Sunday, February 2, 2020

I have awaken 

Let’s not forget Democrats where the KKK. Just recently they changed their marketing to the opposite they stand for; yet, the human extermination agenda is their number one prime directive globally. It’s a very old international organization which has finally found a weapon of mass destruction which they can easily smuggle to any nation under the guise of Healthcare. 

This weapon of mass destruction has wiped out 1,500 million children inside their mothers worldwide. In the USA this weapon of mass destruction brought by this covert terrorists has killed over 60 million children. The procedure to be able to operate so covertly, is because they use words as weapons. They are fully aware humans are gullible and will believe everything they are told. Television arrived, and mass brainwashing of the population began. It was very simple, the only thing they had to do is to change the words. So, instead of butchering and crushing a living child inside the womb, they normalized the procedure by calling it healthcare. It was a process obviously, first they called that horrendous crime abortion, then freedom, privacy, choice, liberation, emancipation, rights, equality. Finally, they achieved the goal, convincing everyone that it was the norm (to kill children) and using simulated peer pressure via the “Image of the a Beast,” aka mass media, or TV, they brainwashed gullible humans into collaborating to exterminate their own species, by leading the architects of death to believe they were doing a favor to humanity by exterminating humanity. 

So, as you can very well see, we are talking about sociopaths and psychopaths which any medical professional would undoubtedly code them “1050,” as policemen can testify. 

The problem here is that those psychopaths have taken hold of the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of several governments in the globe. 

Another problem is that US dollar loans are only guaranteed by International Monetary Fund and its disbursement agencies, only if the death quota is met. Currently the quota requires one of every third conceptions be killed. 

It’s a very tough battle, because there are many powerful globalists behind this agenda. Hencettherefor, and given that this struggle seems to be against such powerful evil spirits influencing humans, the only logical option seems to pray so that they repent. We need to rescue them from their captors, this alien evil spirits who seek the destruction of humanity because of envy. That is the reason they have deceived and misled humanity. We have to pray so that the members of the tree branches repent and realize killing children in the womb violates the Declaration of Independence, which echoes the God given right to Life.

We need to pray so that our forefathers talk to them to make them realize America is under attack by covert terrorism which under the guise of health, has killed more than 60 million US children. 

We need to pray so they awake, for only United as a nation can we fight International Monetary Fund and United Nations so they stop the genocide. 

It’s not going to be easy. We need to pray. This is the worst war humanity has faced. Thus far we have 1,500 million casualties, and there has not been a cease fire in half a century. 

I think Satan might be directly behind this horrendous genocide of almost one third of the human family.


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