Saturday, February 29, 2020

The President is right, 0% Prime Rate from the Fed

0% prime rate for Americans, as the Bible says; yes, the Old Testament, the Pentateuch, or first five books of the Bible, where it clearly says: 0% Prime Rate for fellow citizens.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Las Copas de la Ira están aquí 

La Señal en el Cielo y los Tres Días de obscuridad.

Estoy alegremente sorprendido, pues resulta que en visión vi lo mismo que en este mensaje, que recibió de María Inmaculada aquel a quien le fue dado el mensaje. 

Conclusión: va a suceder, la señal en el cielo va a suceder. Una estrella celeste naranja y muy furiosa va a hacer un “black hole” en forma de Cruz. Mi candidato es Betelgeuse, y parece que todo está a punto. 

El que avisa no es traidor. 

Un flachazo que carbonizará a los seres humanos, de una lumbrera poderosa. 

Ya es hora. Falta poco tiempo. ¿Cuánto? Solo Dios sabe el día y la hora de las Copas de la Ira, donde está profetizada los días de obscuridad. 

Estád preparados. 


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Declaration of Independence is back!

Bernie is probably going to sell his votes once again. To Hillary? Perhaps. It’s whomever can afford the price. How do you call that?
Governmental Capitalism, or “The Party.” Bernie and the Democrats reminds me so much of the communist dictatorship of the PRI in Mexico City. Seventy years of communist dictatorship new world order style.
Honest to goodness, we don’t want public servants who use public service for private “capitalistic” enterprise. Those behaviors belong in monarchies and communist regimes, where the ones on top, instead of servants they become evil masters.

It’s so sad. But I believe their coup is up. We’ve seen them for who they are, a swamp of hypocrites who use public service for personal profit. Bernie, Biden, Pelosi, all of them corrupted to the bone, nepotising their offspring and family in places of power and might, just like monarchs and communist regimes do.

However, we must remember.
This land is under the rule of law, the Declaration of Independence from foreign oligarchs, and acknowledging two fundamental rights. First and foremost the God given right to life, second liberty, and lastly privacy; contrary to what the foreign oligarchs instructed the Judicial Branch to declare in Roe v Wade, where privacy was given supremacy over the right to life. Not an error, a coup. It’s time we drain the swamp and restore the rule of law, after all, we have a constitution and sovereignty from foreign oligarchs feeding sharks from within. The Declaration of Independence will be reinstated once the foreign butchers stop killing children in the womb, such an abomination and purely satanic attack upon humanity by the destroyer of families.

Public servants in high offices are not kings who owe the life of their servants, as King Britain used to do. Public servants are servants, not masters. They help the families of the nation, they don’t destroy families. Public servants in America should not use high offices for personal profit, because they are elected officials, not kings or communist dictators. We are America, a land free from the oppression of oligarchs of death whose agenda is butchering 1,500 millions worldwide by using the word healthcare. Population Control is a foreign idea from King Britain, from Lord Malthus, now endorsed by IMF and Central Bank, UN and the globalist oligarchs.
We, unlike other nations, have a document constitutive of this nation called the Declaration of Independence which clearly states that Life is the number one right acknowledged by the founders.

Monday, February 17, 2020

My brother, my dreams.

My brother, Santiago (rip), the reason I came to Merced in 1999, to be close to mom, family. Dad latter came from Madrid to Merced, to die of Cancer, before 911. The interesting thing is that before all these things had happen, and even though I had never heard of Merced, I had dreamt my life here. 

Destiny had been written, and I walked through those doors that destiny had foretold before me in dreams. Actually, the one who revealed those dreams was a living been in the shape of a human being, but made out of living waters, and the two like pillars that stood at the feet of my bed, were made out of white beams of energy.

I would have discarded that vision if it were not for the dreams he gave me in 1981, all have been fulfilled, but an ominous one. 

I don’t wish to scare you now, so don’t read unless you are fearless. 

In that dream, one of the many dreams he whispered into my ear, as I laid down on my bed, back in 1981, I saw the following: I was in one of those parks surrounded by homes. The homes were similar to the homes in Merced, the ones built on raise foundations, or flood zones, for it turns out, the West of Merced is on a flood zone, as per Army Corps of Engineers. But, returning to the park where I saw the event in the dream. There was grass, and there were trees, and children playing in the park, in a bright and sunny day, or was it? For, we were all looking at the sky. It appeared to be like the Sun, but it seemed smaller, and it had a bright and defined halo around it. It seemed like a circle of light around it. But that’s not what caught our attention. What caught our attention and made us realize something very bad was about to happen, was something else, for it appeared to be that the halo was on a timer, about to explode/implode. The halo grew and shrank, every cycle building up and growing larger, exploding and imploding in a growing cycle. It appeared to be alive, about to die. I came to realize it was going to give its final breath, so I told my brother to “hit the grass,” in other words, I told him to go down and lay down on the grass, belly down, signaling him with urgency. As I was laying face down, I looked to my left. Away in the distance I could see a beautiful home, a typical raise foundation home, with a raise foundation porch, and a three step ladder. You could see the unpainted dark colored wood of the patio, a chair, a table, and the main door of the home. On the door, there were two or three children, knocking, begging to get inside. Then, in an instant all was silent. You could see how the little bodies collapsed to the ground in free fall. Their limbs had disintegrated, they were not recognizable, they seem to be piles of dark carbon. 

The trees were untouched, as immune and ignorant to what had just happened. The homes were intact. It was a sight to behold. 

I don’t remember anything after that. I’ve always wondered when that dream would take place. I know where, for I live here. I also ignore what that Sun, or star with the pulsating halo could be. I tend to think it might be the Sun, Betelgeuse, or another phenomena, even a nuclear weapon, or event the fourth bowl. I don’t know. I just know it’s in a place like Merced, for this is the very first time I live in a place with raise foundation homes, like the dream I had. All the dreams have told me my future, the places I would go to, and people I see, or events that take place. As I said, all the dreams thus far have become reality, but in a figurative way, as they do, which leads me to believe a very remote star could have probably blown up, and it won’t be visible to humans, for I’m the only one who saw the explosion, and those with remote eyes. Next probability is that the burnt bodies could refer to the fourth bowl of Saint John’s Revelation: sun burning mankind. I don’t know for certain. One thing I do know, it’s that we are in that part of the Book that speaks about the one third of the population exterminated, for the butchering of children inside the womb exceeds one fifth the population of Earth, 1,500 million executions. Never in recorded history we have witnessed the extermination of so many human beings, in this times we live in: the Great Tribulation. 

What to do?

Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, go to the Lord, the Eucharist. Invoke his name, Jesus Christ, and thank him. No one knows the day and the hour, but it would be hypocritical to deny the signs of the times, as clearly written in the Book of Revelation of Saint John, my authoritative source. My claim: everything written by the Logos incarnate made bread of life, shall come to pass. I believe the Two Witnesses to be His Blood, His Body in the Sacrament of the Altar, the Cross where Christ reigns on Earth, saving us. 


Sunday, February 9, 2020

This is it! The beginning of the end. 

A bright new star will light the heavens.

Mass media will tell you it has exploded, but it hasn’t. It’s about to. So, when you see the halo around it beating like a heart, and growing, be prepared to have your mortal coil transformed in an instant. 

The beam is coming straight at us, it lasts but an instant. It’s power is immense. Although, trees and houses don’t seem to be affected. 

I dream I had back in 1981, that I have not forgotten. Watching Betelgeuse, and understanding what it is, and tsunamis, that low wave in the cycle is a clear indication it’s coming back up. This might be it, the beginning of the end. 

What to do

If you are catholic, repent, make a good confession and receive the Eucharist.

If you are not catholic, convert. 

If you can’t, trust in Jesus Christ. He loves you and he came to save us from this ordeal. A New Earth in a new universe awaits, new bodies, eternity, after final judgment day, aka Betelgeuse, the star to which the tree pyramids of Egypt give testimony of since the ancients. 

Repent, make peace, be together for this one. 

When? we don’t know. 

Betelgeuse? Perhaps

New Shining Star in the heavens about to blow? For sure. It’s one of the dreams. 


Waiting for Betelgeuse to Explode - The New York Times

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Life, primordial rule of reasonable arguments

The Declaration of Independence grants us the God given right to life as primordial of all constitutional rights. Life and Liberty go hand by hand. There’s no such thing as liberty to take away life, for life is the number one right. Life and liberty coexist together in the human family, each of us created in God’s likeness, like Christ Jesus.

You can never be right if Life and Liberty are the primordial rules of right and reason to any argument for us, children of God, created in his image and likeness, with the dignity of the life God bestowed upon us, his gift, as well as liberty to obey him, or not. We can choose to listen to life and liberty to promote life, the fundamental right of this great nation; and great because its foundational document, the Declaration of Independence echoes the words give to Adam and Eve in paradise. However, it so appears the ancient alien dragon has appeared again, tricking us to exterminate our own kind in the name of healthcare, more than 60 million in the USA, over 1,500 million worldwide, one fifth the population, happening in our very noses, White Rose, remember. 

The human genocide imposed by International Monetary Fund, Central Bank, Population Control quotas to improve national credit ratings. A whole profit machine destroying Life, and Liberty, for without life, we cannot enjoy liberty. I believe the Declaration of Independence is a good document, worthy to follow in its principals, ideals, such as Life, such as Liberty. It only but makes perfect logical sense. Butchering a child in the womb violates severely the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Can’t you see there was a coup d’etat decades ago? We need to reinstate the Declaration of Independence, go back to the path our forefathers laid out for us to walk upon. It’s the only reasonable thing to do, it’s self evident. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Call me crazy, but did you see the Crown’s reaction to FBI and prince Andrew? Coronavirus, origin, Canadian, with the Crown’s signature. 

The plot of the Queen is revealed.

Say not my Andrew nothing to the FBI, lest I release my Crown virus from my vault in Canada. Check it, it has my signature, claims the Crown of England. Let my boy alone, little Andrew, he’s an innocent little boy, not like me, says she. She boasts she’ll destroy America’s wealth by hitting his business partner, China. The Queen is pissed. She wants her provision of fresh little children to quench her thirst, and glance for an instant the innocence she lost. Yes, the Satanic Cults of the Elite, their vicious tastes for blood of little children, thus far, 1,500 million in the womb. Beasts and monsters that through Central Bank control all trade and commerce, everything and everyone sold, go through her sight. Powerful Queen, England, Whore of Babylon, the Beast of Seven Heads you ride will consume you in one day, your commerce will end. Long gone she is, fallen, she has fallen, in one day, say all the merchant boats. Why? because it is written in Revelation.

If we add the numbers, the Beast has exterminated 2,100 million, thus far. That’s extremely close to one third the population, and that’s mighty close to the fall. 

The events unfolding we are watching are to the letter, as according to script.

America, the last stand for Life and Liberty, already forgot life, and fulfilled Central Bank quotas with 60 plus million executed as demanded by Lord Malthus, her majesty’s ministry of Population Control, imposing death quotas to guarantee better credit ratings to exercise commerce. In other words, the only give money to nations that exterminate its own population, IMF policies, UN certified, and for global consumption. 

Satan lies and kills, so do their followers. Their followers are against the Declaration of Independence stand on Life and Freedom.

Let’s kick King George and his Malthusian policies back to England, we reinstate the Declaration of Independence 1776. 

Let’s investigate Prince Andrew, and if the Queen releases another one of its poisons from her Canadian vaults, and any American is hurt, America will do the same thing America did to the other terrorist leaders. Thus far, the Queen injured many in China as a trade war against the USA. We do not know what else she plans. She is still a mighty ruler with many tricks up her sleeve, as any other Satanist does. 

Remember, evil is very noisy; we always win at the end. The Pizza-gate will end the elites. Epstein, Andrew, and WDC swamp. 

Facebook censored me for teleprompter activities such as:

When you persecute those that cry Life, Liberty, you do a disservice to the Declaration of Independence. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Life and Liberty. We’ve lost the first, Life. Liberty is next unless we reinstate the Declaration of Independence. 

The Declaration of Independence guarantees two fundamental rights, life and liberty. 

Right to life was abrogated in Roe vs Wade; liberty to speak is next. Until we address that very wrong interpretation of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which has de facto abrogated the fundamental right to life; we run the risk of destroying the very foundation of this nation: Life and Liberty. 

Let us pray so that those in charge of protecting the population of the USA realize the great evil they have unleashed, so that they repair it with utmost priority. Let them realize their error and help them fix it. Holy Spirit, we pray through Jesus in the Cross. Thank you. 

I have awaken 

Let’s not forget Democrats where the KKK. Just recently they changed their marketing to the opposite they stand for; yet, the human extermination agenda is their number one prime directive globally. It’s a very old international organization which has finally found a weapon of mass destruction which they can easily smuggle to any nation under the guise of Healthcare. 

This weapon of mass destruction has wiped out 1,500 million children inside their mothers worldwide. In the USA this weapon of mass destruction brought by this covert terrorists has killed over 60 million children. The procedure to be able to operate so covertly, is because they use words as weapons. They are fully aware humans are gullible and will believe everything they are told. Television arrived, and mass brainwashing of the population began. It was very simple, the only thing they had to do is to change the words. So, instead of butchering and crushing a living child inside the womb, they normalized the procedure by calling it healthcare. It was a process obviously, first they called that horrendous crime abortion, then freedom, privacy, choice, liberation, emancipation, rights, equality. Finally, they achieved the goal, convincing everyone that it was the norm (to kill children) and using simulated peer pressure via the “Image of the a Beast,” aka mass media, or TV, they brainwashed gullible humans into collaborating to exterminate their own species, by leading the architects of death to believe they were doing a favor to humanity by exterminating humanity. 

So, as you can very well see, we are talking about sociopaths and psychopaths which any medical professional would undoubtedly code them “1050,” as policemen can testify. 

The problem here is that those psychopaths have taken hold of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of several governments in the globe. 

Another problem is that US dollar loans are only guaranteed by International Monetary Fund and its disbursement agencies, only if the death quota is met. Currently the quota requires one of every third conceptions be killed. 

It’s a very tough battle, because there are many powerful globalists behind this agenda. Hencettherefor, and given that this struggle seems to be against such powerful evil spirits influencing humans, the only logical option seems to pray so that they repent. We need to rescue them from their captors, this alien evil spirits who seek the destruction of humanity because of envy. That is the reason they have deceived and misled humanity. We have to pray so that the members of the tree branches repent and realize killing children in the womb violates the Declaration of Independence, which echoes the God given right to Life.

We need to pray so that our forefathers talk to them to make them realize America is under attack by covert terrorism which under the guise of health, has killed more than 60 million US children. 

We need to pray so they awake, for only United as a nation can we fight International Monetary Fund and United Nations so they stop the genocide. 

It’s not going to be easy. We need to pray. This is the worst war humanity has faced. Thus far we have 1,500 million casualties, and there has not been a cease fire in half a century. 

I think Satan might be directly behind this horrendous genocide of almost one third of the human family.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

Can you see what I see, are you awake?

Why is it nobody notices the carnage going on, as we speak?

What they would probably do, if they win and continue brainwashing population, in 20 years or so, no one will be allowed to study biology. Education will be restricted to a few, and as in THX1138, population will be drudged in order to enslave it and control it. In other words, it seems as though they are rounding up society to the slaughterhouse, kid you not, for 1,500 million children butchered alive in the womb is getting too close to one third of humanity. 

Satan, the ancient alien dragon has been let loose to deceive the nations into the extermination of the human family. 

This event is far worse than what no one could have imagined. Normalizing abortion has turned the population into zombie eating cannibals. As we speak, it’s happening. Are you awake? Can you see what I see?

Drain the Swamp, Shining Star

The Bidens act like the Mafia: kick backs, pay outs, bribery, and who knows what other crimes (I’m no jurist). 

So, they use the power of the USA, that is, We the People, to spread corruption wherever they go. Sounds to me these guys are spoiled brats, to say it candidly; traitors to the Declaration of Independance and US Constitution to say it plainly. 

But, then again, are we surprised? What else can you expect from so called defenders of We the People, when they have promoted the butcheries and illegal execution of 67 million American children in the womb of their moms. 

What can we expect from sociopaths that have no shame or remorse to cruelly attack children when they are most vulnerable and defenseless. 

It’s the Enemy within, an enemy so covert, who is a coward, and rather not wait for US citizens to develop, grow and carry a gun to defend themselves from Predators in public service. 

They have killed 67 million US children by infiltration of the three branches of government, Judicial, Legislative and Executive, with a foreign agenda whose objective is to exterminate humanity at the roots, and by doing so, betraying the Declaration of Independence which clearly states life is the number one fundamental right this Free Nation stands for. 

Treason, abortion is treason, for it allows King George’s envoy, Lord Malthus, to exterminate US Citizens with the pretext and myth of Population Explosion and Population Control. Stalin said it, repeat a lie many times, and people will believe it. And so they have purposely given a false name to the atrocity of killing children in the womb, calling it Healthcare. Such treachery committed by the enemies of the Declaration of Independence which guarantees life as the number one fundamental right above all, second freedom. 

Who are these foreign beasts that kill our children in the womb to the sum of 1,500 million worldwide and 67 million in the USA? We need to drain the swamp and straighten the record, for all those erroneous interpretations of the Law of the Land must be amended and corrected. Life is the number one fundamental right endowed to us by God, and echoed by the Declaration of Independence. Let us drain the swamp.

The USA has a Declaration of Independence that guarantees Life and Liberty for all. 

I think Trump is right. The swamp most be drained, because it stenches like Death. 

How can we be not a corrupted nation, lead by corrupt politicians, as long as we are killing children in the womb? It’s unrealistic and out of touch with reality to ignore the preeminence of life above all, from conception to natural death. In the hierarchy of rights endowed to us stands Life as primordial. If our leaders are not aware of it, it clearly implies they are intoxicated and not in plain use of their faculties, and any policeman can tell you that intoxicated people are a danger in the roads; now, imagine if the captain of the ship is ignoring the number one issue, the criminal assault against the life of children in the womb...

Do you want that guy at the driver seat, intoxicated, not aware there’s an American genocide currently taking place, far worse in number than Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Mao’s and Islamic Empire’s in the past 1,300 years, all of them that add to half of the current genocide of 1,500 million children in the womb. If this staggering number does not cause any reaction in you, it means you are also intoxicated, you are a sociopath as well, just like those at the top. I’ll pray for your awakening to the Light of Christ’s coming, his Star, sign in the heavens.