Saturday, February 8, 2020

Life, primordial rule of reasonable arguments

The Declaration of Independence grants us the God given right to life as primordial of all constitutional rights. Life and Liberty go hand by hand. There’s no such thing as liberty to take away life, for life is the number one right. Life and liberty coexist together in the human family, each of us created in God’s likeness, like Christ Jesus.

You can never be right if Life and Liberty are the primordial rules of right and reason to any argument for us, children of God, created in his image and likeness, with the dignity of the life God bestowed upon us, his gift, as well as liberty to obey him, or not. We can choose to listen to life and liberty to promote life, the fundamental right of this great nation; and great because its foundational document, the Declaration of Independence echoes the words give to Adam and Eve in paradise. However, it so appears the ancient alien dragon has appeared again, tricking us to exterminate our own kind in the name of healthcare, more than 60 million in the USA, over 1,500 million worldwide, one fifth the population, happening in our very noses, White Rose, remember. 

The human genocide imposed by International Monetary Fund, Central Bank, Population Control quotas to improve national credit ratings. A whole profit machine destroying Life, and Liberty, for without life, we cannot enjoy liberty. I believe the Declaration of Independence is a good document, worthy to follow in its principals, ideals, such as Life, such as Liberty. It only but makes perfect logical sense. Butchering a child in the womb violates severely the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Can’t you see there was a coup d’etat decades ago? We need to reinstate the Declaration of Independence, go back to the path our forefathers laid out for us to walk upon. It’s the only reasonable thing to do, it’s self evident. 

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