Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Angel of Peace descended upon Earth

The Angel of Peace descended upon Earth.

Holy Spirit, I beg of thee, guide the leaders of all the teams in the nations to planning strategies, intelligent responses, adequate and diligent measures so that we save as many lives as possible. Guide them, instruct them, whisper in their ears, talk to them through dreams, enlighten them to protect the human life, and provide them with resources. Let them become aware that we all have to unite, or we will all perish. Help them to understand, defeat all the enemies, and give us victory, life, so we can proclaim your divine graces, oh Angel of Peace, descend and give us a new spring, a hope of life for humanity. Awake those that sleep, so we all in unity, worship life, because you are life itself, oh mighty God.

In the Name of the Father, in the Name of the Son, in the Name of the Holy Spirit, we beg of thee, sweet heart of Jesus and Mary. We pray to thee for the Angel of Peace to descend upon Earth to awake us in unity. Amen. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Buy gold refined by fire from God

What is God's gold refined in fire, which truly makes us rich?

His word, his promises. For once they are put through the test in our lives, confirmed in our heart, remain forever engraved in our very being, just like the wounds of Jesus. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Letter of Bishop of Fresno, and my response: thank you. 



My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The story of God’s chosen people, the story of ‘Exodus’, is truly our story as well. It is a journey of faith and freedom. It was also a journey that tested their faith and challenged their courage. In the first reading of the Sunday Liturgy we see that the Israelites were a people at risk and in great danger; finding themselves in a desert with no water. But the Lord certainly heard their cry, took care of their thirst and answered their question, “Is the Lord in our midst or not?”  

The Lord is most certainly in our midst today. He hears our petition and quenches our thirst for the living Word of God. In the moments that frighten us and threaten us we have the Lord and each other to depend on. So we find ourselves facing one of those moments now. In addition to whatever else we have committed to do for our Lenten observance, we are all being asked to observe a penance that we would never have chosen and could not have anticipated. In response to the impact of the corona virus, Covid-19, the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, both Sunday Masses and Weekday Masses, will be suspended here in the Diocese of Fresno. This will go into effect this Monday, March the 16th, and will last through the whole of Sunday, March the 29th. This will clearly be the most difficult Lenten observance we have ever been asked to embrace. We have a moral obligation to do whatever we can to preserve the health of all people, spiritually and physically. We will be fasting for a time from the Holy Eucharist itself; a cross we did not expect to carry but one which we will bear by God’s grace and our mutual love for one another.    

In the Gospel today, Jesus wanted to give the Samaritan woman ‘living water’. We have received that life-giving water in Baptism. We face the challenges of these days as sons and daughters. We have the chance and the opportunity to ennoble both our nation and our world by testifying constantly to generosity over selfishness, compassion over callousness, idealism over cynicism, and hope over fear.

In Christ,

Bishop Joseph V. Brennan, D.D.


My response:

Thank you Bishop for guiding us, as Moses did, through the salvation of the Lord. These are times spoken of by Jesus. We must accompany him in his Death, his journey through Hell, and his resurrection; for that is where he goes. We are not afraid of Death, Hell or Satan. We only fear the Lord, the Eucharist. If the Lord says, we follow, we go. Thank you. We are praying, and the Church follows Christ wherever he goes, because him alone has words of everlasting life. 

Three days of darkness means his death and hell; after which there is resurrection. Imagine how beautiful is going to be, when we, the whole Church, lives that part of his life on Earth. 

The life of the Church is like the mysteries of the Rosary. We are in the Sorrowful mysteries worldwide. However, after the sorrowful mysteries are the glorious mysteries. Let us then live this mysteries, to later enjoy the glorious mysteries.

Peter once told the Lord: “Let those horrible things not take place,” and JESUS told him, “get behind me Satan, for you look for the things of this world.” Let us then go through this living Lent, Death and Hell, with hope in the Resurrection, which will be the living Glorious mysteries of the Rosary, after we go through these days of darkness; of which this is only the beginning. Yes, the Bowls of Wrath are here. What are we to say: “Lord, do not let those terrible things happen on Earth,” as Saint Peter did? Or, are we going to go through this horrendous passage giving him thanks, for him alone is perfect, good, and his judgement is pure, perfect, spotless. 

I say: Hosanna in the Highest. Holy, holy, holy is his Name. Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord. 

So, to all those complaining about the Bowls of Wrath, I would say: “Get behind me Satan, for you only look for the things of this world.”

In the Holy Peace of Christ, let us accompany Mary, Mother of God’s only Son to Calvary, without fear. Let us accompany his mother, wife and daughter, to the Cross, to be there with her, because she follows her Son wherever he goes. Let us not complain, but be thankful we are celebrating Lent in a very literal way.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

One million infected in 2 months, 10% sentenced to die; unless you are proactive 

Interesting article, concerning, to say the least.

So, if it doubles every 6 days, fatality rate for those above 60 is 10%:
now, 1250
6th day 2,500
12th day 5,000
18th day 10,000
24th day 20,000
30th day 40,000
36th day 80,000
42nd day 160,000
48th day 320,000
54th day 620,000
60th day 1,240,000

If fatality rate is 10% for those above 60 years of age, so, if we don’t contain the transmission of pathogens there will be half one quarter of a million death in the next month, mostly above 60 years of age. The elderly are the target of this pandemic. 100,000 elderly will inevitably die if we do not take precautions in the next 60 days. It’s your responsibility as a citizen to protect the elderly.

But, when will Covid-19 be contained? When the population stays at home. Obvious, my dear Watson.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Living in Darkness’ hour

Our struggle is not against humans, but principalities; it’s an alien invasion whose sole objective is to exterminate humans. Thus far 61 million in the USA, 6 times more than what Hitler did to the Jews. Grand total is this far 1,500 million humans exterminated in the most cruel and savage way imaginable, without mercy. While as a secondary goal destroying Family, the fundamental society of humans. Its ambition to totally control the minds of individual surpasses all expectations. That is the anti-Christ, and his reign will be a torment. It all started with a pandemic. Then an all out thermonuclear War, to finish off what’s left. Those that destroy the Earth and its inhabitants, persecuting the innocents will perish, and they will be found no more. A spring of the few, a resurrection of the church, another baptism. Not of water, like the Flood; this time around of Fire, as the Sprit of Prophecy foretold since the beginning. Be not afraid, my own. I will tender my sheep, carry my own in my very arms, to gently take you the streams of living waters, in a spring where the Lord reigns in the hearts of all the living with songs of thankfulness and praise. Blessed be Lord Jesus, and Mary, Mother of the Only Son of God. Everything shall be restored, and pure and clean waters will pour out the faucets. Everything shall be restored, and everyone will know he is God, just and good are his decrees, he alone is just and pure. Jesus, save us!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Obama was for abortion, he killed little black children in the womb; Trump defends the unborn children, that’s why he is the first truly black president we’ve ever had,  and the Declaration of Independance will be restored. 

Obama was for abortion, he killed little black children in the womb; Trump defends the unborn children, and the Declaration of Independance will be restored. 

The first real black president, for Obama was a killer of black children, and latino children and all children. He forbade us to say Merry Christmas, when this nation was clearly founded upon Judeo-Christian values. For what is Life and Liberty but an echo of those gifts he gave us when he created us with his hands and gave us breath of Life, and Liberty to obey him, or not. Life is here the preeminent gift, whiteout which neither Liberty or the Amendments would exist. Why? Because you need to be alive in order to enjoy Liberty, and the other rights and obligation we have as citizens under the rule of law. Let us therefore acknowledge that the Supreme Judicial interpretation of the law of the land in Roe v. Wade is equivocal, and is de facto a coup d’etat. Henceforth the Declaration of Independence must be reinstated overruling by overruling Roe v. Wade, in order to reinstate the God given right to life, our forefathers intended since the beginning. That is the correct interpretation of those words, Life and Liberty. Class action lawsuit for coup d’etat asking the troops to defend us against the Coupsters; hence, we are behind President Trump to promptly restore the right to life our Laws grant us, regardless of economic pressures from International Monetary Fund, one of the tools of Satan invading this planet. Let’s restore the Declaration before it’s too late. The three days of darkness are starting to smell very closely. Repent said Jonah to Nineveh, and they repented. The king, and all the subjects, from their evils; and behold, far greater evil in this generation than in the times of Noah, before the deluge universal. Believe me you, what’s coming towards Earth is a reboot of all systems to start a brand new operating system. That is an analogy of the impact this Earth is about to suffer in the coming event. All glory to God in the highest, for rightful and pure are his judgments, filled with the love of a father that corrects those he loves; whom he has given his life, his blood, in atonement for their sins. Look up to the cross and repent. The Bridegroom is resurrecting after this crucifixion of his body, and death, three days of darkness in which a remanent is kept for the new spring, after the bowls of wrath have passed. As in the times of Noah, during the baptism of the world in freezing water, a remnant will also remain after the baptism in fire of the world, which is soon coming. Remember your bless bee wax candle by the church priests, and your rosaries and a crucifix. Just pray, stay awake, don’t look outside. Yes, in a supernatural way you will be covered from the wrath, but you must not look outside; in all reverence stay inside praising and worshiping Christ in the Cross, death, descend to Hell, and resurrection. So, in the same way, his Church will remain, in him, with him, protected by his holy presence. Look at him in the Cross during those three days, and understand not only you, but the whole world is contemplating in the flesh, his death, descend to hell, and for the saved ones, resurrection, either on Earth, or in Heaven. Be not afraid, trust in the Lord. The same thing that happened to Noah, will happen to you. You’ll survive this journey, under the cloak of Mary, the mother of God’ only son, his wife, descendant from Eve, one of us, but above us all, because God is One, and one alone is the mother of his only son, himself, in three persons. And here on Earth, he is the Eucharist, him on the Cross, alive. Yet, the time is close when he will die, that is, there would be no more Eucharist. Three Days of Darkness, after which, a new spring will reign, and the survivors will know he is the Bread of Heaven, the Presence of the Holy Spirit, within. Maranatha, we await for your manifestation, your resurrection, and in the Three Days of Darkness, we await in you, oh Lord Jesus, savior. Amen. 

El Sermón de la Crucifixión es Predicado por el Niño Abortado

La Solución Final al problema humano.

The Final Solution to the Human Problem.

Una redacción explayando con lujo de detalles los mecanismos usados para lograr el exterminio de la población mundial, disfrazando el genocidio como un bien social, justo y necesario.

Hitler no fue tan elocuente justificando la Solución Final al Problema Judio, como son elocuentes aquellos que buscan el exterminio de la raza humana. Bajo el disfraz de salud y bienestar social esconden una agenda genocida para la población mundial.

Me pregunto cuánto tiempo faltará para que comiencen a usar armas de destrucción masiva contra la población mundial. Tal parece ser que muerte de millones de seres humanos es vista como la única solución viable para acceder a un estado de bienestar, según los maltusianos. Lo peor es que los argumentos genocidas pareciesen ser lógicos, racionales, y contundentemente prácticos, pues utilizan la premisa que dice que el Fin Justifica los Medios. No obstante, como Cristianos sabemos que el Fin No Justifica los Medios. Matar es un grave pecado mortal, y quebrantar el mandamiento para obtener el bienestar social, equivale a justificar un gran mal para llegar a un buen fin.

No obstante, parece ser que la humanidad ha perdido la cabeza y el uso de razón, pues todos abogan a favor del Fin del embarazo por Medio del genocidio humano. Y, en tanto en cuanto que poderoso caballero es Don Dinero, todos han vendido por ‘30 monedas de plata’ al inocente. ¿Quién hubiese llegado a imaginar que en los últimos días, la predicación de la Cruz de Cristo, iba a ser predicada por mil quinientos millones de niños y niñas enviados al exterminio en masa?