Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thank you Mr Trump, for giving us Christmas back.

It appears Scrooge (Soros) hired the Grinch (Obama) to take Christmas away. But, Santa (Trump) came to give us back Christian Christmas. Why, because Trump also wants to stop Herod’s masaquer of children in Abortion. In return, he gets an impeachment. Powerful enemy we face...

Trump is fighting against an army of story tellers, the best narrative imaginarium of the planet. Tough it is to fight against so many lies... yet, so it is written, there is nothing hidden that shan’t be revealed. 

All of this distraction because of Prince Andrew and his powerful friends; so important it is to move attention away from the enemy, with a typical “Sting” operation, the distraction. 

Con men all.

He’s right! Trump is going to win, and they fear that so much. 

I wonder what’s their next move, Queen Elizabeth, would you mind sharing your next move?

Yet, we reinstate the Declaration of Independence 1776, Freedom from foreign royals and their agendas, first and foremost the Anglican Malthusian Genocide of Abortion, a foreign agenda of England and OPEC, the new Ottoman Empire of Oil, the fiat of the USD, a kidnapped currency in a Coup d’Etat which began in 1946, when Faisal and Elizabeth met, in 1963 with the assassination of JFK, 1973, dollar moved from gold to oil, and abortion, the agenda of destruction of the new Ottoman Empire, ISLAM, OPEC, and the Harlot, Elizabeth, riding the Beast of Seven Heads, the so called seven sisters.

There you have it, as Ben Bernanke said it before Congress in public hearing when asked about the responsible agent for the collapse of the economy in 2007-8. Who is the culprit, the one responsible for the collapse, asked the Congressman. Bernanke responded after warning the Congressman it was a National Security Secret, which the Councilmen ignored asking again. Bernanke responded: because OPEC raised the price of oil.

Indeed, it went to 167 USD per barrel! And so the ripple effect took a year and a half to devaluate the USD by half... it’s easy to say, yet a burden so heavy. It impacted America hard, so hard. 

Now you know who the enemy is, the coconspirators, the ones following the Beast of the Abyss who demands the life of millions of innocent preborn children, 1,500 million thus far. That is the Ancient Serpent, the Dragon set to devour the Child, Baby Jesus and Christmas.

Thank you President Trump because finally we can say Merry Christmas again. The Beast of the Abyss has not devoured our celebration this Christmas of Baby Jesus being born 2020 years ago (minus 4 years for the Gregorian/Julian calendar adjustment of the 1500s).


Amen. A good citizen understands the preeminence of life, and to defend it where it hurts the most, abortion, 1,500 million children exterminated with extreme violence inside the womb; the worst of all injustices and crimes facing humanity. 

Merry MMXX Christmas 

Impeachment? Here’s the scoop

The abortion agenda holds control of the Democratic Party, a foreign and very powerful agenda of enemies of America who have killed thus far more than 70 million American citizens in the womb. So ask Soros, Gates, Elizabeth from England, and OPEC, the new Ottoman Empire if they are perhaps the abortion agenda, which drives economically US Congress, and the US Dollar (ask Ben Bernanke). A foreign enemy who has sequestered Democratic Congress with foreign agendas, and investors. Yes, population control and abortion are foreign, from Lord Malthus the Anglican Minister (England). We also must remember the agreement made in 1946 between The Crowns of England and Saudi, representing OPEC (Queen Elizabeth and King Faisal). That’s the enemy within, because King England does not recognize 1776 Declaration of Independendance, and apparently the New Ottoman Empire (OPEC), doesn’t either. It’s most definitely a Coup d’Etat since Kennedy’s assassination by England. 

After all, England appears to be the Harlot sitting on the Beast of Seven Heads, OPEC 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Impeachment Sharade 

Es una casa de putas, what the f$%k! 

The chairman broke the rules, hence the the whole impeachment issue must be dismissed. Any judge with common sense knows that.

This whole impeachment proceedings is a schism to divide the nation by feeding a narrative outside the Rule of Law.

It’s a Coup d’Etat, just like John F Kennedy assassination. The whole thing is rigged, but that is precisely the objective of Soros, England and Islam, to destroy the nation from within. 

The question here:

What is the Narrative being feed by the Forth Power to We the People?

Our news have been taken over by foreign agendas, such as Abortion (Population Control), that is financed and endorsed, publicized and indoctrinated to the US Population by England (Lord Malthus, the Anglican Minister) and King Faisal, of Saudi Arabia, representing ISLAM, who has changed its name from Ottoman Empire to OPEC, and the US dollar was surrenders to OPEC by Nixon, one of the servants of England (Bank) and ISLAM (Commodity that rules the price of the US dollar), not Gold anymore, as foretold by prophet Daniel. 

So, now you know who the real enemy is, the False Prophet, the Beast of Seven Heads, and ten kings. Ruling through the Image of the Beast (the Fourth Power) who Trump reminds us is Fake News, Fake Narratives.

It’s a war of story tellers vs the Truth.

Why do they really want to impeach him? Because of what he said on the first question of the third debate before Hilary; yes, he is against the Genocide of Abortion, a foreign agenda used to infiltrate Muslims by the millions, as England through IMF did. Yes, the Whore of Babylon who rides on top of the Beast of Seven Heads, OPEC, the Islamic Super Power backed by England, who gifted them the US dollar, back in 1946, when she was 20 years old, and King Faisal 40 years old. That’s when she became the Whore of Babylon.

So, Trump is fighting big cats indeed, a Beast of Seven Heads ridden by a Whore, filled with blood her cup to the rim, and yes, I am referring to 1,500,000,000 children slaughtered with enormous cruelty inside the womb, by the anesthetized army of zombies killing children in a human genocide, where one third of the population is being put to death in this Great Tribulation period, as testified by the Book of Revelation of Saint John. Amen. 

Pax of Christ be with you. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation (Apocalypse)?

I know who they are... :)

The Bread and Wine, the Body and Blood of Christ the Lord Crucified, the Eucharist. 

And they will be taken away, so it is written, as the Third Secret of Fatima foretold would happen to one like the Pope and Cardinals, Bishops, laymen, as they journeyed through destruction. In the Eucharist, the tree of the Crucified, the Church ends its journey through Earth. The Seven Bowls of Wrath follows, hell on Earth, all waters poisoned, sun burning, darkness and the Final Earthquake. So it is written it will happen, and happen it will, for he don’t lie, he’s the Lord, God Almighty, Jesus Christ descending from Heaven after his Eucharist Cross Sufferings in his three and a half day journey. Now, Final Judgment day, the Earth and Universe disappear from his presence, and the Book of Life is opened, those not written on it, will not enjoy New Earth and New Universe, as he promised, and he don’t lie. He’s God Almighty, the Crucified, Risen, and who has come from Heaven. Maranatha! Come soon Lord Jesus, deliver us from evil. Amen. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Reflexión: Perdona a los que nos ofenden

No confíes en nadie, pero perdónalos cuando te ofendan. No saben lo que hacen. Tú solo perdona las deudas de todos los que te han ofendido y ora por ellos. Un Padre Nuestro y tres Ave María, Angelus. Perdona y estarás conmigo, aquí, en la Cruz que ves en la Eucaristía, a mi, vivo, derramando mi vida por amor al Padre, por obediencia, pues, amar es obedecer a Dios, perdonar, desatar, liberar, poner con cuidado, en el cuerpo herido de Jesús, en la Eucaristía, los pecados de todos aquellos que te han ofendido. Trae al Señor aquellas ofensas, de aquellos que pecan en contra de Cristo en ti, y entrégale al Señor, como ofrenda, los pecados cometidos. No tengas miedo, tu eres un hijo de Abraham, tienes la promesa que Dios le dió, pues encomendaste tu vida y tu Alma a Dios, y por eso, el siempre estará en tu auxilio, pronto a tu socorro, no se tardará en mostrarte su salvación, pues en él has creído. Bendito aquel que viene en Nombre del Señor, y en tanto en cuanto que tú habitas en Cristo, y Cristo habita en ti, eres Bendito. 

En Nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén. 

Gracias Cristo por ti.