Sunday, February 26, 2017

Why not to teach on the premise of greed as a goal

Reading, listening, learning, education. All but imposible without language; preferably a well suited language which can logically evolve to create new syntax, new words, in an expected manner without exceptions.

Education is the transferring of knowledge in a collective, discovery of knowledge, creation of knowledge. A Universal City of the Well Being and Caring of the World. A University (an education) not based upon the dialectics of money; but rather on the dialectic of Stewardship of Planet Earth. Universities with long term range vision, to teach students to never cease learning, giving, exchanging knowledge. Education, the object of the game we all know as life. I see the birth of a new society. A society where money is not a God, but a mere accounting instrument --as it should have always been. 

Education (sigh)

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Apostles of the Gospel of Eternity, aka, Apostles of the Book of Revelation

Apóstoles del Evangelio de la Eternidad, también conocidos como, Apóstoles del Libro del Apocalipsis.

Rejoice! There a New Heaven and Earth awaiting for us in our new bodies.

Regocijaos, pues nos espera un Nuevo Cielo y una Nueva Tierra, así como nuevos cuerpos. 

Raise you Heads up high, when you hear of all of these things taking place.

Levantad vuestras cabezas cuando oigáis y veáis que estás cosas están sucediendo en medio de vosotros.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ref: Love


A world without God, would be a world without love; for Love himself is God, Eucharist. 

So, would you like a pragmatic world with the gods of this world, moneys, profits, power, wealth, a place where the end justifies the means?

Or would you like a world of love, of God, of Eucharist?

What world would you want for your children, grandchildren and for the human family? 

We must choose life, don't you agree?

When the Son of Man comes, will he see any faith left on Earth?

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Hate Speech or Sharia Law?

There will be a day in which talking bad about Mohamed and the Quran will be a crime against the law in the USA.

Mohamed will become an off-limits subject, together with the Quran --if not taught by certified teachers.

Teaching history from the perspective of Christianity will become a crime. Mohamed, the Quran and Sharia Law will become a subject banned from criticism. Their defense will be the newly created Hate Speech Laws. 

Questioning whether Mohamed was a pedophile will be a crime.

Questioning whether the Quran teaches to kill and lie will be dismissed as a fabrication of Hate Speech advocates, and sanctioned with hefty fines and punishments.

Insinuations that Mohamed is the False Prophet will be met with fines and sanctions.

It is inevitable. Sharia Law will become the most powerful political and religious movement throughout the whole world. It is not a matter of "if," but rather a question of "when."

Freedom of Speech will become a state regulated and sanctioned right. Freedom of religion will slowly erode. The measures will encourage and ensure a cultural assimilation of all Christian nations. 

All these new legislations will claim to protect individuals from Hate Speech. The reality is that these new legislations will forbid the truth from being taught. Those individuals that speak privately and critically against Mohamed and the Quran will also suffer consequences. 

My question is: 

What is the difference in between newly created Hate Speech Laws and the Laws of the Quran who forbid talking against Mohamed and the Quran?

It seems to me that there is a colonization agenda taking place right under our noses and we are not prepared to deal with them. I see the fabric of our free society as being invaded by a very powerful ideology, for which we are not prepared to defend ourselves.

It is sad, but I see an expansionist compulsory political/religious movement slowly creeping through our society. 

Say goodbye to freedom.

I pray we can hold the Fort of Freedom for our children and grandchildren; but I also hear the sounds of inevitability: Christians and Jews persecuted throughout the whole world. 

Friday, February 3, 2017


He is so right!

Being offended for someone else's convictions and beliefs is childish. In Universities we are taught to learn the beliefs of others, in a multidisciplinary environment. That is education. A place where we study and talk about what others say. We use a scientific method to prove and disprove the validity and reason behind the affirmations postulated in all subjects and disciplines; from physics to religion, to philosophy and archeology, math and music, art and reason, politics and money, human rights and wars, sacredness of life and pragmatic utilitarianism, etcetera.

We talk, and we are not offended at the systems of believes of others: evolutionist vs creationists, and even those that believe evolutionary and creationist theory are united to form a whole picture. 

Some believe the Earth is at the Center of the Universe acting as the black hole event, others believe that Newtonian laws govern the universe, regardless of the mass discrepancies at far away galaxies. Some believe in Dark Matter, others the Principle.

What you study and hear might not be what you believe, yet you study what others think: we learn, we communicate. We are not offended, but rather expectant to find reason and a unifying theory of all things. Others rather believe in chaos. We are all learning, communicating, freedom of speech and convictions!

We believe as according to reason and understating, some religiosum voluntatits et intelectum obseqium, others in a wind of doctrines and unproven hypotheses. 

Each chooses what to believe after being exposed to ideas and encouraged to find reason, or not, in each thesis, given by each of the different disciplines. 

The Truth shall set you free, the splendor of the Truth. 

We are all in a path of discovery, filed with expectation. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Christian hope is learning to live in expectation, like a pregnant woman with the imminent expectation of a new life, resurrection. Yes, amongst pain and suffering we give birth to a renewed hope in his imminent and truthful words, and deeds.

Glory be to the Lord, alleluia.

Long live Eternal Life!
