Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why so many antichrist/Judas traitors amongst us Catholics?

Religiosum voluntatis et intellectus obsequium vs. “I will not subject my self to the teaching office of the church because it has been wrong in many instances,” and freemasonry inside the American Catholic Church.

Guilty of treason against the teachings of Christ, said Saint John Paul II to USCCB, metaphorically speaking. 

Regis Scanlon, author of “American Catholics at the Crossroads,” presents an exposé of the judgment prophetized in 1997 by Saint John Paul II against the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, when he told them that judgment would fall upon them for having refused to subject to the Teaching Office of Holy Mother Church regarding, amongst other things to the high moral standards in sexuality, which the USCCB were not willing to teach to the faithful. Indeed, judgment is falling upon the United States Conderence of Catholic Bishops said Saint John Paul II, back in 1997. 

Cardinal Bernardin was one of the instigators of rebellion based upon the so called “common grown project,” which ended up being a mandate drawn from ocult societies that had infiltrated the church. Their objective: divide, conquer. An attack from within against the Catholic Church, the birth of many antichrists from within was witnessed by all of us. 

The essay is fabulous to understand who the real enemy is: those that refuse Religiosum Voluntatis et Intelectus Obsequium and have drifted away from the teachings of the Catechism, Holy Mother Church. 

It’s worthy read to understand the judgment taking place inside the church, those antichrists are being exposed for who they really are. It’s a cleaning process. Mary Immaculate, Holy Spirit, come and help us! Thank you for the faithful apostles. We know Judas the traitor was amongst the twelve, the son of perdition, the one who pretended to be one of the twelve. He did not believe you, oh Lord! He was a member of the occult societies who seek to destroy the Catholic Church, the same ones who killed John F. Kennedy. 

Click on the link. The document was banned from the Internet. I made a copy. It’s here: 

What will you find in the document: the prophetic judgement of Saint John Paul II against the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Church infiltrated by dissenters from the Magisterium. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Who created the Moon?

Who else would be the divinely intelligent being that created the Moon, but God. 

The Bible, Torah, in Genesis says he created the Moon. And, if you were to add another great coincidence of our supernatural satellite, you would also notice its relationship to human life. The Moon itself is synchronized with the Cycle of Women, 28 days. There, there, another coincidence.

God is that high intelligence, isn’t it obvious? Only a dumbass could not tell that nature itself gives testimony of the creator. Nature just happens to be his creation, as it was written for us in the Book that contains his words, the Holy Bible, place where we encounter the Living Logos incarnate, made bread for us to eat, as a living friend; Father, Son, Holy Spirit: Jesus, the Crucified who resurrected from the Death, ascended to Heaven, as sits at the right hand of the Father; for ever and ever, Amen. 

Meet the creator of all, he awaits for you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist (Logos incarnate made bread for our salvation). 

Don’t you see the Most Holy One, God, the Creator himself, that superlative intelligence wants to communicate with us, be our friend. 

He is giving us breadcrumbs to follow, in every discipline we study, from stars to atoms; making evident that there is a Highly Intelligent being behind it all. 

We mustn’t be afraid: he comes to save us from ignorance, lies, pride and all those things of the Ancient Alien Serpent.

God wants to become our friend. He is extremely humble, servant, and becomes a slave, even, for us to eat, his bread, his flesh, blood, Sacrifice of Love in the Cross, the substance and life of his very be, the Logos, the Creator. Kind and loving God.

It’s evident, written for us to discover him, and Mary Immaculate, spouse of the Holy Spirit, our Mom, is married to God, that is she had Jesus in her womb, our Father was also there. God is three, just like the atom is three: proton, neutron, electron. Nature reveals the existence of God. It’s a family of love. Self evident testimony presented by Him, the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Who is in charge 

Do not mess with tacos. Not only Mexicans, but all Californians will secede from the Union. Tacos al Pastor are more fundamental than hot dogs; read my lips if you are a real businessman. Invest Mexico and Latin America and you will truly become a millionaire. 

The art of the deal when oil and petros are no more. Think ahead, open your eyes. You hurt the nation far more than Latinos when you persecute the Church of Christ, Latino Catholics. We are the refreshing and needed allies when petrodollars governed by OPEC are no more. 

May I add that’s written in the Book of Prophet Daniel, the statue of Nabuco, king of Babylon since Gold became money; now money is oil from OPEC. 

Who sold the US dollar to OPEC on behalf of the agreement made by the Crown of England and the Crown of Saudi Arabia in 1946, when HRM Faisal visited HEM Elizabeth? Faisal said himself he would raise the barrel of oil from a few cents to $70 USD, and he did (OPEC) long time ago. Even Ben Bernanke said the collapse of 2008 was due to the raising of the price of the barrel of oil by OPEC before a Congretional hearing. There is much evidence of a war by a determined aggressor.

So, Kings are only figures of state, or have they really influenced American Politics, as in the Coup d’Etat of1963x (JFK), that gave birth to the genocide of children in 1973 (Roe vs. Wade), same year the Petro was born, when Nixon, of behalf of the financier of Hitler, Prescott Bush, would remove the US dollar from the gold standard; just as predicted as well by the Statue of Nabuco of Prophet Daniel, which we must remember fell to the ground by a stone thrown/carved without hand (Zero Point Energy and interference patterns to manipulate matter; as Dr. Judy Wood clearly states in her book, “where did the towers go? Evidence of Directed Energy”). 

So, are we going to stop abortion, the genocide ordered by the Crowns of England and Saudi, or the Status Quo continues? It’s been 1300 years, 260 million deaths, without accounting for the 1,500 million children genocide in the slaughterhouse of abortion. 

I remember you said you were against the genocide of abortion, and one fifth of America and humanity gone is in apocalyptic dimensions! 

I know the battle is hard, but in Latin America you have allies to fight against the genocide of abortion. Don’t believe the followers of the 1400 year old False Prophet, and the Whore Crown of England sitting on the Beast of Seven heads, the Seven Oil Sister Conglomerates, behind IMF and Big Pharma, the Eugenics Elite, the ones instigating this masacre of humans: abortions and wars, death as sacrifice to their pagan gods. 

Remember, freedom stops being freedom when we infringe with our freedoms on some one else’s right to freedom. What right more fundamental there is than the right to life itself? How will the other constitutional and fundamental rights and freedoms survive if the citizen is denied its most fundamental right, freedom to live? 

Freedom means respect for the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. 

Slavery is to be put to death for having trespassed the womb (private property) of others. The “right” to kill is but a satanic lie against the 5th commandment of God, and that is objective moral doctrine from non other than Saint Thomas Aquinas; who also said, “the End does not justify the Means.” So indeed, the New World Order is a Satanic Culture of Death.

On the other hand, the Culture of Life is the doctrine of freedom for all, to respect the rights of others to life, the most fundamental right of all. Without that right to life, no other rights in the Constitution can be evoked.

Respect to life itself, living in our brothers and sisters, since conception, is the only rational paradigm of a Society where the Culture of Life reigns. Life is freedom, the most fundamental right, for all other rights cannot be exercised is one is dead, right? Even a child can figure that one out, right?!

The Catholic Church is behind pro life, we call it the Culture of Life, not the Culture of Death, abortion, genocide, war, destruction, which has nothing to do with Peace. 

Let the truth be known to all of us, so that our eyes may see. 

Who is really behind the genocide of on fifth of humanity but the Beast that comes out of the Abyss...

Apaxim, World@eVolution 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Bravo Ivanka Trump

Bravo for Ivanka Trump!

She had the courage to show Cecile Richards what abortion procedures look like(*); a river of blood filled with body parts of little dismembered children whose limbs have been torn apart, and whose body and head severed while these little children are still alive, trying to defend themselves from such a barbaric and cruel torment before death. God, have mercy on us!

Ivanka wanted to know if there was any remanent of humanity in Cecile Richards. Bravo Ivanka! Did she repent and decided to stop killing children? You may have revealed a psychopath in power, who is not where it belongs; a practicing assassin of multiple children in their wombs belongs in a high security facility for the mentally insane. How can we allow derange assassins loose in our midsts? 

Bravissimo Ivanka Trump. 

Thanks for your courage in trusting God almighty. You most certainly faced one of the many psychopath serial killers in American and World History. However, that chapter belongs in our future history, because as of now, things are still horrendous. 

To think that the United States Supreme Court, the highest in the nation, condones and invites such tremendous genocide of little children since Roe vs Wade in 1973, is outrageous. It so appears that’s when Satan himself started to kill US citizens in the most atrocious ways by the millions, when most vulnerable.

Honestly, this masonic agenda (**) to promote abortion, from an international organization that drafts legislature for many nations, could not be called but infernal. We have killed in abortion, thus far, one fifth the population of Earth, in the USA sixty million alone, worldwide one thousand five hundred million children — five times the population of the USA. 

This is a true genocide where we are all forced to collaborate with the Beast, because the Beast rules from our court houses. 

There can be no justice in a nation that executes its own citizens for trespassing the Wombs of their mothers. What an outrage that such an argument was used in that supreme judicial decision!

Lord, have mercy on us. The Great Tribulation is here, like on the Seven Trumpets says: A bit more and one third of the population will be exterminated by the Beast that comes from the Abyss; the Beast that brands their head and their hands, subliminal neurolinguistic programming through the image of the Beast: monitors, TV, smart phones, watches, for every one of those devises can be utilized to deliver subliminal programming contend in order to conduct the behavior of “We the People!” How else could we explain that we all are ok with the genocide of little children? Why is everyone sleeps meanwhile the human race is being exterminated? 

Protect us Lord, give us discernment so that we see you, Holy Spirit, Mary Immaculate, your son, Jesus, in all those martyrs of abortion, the ones who have come out of the Great Tribulation. 

We pray for Cecile Richards, and the other abortionists, so that like Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus to kill Christians, the Lord Jesus confronts them, so they fall off their horse to realize that they do more harm to themselves, than the harm they inflict on us. After all, we all, including those little martyr children, are united in an ecumenism of blood shading, all of us. 

We are the Body of Christ. Those 1,500,000,000 that have suffered a death sentence from the tribunals of Earth share an ecumenism of blood with us Christians. Lord, have mercy, guide all of these beasts to repentance. You are our only hope. Convert these new “Sauls of Tarsus” to their new name in Christ, after they repent. 

Saint Paul (Saul of Tarsus formerly), we ask for your intercession. 

Saint John Paul II, pray to God so we have strength during these times of Great Tribulation. 

Mary Immaculate, Holy Spirit, we consecrate to you the lives of so many innocent children killed inside the wombs of their mothers by the Beast of the Abyss, so that not one of them is lost. Amen. 

