did you know we already have solar panels that convert water into electricity and oxygen? 

However, we had to build the lab up there in space, in order not to be destroy by the worshippers of the smoke from hell (Petrol). We shall be delivered by His mighty hand from the yolk of the oppressor. No more fossil fuels!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Mana of the King Messiah

Children of the Almighty, papa. And Bride of Christ. He is the King, we are his kingdom, and as inheritors we ourselves are Kings and Priests, redeemed by his blood, which we drink, his body, we ate. Life Eternal was granted, the Mana that descended from Heaven gave us Eternal Life. 

That is the most beautiful gift we all have. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Achilles Heel

The agreement in between Nixon and the Seven Islamic Kingdoms of OPEC to sell oil only in US Dollars expires on the 10th US president after the Coup dEtat that assassinated John F Kennedy. One more to go. 

I wonder what the fate of the Petrodollar will be, given that the purchasing power of the currency belongs to OPEC's price per barrel of oil...

A mathematician or economist must have already foreseen the repercussions, don't you agree?

Apaxim, World@eVolution, extracting electricity and oxygen from water is our only hope.