Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thank you Mr Trump, for giving us Christmas back.

It appears Scrooge (Soros) hired the Grinch (Obama) to take Christmas away. But, Santa (Trump) came to give us back Christian Christmas. Why, because Trump also wants to stop Herod’s masaquer of children in Abortion. In return, he gets an impeachment. Powerful enemy we face...

Trump is fighting against an army of story tellers, the best narrative imaginarium of the planet. Tough it is to fight against so many lies... yet, so it is written, there is nothing hidden that shan’t be revealed. 

All of this distraction because of Prince Andrew and his powerful friends; so important it is to move attention away from the enemy, with a typical “Sting” operation, the distraction. 

Con men all.

He’s right! Trump is going to win, and they fear that so much. 

I wonder what’s their next move, Queen Elizabeth, would you mind sharing your next move?

Yet, we reinstate the Declaration of Independence 1776, Freedom from foreign royals and their agendas, first and foremost the Anglican Malthusian Genocide of Abortion, a foreign agenda of England and OPEC, the new Ottoman Empire of Oil, the fiat of the USD, a kidnapped currency in a Coup d’Etat which began in 1946, when Faisal and Elizabeth met, in 1963 with the assassination of JFK, 1973, dollar moved from gold to oil, and abortion, the agenda of destruction of the new Ottoman Empire, ISLAM, OPEC, and the Harlot, Elizabeth, riding the Beast of Seven Heads, the so called seven sisters.

There you have it, as Ben Bernanke said it before Congress in public hearing when asked about the responsible agent for the collapse of the economy in 2007-8. Who is the culprit, the one responsible for the collapse, asked the Congressman. Bernanke responded after warning the Congressman it was a National Security Secret, which the Councilmen ignored asking again. Bernanke responded: because OPEC raised the price of oil.

Indeed, it went to 167 USD per barrel! And so the ripple effect took a year and a half to devaluate the USD by half... it’s easy to say, yet a burden so heavy. It impacted America hard, so hard. 

Now you know who the enemy is, the coconspirators, the ones following the Beast of the Abyss who demands the life of millions of innocent preborn children, 1,500 million thus far. That is the Ancient Serpent, the Dragon set to devour the Child, Baby Jesus and Christmas.

Thank you President Trump because finally we can say Merry Christmas again. The Beast of the Abyss has not devoured our celebration this Christmas of Baby Jesus being born 2020 years ago (minus 4 years for the Gregorian/Julian calendar adjustment of the 1500s).


Amen. A good citizen understands the preeminence of life, and to defend it where it hurts the most, abortion, 1,500 million children exterminated with extreme violence inside the womb; the worst of all injustices and crimes facing humanity. 

Merry MMXX Christmas 

Impeachment? Here’s the scoop

The abortion agenda holds control of the Democratic Party, a foreign and very powerful agenda of enemies of America who have killed thus far more than 70 million American citizens in the womb. So ask Soros, Gates, Elizabeth from England, and OPEC, the new Ottoman Empire if they are perhaps the abortion agenda, which drives economically US Congress, and the US Dollar (ask Ben Bernanke). A foreign enemy who has sequestered Democratic Congress with foreign agendas, and investors. Yes, population control and abortion are foreign, from Lord Malthus the Anglican Minister (England). We also must remember the agreement made in 1946 between The Crowns of England and Saudi, representing OPEC (Queen Elizabeth and King Faisal). That’s the enemy within, because King England does not recognize 1776 Declaration of Independendance, and apparently the New Ottoman Empire (OPEC), doesn’t either. It’s most definitely a Coup d’Etat since Kennedy’s assassination by England. 

After all, England appears to be the Harlot sitting on the Beast of Seven Heads, OPEC 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Impeachment Sharade 

Es una casa de putas, what the f$%k! 

The chairman broke the rules, hence the the whole impeachment issue must be dismissed. Any judge with common sense knows that.

This whole impeachment proceedings is a schism to divide the nation by feeding a narrative outside the Rule of Law.

It’s a Coup d’Etat, just like John F Kennedy assassination. The whole thing is rigged, but that is precisely the objective of Soros, England and Islam, to destroy the nation from within. 

The question here:

What is the Narrative being feed by the Forth Power to We the People?

Our news have been taken over by foreign agendas, such as Abortion (Population Control), that is financed and endorsed, publicized and indoctrinated to the US Population by England (Lord Malthus, the Anglican Minister) and King Faisal, of Saudi Arabia, representing ISLAM, who has changed its name from Ottoman Empire to OPEC, and the US dollar was surrenders to OPEC by Nixon, one of the servants of England (Bank) and ISLAM (Commodity that rules the price of the US dollar), not Gold anymore, as foretold by prophet Daniel. 

So, now you know who the real enemy is, the False Prophet, the Beast of Seven Heads, and ten kings. Ruling through the Image of the Beast (the Fourth Power) who Trump reminds us is Fake News, Fake Narratives.

It’s a war of story tellers vs the Truth.

Why do they really want to impeach him? Because of what he said on the first question of the third debate before Hilary; yes, he is against the Genocide of Abortion, a foreign agenda used to infiltrate Muslims by the millions, as England through IMF did. Yes, the Whore of Babylon who rides on top of the Beast of Seven Heads, OPEC, the Islamic Super Power backed by England, who gifted them the US dollar, back in 1946, when she was 20 years old, and King Faisal 40 years old. That’s when she became the Whore of Babylon.

So, Trump is fighting big cats indeed, a Beast of Seven Heads ridden by a Whore, filled with blood her cup to the rim, and yes, I am referring to 1,500,000,000 children slaughtered with enormous cruelty inside the womb, by the anesthetized army of zombies killing children in a human genocide, where one third of the population is being put to death in this Great Tribulation period, as testified by the Book of Revelation of Saint John. Amen. 

Pax of Christ be with you. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation (Apocalypse)?

I know who they are... :)

The Bread and Wine, the Body and Blood of Christ the Lord Crucified, the Eucharist. 

And they will be taken away, so it is written, as the Third Secret of Fatima foretold would happen to one like the Pope and Cardinals, Bishops, laymen, as they journeyed through destruction. In the Eucharist, the tree of the Crucified, the Church ends its journey through Earth. The Seven Bowls of Wrath follows, hell on Earth, all waters poisoned, sun burning, darkness and the Final Earthquake. So it is written it will happen, and happen it will, for he don’t lie, he’s the Lord, God Almighty, Jesus Christ descending from Heaven after his Eucharist Cross Sufferings in his three and a half day journey. Now, Final Judgment day, the Earth and Universe disappear from his presence, and the Book of Life is opened, those not written on it, will not enjoy New Earth and New Universe, as he promised, and he don’t lie. He’s God Almighty, the Crucified, Risen, and who has come from Heaven. Maranatha! Come soon Lord Jesus, deliver us from evil. Amen. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Reflexión: Perdona a los que nos ofenden

No confíes en nadie, pero perdónalos cuando te ofendan. No saben lo que hacen. Tú solo perdona las deudas de todos los que te han ofendido y ora por ellos. Un Padre Nuestro y tres Ave María, Angelus. Perdona y estarás conmigo, aquí, en la Cruz que ves en la Eucaristía, a mi, vivo, derramando mi vida por amor al Padre, por obediencia, pues, amar es obedecer a Dios, perdonar, desatar, liberar, poner con cuidado, en el cuerpo herido de Jesús, en la Eucaristía, los pecados de todos aquellos que te han ofendido. Trae al Señor aquellas ofensas, de aquellos que pecan en contra de Cristo en ti, y entrégale al Señor, como ofrenda, los pecados cometidos. No tengas miedo, tu eres un hijo de Abraham, tienes la promesa que Dios le dió, pues encomendaste tu vida y tu Alma a Dios, y por eso, el siempre estará en tu auxilio, pronto a tu socorro, no se tardará en mostrarte su salvación, pues en él has creído. Bendito aquel que viene en Nombre del Señor, y en tanto en cuanto que tú habitas en Cristo, y Cristo habita en ti, eres Bendito. 

En Nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén. 

Gracias Cristo por ti.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The British Malthusians Are Coming! (Nuvo Paul Reviere)

Such a violation of constitutional guarantees cannot be allowed in a free nation. Abortion is an anti-citizen movement. Repeal! Repeal! No one has a right to do that to a citizen, to We the People! 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Las Películas y los Cuentos

No revelaron la verdad en este episodio, pues vienen más películas. El objetivo es siempre dejar un cabo suelto en la narrativa, para generar el “suspense” necesario, donde todos, subconscientemente, buscan la resolución del problema, o sea, donde la narrativa concluye todas las aledañas para un gran final. Y, esta es una de las técnicas usadas en Hollywood para hacer Shrek 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 hasta que la gente se cansa, pues nunca hay final ni se resuelve lo elemental. O sea, no es como las historias de la Biblia, y la principal de ellas, en donde todo concluye en un final feliz, la vida eterna en la familia de Dios.

Los escritores de cuentos dentro de cuentos, tienen que utilizar todos los recursos literarios necesarios, para alargar la historia teniendo muchos seguidores, el flautista de Hamelin, es un ejemplo de cuán fácil es engañar a la gente con cuentos, y Jesús mismo nos explica como al final de los tiempos, todos querrán oír la verdad, se rascaran las cabezas, buscarán el significado, y no lo encontrarán, porque muchos serán rechazados, en aquel día, por aquel al que no quisieron aceptar; pues en Cristo, como Mesías y Holocausto perfecto, se explica la Creación, nuestro lugar y destino en Dios, nuestro amigo, salvador, redentor, proveedor, vida eterna y resurrección, juicio de misericordia presentado por nosotros, en su sangre derramada en el Altar de la Misa, Sacrificio Perpetuo por nuestros pecados, Pan de Vida, Árbol del Paraíso Celestial, sustento de los caídos, pan de los hambrientos, ilusión de los desesperados, luz brillante que alumbras este mundo, Eucaristía. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Put two and two together

Just watch the 4 videos and realize it is the same technology, but at a different frequency, the steel beams, I assume. They were a perfect tuning fork. What was the frequency they emited? Where did they emit from? Who did it? Why?

Read Dr. Judy Wood’s “Where did the towers go? Evidence of directed energy” to find out.

Copy and paste the URLs on top of your browser

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dragon’s Food

Nothing will draw the anger of the ancient dragon more than taking away its food. He will turn the gullible against you like anesthetized zombies on a rage to destroy you. Yet, the Lord shall stand by your side to guard you, and protect you. One thousand shall fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand. Be not afraid to proclaim the preeminence of life, from conception to natural death, the Culture of Life. Be a good citizen, defend life.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Newsom’s Circus is far worse than Nero’s

Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.

He said, “There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being. And a widow in that town used to come to him and say,   ‘Render a just decision for me against my adversary.’ 

For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought,   ‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being  because this widow keeps bothering me  I shall deliver a just decision for her   lest she finally come and strike me.’”

The Lord said, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says. Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones  who call out to him day and night?

Will he be slow to answer them?

I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily.

But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”


Judges nowadays are far more evil than described in the parable. They don’t feel a thing because of the powerful prescription drugs that numb their humanity. Proof is found in Roe vs. Wade, a merciless judgment against the innocent which has not been overturned even though we have complained, but on the contrary —there is far more evil than there ever was before. Proof is Governor’s Newsom initiative to convert California’s colleges into subsidiaries of Planned Parenthood, this time around with chemical weapons to exterminate children in school bathrooms. So, the new Aushwitz camps where we chemically execute babies are all the campuses throughout the state of California. 

I’m telling you that Sodom and Gomorrah will testify against this generation, for our crimes are far worse than back then, having cruelly killed 70 million children alone in the USA, 1,500 million worldwide. 

Judges nowadays could care less about the lives of innocents, that’s what the Laws enacted by the nine Supremes have clearly stated. As a matter of fact, the perks and free gifts offered to those that push for abortion are even greater than before, as well as the mandate to silence and oppress those who oppose them. 

What am I to say, or to do?

Fight, flight or freeze. 

Fight against army of anesthetized zombies in the abortion apocalypse makes no sense, because they keep coming at you endlessly.

Flight to a place where the New World Order has not extended its tentacles is not possible, because the whole world is under the influence of the Beast that comes out of the Abyss. Abortion is a worldwide agenda which has claimed the lives of 1,500 million children worldwide accounting for almost one fifth of the population of Earth. 

Freeze in prayer seems to be the only option. What did Christians do when Nero executed them in the Roman Circus? They froze in prayers, they chanted hymns of worship and gratitude, they saw Christ sitting at the right hand of the father, and asked mercy to their enemies, claiming their executors did not know what they were doing, as they were put to death in Nero’s Circus. Yes, they were saying the same thing JESUS said on the Cross: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,” for they are anesthetized zombies under the evil spell of Satan. 

That’s all we can do, freeze in prayer. Not fight, or flight, but freeze in prayer. 

Believe me, I have tried to convince them of their sins. I’ve written letters to all those in power trying to stop them from carrying out their evil plot, to no avail. They do not understand reason, or words, they are obsessed with an emotion that leads them towards a very evil path, an evil so seductive that they can’t scape its influence. Hence, there nothing else to do but to pray for their conversion. We may be able to save one or two from journeying into Hell. 

Jesus said to pray for our enemies, to bless those that accuse us falsely, and we must. There is no other way but to trust in the Lord. After all, who said things would be pretty during the Great Tribulation foretold in the Book of Revelation?

Lord, have mercy and pity on our enemies. Saint Paul, let them fall off their horses on their way to Damascus, so that they may repent and join us. We consecrate the enemies to Immaculate Mary, we cover them with the precious blood of Christ. Have mercy on us.


Monday, October 14, 2019

Soy Cristo Crucificado en la Eucaristía 

Soy Cristo Crucificado en la Eucaristía 

Diles quién soy, me envía.

Pregúntales si lo ven, a Cristo Crucificado en la Eucaristía.

Esos son los que me ven en El Monte de la Transubstanciación, el Altar del Sacrificio, la Gloria de Dios, nuestro Señor Jesucristo; en la Cruz, pidiendo y sufriendo en obediencia al Padre por nuestra salvación, el guerrero más fuerte de todos, fiel, obediente hasta la muerte de Cruz, Jesús, el Cordero de Dios, el único Digno de abrir el Libro de los Siete Sellos, Sacramentos, cuyo cuspid es la Eucaristía, origen y destino de nuestra fe, nuestro único camino, pues no hay otro camino más que él al Padre, por su hijo, su sangre, su carne, de la que hemos comido, y por quien vivimos eternamente. El Evangelio de la Eternidad. DIOS en medio de nosotros, Eucaristía. Rey de Reyes, Señor de Señores, su nombre es Cristo, Eucaristía, El es el Rey, en la Cruz; pobre, humilde, sencillo. 

Perdón por exponerte tanto en palabras delante de todos. Temo que te hagan más daño aún. Hay una correlación entre la maldad en este mundo, y la relación de los malvados con la Eucaristía. Te pedimos que caigan del caballo, como Saulo de Tarsus cayo, se arrepientan, y den testimonio de la misericordia de Dios, ten piedad de nosotros, del mundo entero. Piedad, el diablo los tiene hipnotizados a todos. Ya ven pronto, ten piedad, Señor. 

La guerra espiritual es horrible, como nos explica San Pablo, contra potestades, que son en el fondo, mentiras, engaños, brutería, que crecen hasta hacerse engaños poblacionales, y en veces a niveles mundiales. Ranas que salen de la boca de la Bestia, tal cual es el “Aborto” o muerte bestial de un pequeño niño es algo horrible. Qué acaso no los oyen gritar cuando ven la Eucaristía, pues a ellos está salvando mi Jesús, solito en la Eucaristía. El es muy valiente, y ahí está trabajando en la viña, en esa crucifixión perpetua que se celebra en la Misa. Jesús Crucificado, Jesús Eucaristía. Cristo Crucificado en la Eucaristía. 

Abortion is Genocide! Awake! Don’t exterminate your own kind! 

This is another proof that humans are so gullible. They could be taught any lie and they’ll but it.

Genocide is 1,500,000,000 children dismembered inside the womb; 70,000,000 in the USA. Total is 1/5 (one fifth) of the population of Earth. Yet, no one in Mass Media talks about the Genocide. That’s the Real Genocide. 

Hitler comparatively is nothing, neither Stalin or Mao. In between those three 100,000,000 exterminated. Nothing compared to abortion. Yet, it’s ignored because they embellished the genocide with words that suck out the meaning of Evil. 

Now I understand why Jesus said: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

Jesús was so right! It would seem as if Humans Can so easily be persuaded into believing lies, and thus be turned into committing the worst and most barbaric atrocities under the guise of Good. 

So dumb are humans, so easy to persuade into exterminating its own kind. Humans are poppets at the ways of evil. Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.

It seems evident we are idiots, worse than the Germans who sat quiet meanwhile the Holocaust was taking place. Far worse is the Holocaust and the suffering of hundreds of millions of children whose life is suck out of them with a powerful vacuum cleaner, or limbs are torn apart from their bodies, far worse than when they tied a human being to four horses and tore him apart. Poisoned with chemicals to be expelled in urinals or bathrooms, treated worse than shit. And we agree that’s not evil, stupid, mentally retarded behaviors worse than zombies on a rage.

All of that made because they lied calling good, evil; and evil, good. 

Humans are the most stupid beings there could be, forgive us Father, we truly do not know what we are doing. 

We believe you, Father. We are so easily misguided to do evil, by a lier and assassin since the beginning. Do not let us fall into temptation, deliver us from evil. 

You see, humans need from a higher power in order so that we don’t fall into error. And who else could be the only guardian but the same one with an intelligence so immense he programmed us, machines alive with the ability to choose in between serving him who created us, or not. 

Truth, have mercy upon us and let us choose life, in the same way nature seeks for life. Do not allow us to be deceived by the lies, or be deceived to attempt against life, the Most Precious gift you give to us, your very own blood and body, offered in the Cross through the Eucharist, the promise to live eternally by the side of Truth, Life, the Way, Jesus Christ, Messiah and King of the Universe, and Earth; because every time we sign a paper and we date it, we acknowledge you birth, 2019 years age (minus four year for the Julian Gregorian Papal calendar adjustment).

Did you know that no one can change the year we live on, and that many nations have tried in the past 2000 years? 

Why is that?

How does one man crucified has the ability to make us bow before him every time we celebrate New Year 2019? 

Because he is alive, he resurrected, and Truth wants to become our friend, so that we don’t behave like zombies in the current genocide of humanity, currently taking place. We need to pray the Rosary to defeat evil. We are fighting against extreme stupidity which has turned humans into mentally retarded beings killing their children and disposing of them in bathrooms, everywhere in the world. Abortion in a new level, because humans have been effectively turned into exterminating their own kind. We need to pray for them so that they awake from the evil spell of complete idiocy. 

Abortion is Genocide. Awake! Stop killing your own kind.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Extra, Extra! Dios está aquí, en la Tierra!

Tal parece ser que el Apóstol San Pedro y San Juan vieron la destrucción de la Tierra, cosa que confirma la ciencia. Vivimos al borde de la extinción de la Tierra en un ELE (extinction level event), o Evento Nivel Extinción), ese momento tan crucial como la muerte individual, pero de todos de golpe, o en un breve periodo de tiempo. 

En fin, la Radiación Solar ha aumentado en las últimas décadas un 250%, y ahora ha vuelto a bajar de súbito. Cualquiera diría que estamos bajo la influencia de aquello que los científicos dicen sucede cuando la el planeta tierra entra en solsticio de verano galáctico, algo que en verdad nos dará un gran suspiro, pues el advenimiento, la destrucción del Mundo, y este Universo, están para su fin, o sea, ejecutaron la misión para la que fueron creados: Las Bodas del Cordero, o sea, el matrimonio de Dios con la más bella de todas las creaciones de Dios, aquella con la que tendría su único hijo, y así fue como Dios se hizo hombre, y pan, reinando entre nosotros, humilde, pobre y sencillo. Ese pan que comemos del crucificado, la carne y la sangre del Cordero de Dios inmolado, tal como nos relata San Juan Bautista y San Juan Evangelista en el Apocalipsis. 

Esta Tierra ya habrá cumplido su cometido cuando ya deje de sufrir Jesús en la Eucaristía, cuando cese el Sacrificio Perpetuo, y se Celebre la Muerte de Cristo en su Iglesia. Aquel día que los Dos Testigos, el Pan y el Vino, dejen de dar testimonio en la Tierra. Ese día, que se cumple Fátima, será el principio del fin, tal cual está escrito en Apocalipsis. Solo quedan las Copas de la Ira, esos 7 ángeles, pues de los 7 Truenos, no está escrito que dicen. 

En que segmento del Libro del Apocalipsis nos encontramos? En la séptima lámpara de la Iglesia, Séptimo Sello, Séptima Trompeta, Séptimo Trueno, Séptima Copa. Los tiempos se acortarán. 

En fin, el futuro que depara a la Tierra es interesante, todo honor y gloria al Señor, pues se cumple su Palabra, pues El es Logos, Encarnado, hecho Pan, Vino su Sangre en la Cruz. El Pan que comemos, el vino que bebemos es la carne crucificada, su sangre inmolada en el Altar del Sacrificio, por eso Jesús sufre por nosotros, y en nosotros, desde la Eucaristía. 

La tierra dejará de dar más hijos a Dios, y seremos los que estamos, no habrá más humanos. Seremos como ángeles, sin casarnos ni darnos en casamiento, pues estamos en unión plena con él, half and half, como debía ser, pues el hombre fue creado para estar con Dios, y así será. Ahora nosotros somos esa Eva, y Él es ese Adán. María inmaculada, única madre de Dios, esposa de Dios como nosotros. Nosotros somos estériles, como las abejas, pues solo hay una Reina que dió a luz al único Hijo de Dios, pues Dios es uno solo, en tres personas, uno solo, y añado que quien a visto al Hijo, ha visto al Padre, y al Espíritu Santo. Y si quieres ver a Dios, es muy fácil. El no se esconde, él está ahí, en la Eucaristía. Y siempre sufre, por nosotros, sálvame Señor, es nuestro grito, pues a eso vino precisamente. Vino en obediencia, a salvarnos, dando su vida en expiación por nuestros pecados, vino a pagar la multa, que era sentencia de muerte eterna. El vino a pagar, y el está ahí, esperándote, en la Eucaristía, a que vayas y le supliques que te salve. Sálvame Señor, acepto la Justicia de Dios, que entrego a su unigénito para salvarnos. No estimó su vida en obediencia, y por eso triunfa, y reina eternamente. 

Adóralo y contémplalo hoy, que aún está entre nosotros, antes que nos sea quitado, antes del fin del mundo, y tú venida en Gloria. 

Si no te vimos aquí en la Tierra, humilde, pobre y sencillo en la Eucaristía, cómo reconocerte cuando vengas en Gloria. Tantos te maldecirán cuando vengan los dolores, perdónalos, no saben lo que hacen. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

69% of Catholics do not know who the Eucharist is!

American Catholics, you better wake up. No wonder so many sick amongst you. You cannot approach the Eucharist without following protocol, very strict protocol. Don’t you know who Jesus Christ is? We eat his Sacrificial Body in the Cross, the flesh of the Crucified, his Most Precious Blood, healing for Nations. However, it’s a Sword, His Word, who we eat, of two edges. He is the source, the Kingdom of the Messiah established on Earth 2019 years ago. Haven’t perhaps you ever wonder why is it we live in Year 2019? Unmistakably, and undeniably is the fact that when you sign a document, you put his date, his birthday; irrelevant it is if you serve him or not, you still have to bow to his Kingdom, His Year. 

Let me put it to you in simple words you may understand if you are illiterate. Do you remember the Indiana Jones movie searching for the Arc of the Covenant, which the Nazis also sought? Well, greater than that is the Eucharist. As a matter of fact, Moses himself in the desert showed us the Shekinaa of God, in the Altar guarded by two Cherubims.

It is pitiful that Catholics are not aware of why is it we live in Year 2019; and that’s because they ignore the Kingdom of God was established on Earth when Christ was born. It’s obvious they cannot believe in the Eucharist. They urgently need to repent, in order to be healed, instead of sickened. He rules, Christ does, don’t you know. It’s as evident as the year we live on. 


No wonder there are so many sick amongst you. Don’t you know who is him you approach and eat? The. Crucified body of Christ, atonement for our sins, everlasting life. 

I pray for you, America, so that you become aware why is it we live in the 2019 Year of the Lord, the Kingdom of the Messiah, which started in the Last Supper, his crucifixion. Holy Spirit, Divine Mercy, show them who you are. 

Thank you father. 

Thanks Jesus, friend.

Friday, October 4, 2019

1776 Declaration of Independence reinstated, when the abortion kingdom is aborted from the America.

The 1776 Declaration of Independence will be reinstated when abortion, a foreign ideology, is aborted from this nation. 

Protect the unborn from foreign ideologies that kill children, and the Declaration of Independence will be reinstated. America will be Great Again, a beacon of light to the nations, leading example of a brand new world, where life rules. 

Then, veto the UN resolution that pretends to legitimate the brutal dismemberment and execution of children in the womb. Many nations will follow, all of America indeed. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Whore of Babylon has fallen

Look at what just happened in the British Parlament. 

So, after all, it’s not a democracy, it’s a Royal Kingdom, as well as Canada and Australia. The Kings have a right to veto the democratic process. Demos=People, Cracy=Government. 

So in England she Rules overtly, I wonder if her tentacles extended to America in 1963, John F Kennedy assassination? “A Catholic (Popist) ruler in my kingdom?” I wonder she must have said. 

England for Europe? It can’t. It’s against royal inheritance rights, isn’t it?

Was John F Kennedy referring to the secret societies and alliances that took place in 1946, when king Faisal of Saudi Arabia visited her majesty, Queen Elizabeth for the OPEC/US Dollar agreement, one world currency.

So, I said it before. Reinstatement of the Declaration of Independence 1776 is in order. I have already put a motion, publicly through a US senator in writing, and Pope Francis came to Liberty Bell to proclaim that declaration with Americans. Independence from the Rule of the Kingdom of England is what 1776 says.

It’s about time. Look at what’s happening in Parlament!

What will happen when England falls? 

Perhaps that’s why the refinery blew in Saudi Arabia, must have been 007 to distract attention... perhaps, what do you think?

I can see that day for all those Kingdoms, christian in origin, of which one of them became antichrist, England. So many more kings never defended unborn children and agree to mass murder them in abortion, as per the OPEC/US Dollar agreement. Such a sad and lamented story, when the Great Babylon collapses, it’s monetary agreement. Imagine, IMF collapsing, because there is no more fiat in the world currency. 

The City of London, in the Kingdom of England, “the Whore of Babylon has fallen,” shout the merchants from afar. I wonder if she’ll go without putting a fight, or we’ll have perhaps another huge False Flag, again. 

We need to pray the Rosary to defeat those powers and principalities of celestial regions, for after all, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual fight. Saint Michael the Archangel is the protector the Lord has sent us. 

Saint Thomas Moore, reveal your testimony so they may repent, and go back to the House of the Father, the Eucharist. We pray for Elisabeth and her inheritance, England, so they may enjoy a safe return to the House of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Yes, there is mercy for them as well, for God is rich and plentiful in his mercies.

Jesus Christ, Messiah, Logos made Flesh and Bread. The Kingdom of God amongst us, in his Throne, the Cross, the Eucharist. Amen. 

Christ rules!


Glory to God in the Highest!

To Him all honor, glory and praise!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What if World War III

What if

What if we move and strike Iran and discover that they have tactical H Bombs, like the warheads used in Ground Zero 911, manufactured by China.

What if China, who needs oil, decides to give the Power of OPEC to Iran, as final move, check mate against the West, the Swift, the USD and its monopoly on OPEC’s oil, world trade, what if?

What attack would destabilize the West? A short range missile to Europe, launched under Iranian Flag, made by Chinese Industrial Complex, to Kill the Pope and all the Cardinals. A hit on the head to the foundation of Western Civilization, the First Christian Kingdom, the bearers of the Eucharist meal. 

Such is but an atheist attack against the Establishment, or Kingdom of God Established on Earth 2019 years ago. Who could be so foolish to fight against our Lord, the Eucharist? Yet, it is written that the Two Witness will end their testimony on Earth, the Bread and the Wine, the Apostles, the Bearers, which give testimony since the beginning, will be taken up to Heaven. Which could be also the prophecy of Fatima, the third Secret, which has been revealed. 

Is it possible we go to war and an Iranian Flag strikes the Vatican? in response there would be peace and celebration amongst them, not war, but an immediate peace treaty. Yet, they don’t realize what they have done. For then is the time of great sorrow. The Eucharist, the Apostles are no longer amongst them. The consequences of not having the Eucharist amongst us will be heartfelt. Trying times when the angels with the Seven Bowls of Wrath will arrive. Then, not one third of the oceans and rivers will be contaminated, like now-a-days, but all of them. They are gonna be far worse than what we are. I would not like to be here, but whatever the Word of God spoken for my life, be; I take it with joy and gratitude, it’s the Word of God. 

What if a war against Iran ends up in WWIII?

I wonder if it is happening!

We would need to pray the Rosary in Family again, and we will. I hope sooner than later, in order to be better prepared for what’s coming. 

Help me pray so that the president understands going to war may be “the trap” for an escalation of events with loses incalculable. It’s resembles a game of Chess. 

Help me pray the Rosary for Peace, Peace from Christ in all perils and circumstances, Amen. For, there will be wars, and rumors of wars, but it shall not be the end yet. When? Where the vulture gathers and you see the bodies. WWIII? 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Abortion is like

Saint Hippolytus, we commend to you all the children whose limbs are torn apart from their body in this Great Tribulation, thus far 1,500,000,000 children tortured and killed. They are not granted a human status by the laws of this evil world. 

Save us! In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, save us, Jesus, Messiah, only Son of God. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Word of God is Jesus

A letter to those that defend the life of children, pray for the world. 

Thank you for being the voice of so many martyrs, victims of the genocide in this Great Tribulation times. People must realize what is really taking place. For, if we do such savagery to the weakest amongst us, truly we have lost our souls to a hardened heart, condemned by the lies of the Ancient Alien Serpent, a monstrous being in an apocalyptic frenzy destroying the human race. 

Who could be so vile, but a being that does not regard us as his own kind, angrily trying to destroy those who have been named by Jesuscrist, our savior and Lord; have mercy and pity of us. As a human race, we have failed you, allowing the enemy to persuade us to commit, or stand by, to such horrendous crime against humanity. 

So that you know, all those children executed are indeed before the Lord, praying for us, so that as a human race, we repent for destroying humanity, a sin far worse than destroying the Earth. Pray, pray, pray for those that are blind. 

Lord have mercy and pity. We repent, we renounce Satan, his deeds and pomposity. We declare ourselves in Mary, Mother of God, adopting her Fiat, her full trust in God’s Words. He says, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,” and the Heavens and The Earth proclaim his Mercy. Be done unto me, as according to his will. His will is in his words, for he says, Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do; and offering his blood and body in the altar of the Most Holy Sacrifice, he paid our ransom with his words of love. For indeed, no one loves more than he who gives his life for his friends. And he rightly says so, for in the fulfillment of his Word, everything exists, and lives. And him, the one, the Logos made Flesh and Blood, Bread and Wine, has come to share his mercy, his knowledge, his forgiveness, oh Lord. I pray for family, Mary. I know a world who kills its own children does not deserve anything. But, based upon his words, where he states that the reason we kill so many children, is because we truly must not know what we do. 

Please, lead all the world into the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to ask family forgiveness from God, accepting thus his offering to save us, so that the human race may be forgiven before the great amen. 

Have pity and mercy, forgive us Lord. We believe you are as merciful as you have shown us you are, sharing your blood, and your body, for us, your friends, because you called us friends by means of revealing what you do, with us. For indeed, friendship, as according to what he says, means showing us what he does. And, what does Jesus, the One almighty God in his full glory do? He saves us, he forgives us, paying our ransom. That way, he delivers us from evil, for Truth indeed shall make you hear his words of Everlasting Life. 

He bought Eternal Life by sharing his life in the Bread he feeds us, the Eucharist, the Messiah, the one and only God amongst us, reigning amongst us is the Eucharist. Indeed, the kingdom of God is amongst us. 

Go to the Sacrament of the Eucharist after entering through the door, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Those are the norms for the royal priesthood that he has bestowed upon us, the ones he loved to death, literally. That’s who God almighty really is, Jesus, the Eucharist, his body poured for us in the Cross. That’s who we eat, he shared that with me. God is alive in the Eucharist, poor, humble, servant. Today is Salvation’s day!


Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

The Word of God is Jesus

Thank you for being the voice of so many martyrs, victims of the genocide in this Great Tribulation times. People must realize what is really taking place. For, if we do such savagery to the weakest amongst us, truly we have lost our souls to a hardened heart, condemned by the lies of the Ancient Alien Serpent, a monstrous being in an apocalyptic frenzy destroying the human race. 

Who could be so vile, but a being that does not regard us as his own kind, angrily trying to destroy those who have been named by Jesuscrist, our savior and Lord have mercy and pity of us. As a human race we have failed you, allowing the enemy to persuade us to commit, or stand by, by such horrendous crime against humanity. 

So you know, all those children executed are before the Lord, praying for us, so that as a human race we repent for destroying humanity, a sin far worse than destroying the Earth. 

Lord have mercy, and pity. We repent, we renounce Satan, his deeds and pomposity. We declare ourselves in Mary, Mother of God, adopting her Fiat, her full trust in God’s Words. He says, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,” and the Heavens and The Earth proclaim his Mercy. Be done unto me, as according to thy will. His will is in his words, for he says, Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do. And offering his blood and body in the altar of the Most Holy Sacrifice, he paid our ransom with his words of love. For indeed, no one loves more than he who gives his life for his friends. And he rightly says so, for in the fulfillment of his Word, everything exists, and lives. And him, the one, the Logos made Flesh and Blood, Bread and Wine, has come to share his mercy, his knowledge, his forgiveness oh Lord. I pray for family, Mary. I know a world who kills its own children does not deserve anything. But, based upon his words, where he states that the reason we kill so many children, is because we truly must not know what we are doing. Please, lead all the world into the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to ask family forgiveness from God, accepting thus his offering to save us, so that the human race may be forgiven before the great amen. Have pity and mercy, forgive us Lord. We believe you are as merciful as you have shown us you are, sharing your blood, and your body, for us, your friends, because you called us friends by mean of revealing what you do to us. For indeed, friendship, as according to what he says, means showing us what he does. And, what does Jesus, the One almighty god in his full glory so? He saves us, he forgives us, paying our ransom. That way, he delivers us from evil, for Truth indeed, shall make you hear his words of Everlasting Life. He bought Eternal Life by sharing his life in the Bread he feeds us, Eucharist, the Messiah, the one and only God amongst us, reigning amongst. Indeed, the kingdom is amongst us. 

Go to the Sacrament of the Eucharist after entering through the door, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Those are the norms for the royal priesthood he has bestowed upon us, the ones he loved to death, literally. That’s who God almighty really is, Jesus, the Eucharist, his body poured for us in the Cross. That’s who we eat, he shared that with me. God is alive in the Eucharist. 


Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A global poltergeist event: abortion

They are like zombies, driven by an evil force to kill children. It’s horrendous to see how many people are driven by an evil force. 

If we do not defend children inside the womb because our hearts are hardened, we will not defend them from other forms of child abuse. 

It’s interesting to see how people could be driven to behave like zombies on their own offspring. I don’t use the word zombies lightly, because 1,500,000,000 are a lot of children worldwide. It’s a mass extinction event. Neither Hitler, Stalin, Mao or any world war, or even natural event has killed so many humans. Yet, this war against human kind is seen by so many as a good thing.

It’s like an apocalyptic nightmare happening, ignored by world mass media. A human holocaust ignored by the News, hence promoted. 

It’s like a horror sci-fi movie, where these alien invaders from another dimension demand the sacrifice of hundreds of millions of children, and to do so, they brainwash the populations of the world. A total nightmare of enormous proportions while only a few offer resistance to the genocide of humanity.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The kill ratio is 1:3 

Yeah, we are at war, and we are loosing one out of every three new human created. 

Islam is abortion for infidels,

Islam is the origin of Freemasonry’s ideology as an ideological weapon to remove the Christian Church from the public arena, and promote abortion freely.

The origins of Freemasonry’s ideology, a secularist ideology whose mission is to remove the Catholic presence from the public arena, education, charities, hospitals, and any and all public services, is The Beast of the Abyss. It’s an Islamic strategy of war: Remove Faith in Christ, step one. Step two, Islamice and conquer the few remaining ones, subject the population to the Islamic Empire. 

Given the hidden Islamic origins of Freemasonry, it’s easy to see how abortion was made a weapon launched against the West. A war from within, against Catholic Christians by Henry VIII, infiltrated by Islamic Intelligence officers, or its equivalent for those times. Thus, the Beast of the Abyss entered the West as the Serpent it is, with its poisonous and mortal agenda. The Kingdom of England became a church without Eucharist, desolate, millions deceived by the Beast, aiding the genocides, and later in years promoting abortion and population control. 

Truly something horrendous happening, a whole nation deceived by the Beast...

So, in alliance, Islam and antichrist (Protestantism) united to destroy the only church of Christ, the Catholic Church, because of our ideology and belief.

I believe there is currently a war against humanity, and there is a global collective effort to eradicate humans from the planet with horrendous malice, yanking their limbs and crushing their heads, inside the womb. All of this done as it was done to the Jews in Nazi gas chambers in concentration camps, walking like lambs to the slaughter. Today, our society, our civilization marches gallantly and with shouts of joy and freedoms to its death, not understanding they are offering their children in the altars of Satan, to be dismembered and have their heads crushed; to be poisoned with painful chemicals, such horrendous and evil deed in the name of self. I see these victims inflated like balloons, with egos so big, as a Godzilla destroying all human life. 

Can you understand why this is happening? Aren’t you awake! It’s horrendous, it’s like an alien invasion, and come to find out, they happen to eat little children in the womb, because and our alien visitors are hungry and it’s a delicacy for them! 

Who is selling our children? 

Many high ranking you-know-whos have decided to betray the human race for 30 silver coins and sentence us to death. 

The Epstein Saudi British Washington children abduction rape drug cocaine weapons media and war connections of the Beast of the Abyss.

Yet, here we are, under attack by a secularistic Secret Agenda who aims to kill the children with chemicals, to be disposed of, so our alien underground visitors have their fill.

I believe abortion is a diabolical agenda. It’s High Treason to the Nation and its Citizens. We pay and vote the government to protect us from alien threats that are eating our children. How have they responded? 

The genocide of US Citizens continues to be promoted under the guise of words such as freedom, and right to privacy, as per the Judicial Branch of Government, not only in the USA, but in many nations worldwide. 

It’s incomprehensible how those that have sworn to protect the citizens are not doing something about it. It’s an all out war against all of humanity. 

The Beast of the Abyss is the one who has requested all those one thousand five hundred million children exterminated be means of tearing their limbs and crushing their heads, poisoned with painfully brutal chemicals, to expel them so that the underground alien guests eat them. Why? Because they harvest the adrenal fluids produced by the brain under tremendous death as very expensive drugs. Yes, that’s what this beasts do! 

On the other hand, if those were the terms of surrendering our underground guests gave our governments, and we have already lost the war, let them tell us the truth. Have you surrender humans to be exterminated in lieu of peace?

I see a correlation in between the Beast of the Abyss, the False Prophet, Abortion, and the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse of Saint John.

Maybe there is nothing to do but watch how the Book of Revelation becomes alive. The attack against the Catholic Church because of its pro Culture of Life ideology, by the Secularist, who are responsible for abortion, and seem to be working for our millennial enemy, Islam, an empire of submission and death, where the presence of the Catholic Church is placed under siege, where the poor are exterminated, as according to the past thirteen hundred years of history.

Abortion is Nazi, is an Islamic tool of war against the West thanks to its alliance with the anti catholic Kingdom of the England, who joined efforts with The Islamic Heads. A Whore riding a Beast of Seven Heads, devouring the flesh of little children inside the womb by the millions, one thousand five hundred millions thus far, the Great Tribulation at hand, soon one out of every child will be put to death in the womb, if not already.

Such horrible wars of kingdoms still exist. The Empires of the Beast of the Abyss at war with the Christian Kingdom, by suggestive hypnosis, brainwashing them to kill themselves while chanting freedom. It’s amazing the suggestive power of this Beast of the Abyss. I’m amazed, how gullible and easily manipulable humans are. It’s like a hypnotic drug that anesthetizes the populous. How can they be swayed so easily into submission of their own offspring? Can you imagine the power of deception of such an evil being, to so many billions of humans, who relentlessly and willingly offer their children in sacrifice to this ancient alien serpent. 

What’s our move?

To pray, be as vigilant as we can, ask Mary Immaculate to protect us from such evils, the infiltration of the Culture of Death, a Culture from the underworld, the underground alien beings who want to eat our children. 

Mary, protect us, protect our children from the Evil Ancient Alien Serpent. In Jesus Christ we implore you Father, Maranatha. In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Who is behind the genocide of 1.5 billion children?

A secularist ideology from the Abyss. 

You need to read this article if you want to understand the hows and the whys of our current social and political discourse. It is very revealing, specially if you are an American Catholic. 

The article

The Ratzinger clarification

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Secret Genocide right under our noses. Humans not aware...

The Son of Rebellion seems to be awakening; or is it a World Revolution, as Salvador Abascal predicted in his book, “From Herod to Bush, the killers of children. World Revolution.”

The Population Control Agenda implemented through UN and IMF, directed by Bush Dadda in America through 80 billion dollar “bribes” aka loans to underdeveloped world countries. A Grant given to educate the population in favor of killing children in the womb, and also to build the facilities to perform the genocide. 

Thus far they are responsible for 1.5 billion children dismembered, and killed. 

That’s the enemy of the human family currently collapsing to the truth and full disclosure of their evil practices, condoned even by the Judicial Powers of the Nation, who has fallen to follow the agenda of a foreign entity, namely the ancient alien serpent, or current extraterrestrial invasion by the powers of evil. 

Greater than Stalin’s Purges and Hitler’s Holocaust is the current genocide taking place on Earth against little children. 

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Truth Lives

Not to me. They don’t intimidate me no more. As a mater of fact; they fear me, that’s their weakness, that’s the why of all the show. 

However, it is written, and written it is: “For there is nothing hidden that shall not come to light.”

One thing the enemy fears more than anything is light, truth. 

I’m not intimidated. On the contrary, i feel energized. It appears we have hit a nerve with the truth in the soul of the assassin and lier since the beginning...

In case you all did not know... the truth always win. And he has a name. His name is Jesus Christ. 

Do you want to know why they killed him? Because darkness does not tolerate light. But, come about; is a shadow really able to hide from the light ever lasting? He resurrected you know...

Time is on our side. 

The Truth will endure and be triumphant, and has been, and ever will be. The Truth resurrected two millennia ago, and it’s been here to stay with us at all times.

Be not afraid!

JesúsChrist Lives!

The Truth Lives! 

Friday, July 26, 2019

Salvation is at hand

Arrogants call fools those that believe in God. 

God, on the other hand, says that the pure of heart sees God, and not the arrogant.

Whose words carry more weight?

God’s, or the arrogant?

Two scenarios:

Arrogants portray themselves as gods and rule over people; but it turns out God does exist at the end.

The pure of heart are persecuted and abused by the arrogants, because they see God, they are abused by the arrogants.  As a reward, they are given the Cross of Christ, and are killed. 

If God does not exist, they continue to oppress the meek for as long as Earth exists and they are alive, as well as theirs. 

But, let’s say God does exist.

The arrogant will be thrown to the pit, and will suffer torture eternal, for not having believed in Christ, God. 

Whose’ve got more to loose in the game of Life?

We must reach an unequivocal logical deduction. 

Arrogance is stupidity. All odds are against the arrogant. If he wins, it’s a kingdom of violence, abuse and death what he wins, even if there is no god. 

The pure of heart, on the other hand, inherit a kingdom of grace. They live protected by the words they have received. Whether or not God exist, they live a life of bliss. Even if after dying there were nothing, they  already have enrichened their lives through faith. It’s a win win situation. If God were to exists, they not only get the reward of faith and hope, for their dream is fulfilled by mercy, everlasting. 

What’s better?

Peace perpetual or war perpetual? 

What kingdom would you choose?

I’m sure that those who profit from war would not hesitate to choose war. 

However, which kingdom do you prefer? 

The Kingdom of Money and material things for the dead; or the Kingdom of God for the living? Would you chose to live on God’s promises? Or would you rather live on promises of men (promissory letter, I owe yous, money with the signature of men). 

Where is your strength and trust?


Or God?

There are two kinds of people in the World: those that worship money, those that worship God. As time goes by, each member on each group becomes more determined in their quest. In other words, some sanctify themselves, others become more determined in evil. As times goes by both the wheat and the weed grow and strengthen themselves, with more resolve and determination, each in an opposite way. That is precisely the reason why we have had, and will continue to have, more and more wars, and rumors of wars, as God Jesus told us 2000 years ago.

Judgment is already taking place, can’t you see? Some people are starting to look like zombies in their souls. Have you noticed? On a good note, by the same token evil grows so does good, for there is an augment in holiness amongst society. Society is polarizing because of the Word of God. His Words do not return empty to him. They operate. Indeed,  that which is hidden is revealed. Salvation is at hand. The arrogant become cynical and dare to legislate the genocide of children in the womb as something legal. How much Nations have fallen bedazzles me. To think they have laws that allow and encourage more genocide tgan in any of the world wars we have had. 1,500,000,000 million of children killed inside the womb is way too many. We are before a mass extinction event, the Great Tribulation. 

Alleluia. His words are being fulfilled as it was predicted in the Book of Revelation. It appears we are in the period called the Seven Trumpets, half way through the book. 


All glory, honor and power to our Lord, Jesus Christ.,

Sunday, June 30, 2019

If you don’t believe Jesus is in those aborted children, you are going to hell, with Satan, your father. 

They are like zombies, without recognizing Jesus Christ in every child. The same thing that happened two thousand years ago when they crucified him, so they do to the children. It’s like anger to Life himself. 

Only Satan could be so arrogant to assassin a child and lie about it pretending it was not a child of the human family.

We pray for those that do not believe Jesus Christ is in those little children they crucify inside the wombs of their moms. We pray so that they see you by the same token Saul of Tarsus saw you in the way to Damascus. So they repent and become defenders of children, where Christ dwells, trusting in our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 

To believe in the one the father sent is salvation. His name is Jesus, suffering in the poor and meek, in the persecuted children in this world wide genocide. 1.5 billion children thus far, more than in any war or catastrophe ever encountered. We are almost at one third of global population extinction via abortion. The numbers, the sheer volume of infant deaths is staggering. It actually matches the Book of Revelation prophecy, during the period called the Trumpets.

One thing is for certain. Jesus revealed the Words of God to us, what would happen in the future, currently our present. 

What lies ahead, you may wonder. The Bowls of Wrath, but before the Thunderclaps. 

When? No one knows the day or the hour, but the signs are plenty. Let’s believe because of the signs we see, the fulfillment of scripture, abortion, but so-wrongfully-called abortion. It should instead be call a cruel death by dismemberment and crushing of the head of little children by the millions, and also poisoning them with deadly chemical substances. The Great Tribulation indeed, right before our very eyes, as certain as Jesus is, so are the prophetic times we are living. Remember, when he was born of Mary, he was hated by some, believed by only eleven of the twelve. 

Jesús still makes the same impression he made back then. He is hated by the sons of Satan, and so are the little children aborted, giving testimony of Jesus, in their Sacrificial blood offering, in a baptism of blood, through Jesus Christ our Lord. For in every child aborted after being killed with extreme cruelty, is him. “When did we see you?” they will ask. He’ll reply, “you saw me when you were aborting me. Cursed of my father, leave!”

Because those that do not believe in the name of the one whom the father sent, Jesus Christ, are already condemned. 

If you don’t believe Jesus is in those aborted children, you are going to hell, with Satan, your father. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tuberculosis - False Positive test - lawsuit for unlawful discrimination 

BCG vaccinated people

In Mexico City, all the kids got vaccinated against TB. Yes, it hurts a lot and leaves a horrendous scar that lasts for decades. 

Of course I test positive for TB, and I went to CDC to be tested. However, due to the ignorance of people, they still request an X-Ray test, when my blood has been tested. Why? Because of illiteracy. Don’t they believe in vaccines?

So, if you were vaccinated against TB, you’ll test positive. Do not do the test in your arm. The best is a blood test. Unnecessary X-Rays are a waste, and they emit radiation. 

Patience, Lord, give me patience in this world filled with illiteracy.

You know what upsets me the most? They asked me to cover my mouth, as if I had a contagious disease. 

Well, now I know what my Halloween disguise is going to be in October. I shirt that says that I test positive to TB, but without telling them it’s because of the vaccine. Another addition to the disguise would be to bring a friend dressed as an attorney, suing them for discrimination, and forcing them to educate themselves. That would be a very scary disguise for Halloween. What is more dreadful for the illiterate, Education or Money?

Excerpt from CDC:

Testing in BCG-Vaccinated Persons. Many people born outside of the United States have been given a vaccine called BCG. People who were previously vaccinated with BCG may receive a TB skin test to test for TB infection. Vaccination with BCG may cause a false positive reaction to a TB skin test.

Many people born outside of the United States have been given a vaccine called BCG.

People who were previously vaccinated with BCG may receive a TB skin test to test for TB infection. Vaccination with BCG may cause a false positive reaction to a TB skin test. A positive reaction to a TB skin test may be due to the BCG vaccine itself or due to infection with TB bacteria.

TB blood tests (IGRAs), unlike the TB skin test, are not affected by prior BCG vaccination and are not expected to give a false-positive result in people who have received BCG. TB blood tests are the preferred method of TB testing for people who have received the BCG vaccine.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Are you in favor of abortion?

War of the Worlds, Covert Infiltrtion 

 It surprises me you dare talk about the pedofile rings of the followers of the ancient alien Serpent, the one that demands sacrifice of children in the womb. After all, abortion is the agenda of Freemasonry, aka Knight Templars, False Prophet, Beast of the Abyss, and its followers. The alien extraterrestrials invading Earth and putting us to death; thus far 1.5 billion death human children in the womb, as sacrifice for the Beast of the Abyss. So it turns out these “Etees” like to eat human children from the womb, tender. Yes, these alien beasts eat children aborted, it’s their delicacy.

I guess we can now understand why there are 70 million US children executed under fear and cruelty after the agenda of these Beasts was approved by one of the 3 powers, the Judicial.

How is it possible that the judicial had misinterpreted the US constitution allowing the execution of children based upon territorial and privacy laws. By doing so they gave society the right to kill children. Not only here, worldwide. 1.5 billion thus far.

That’s the agenda of abortion, a mass extinction event caused by Extraterrestrials and the humans that betrayed humanity, for 30 silver coins. 


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pray for our enemies, it means so much. 

Little did we know about our interrelationship with the Cosmos in this entanglement of ours. So, it turns out that if we destroy the Earth, we destroy the Cosmos; that’s the reason for the Intergalactic Police Force coming to Earth, aka Angels of the Apocalypse. 

Well, well, my dear. It would seem as if the Lord were coming back. Maranatha!

Indeed, for there appears to be a solar event in which humans would be burnt, in an instant. I believe it’s the angel carrying the fourth Bowl on Earth. 

But when? No one knows the day or the hour, but it appears we would be able to calculate which angels (EtBE) we have faced thus far, from the ones with the Trumpets and the Bowls, which are two chronological sets of issues occurring on Earth. After all, we are so close to exterminating one third of all humans with abortion, as well as contaminating one third of oceans and rivers, and I’m referring to radiation from plutonium and derivates; that it seems evident we are currently in the period of the Seven Trumpets. 

So, it would appear as though we could calculate our chronological position within the Book of Revelation, for it would indeed seem we are more than half way through, historically speaking. After all, the Book of Revelation is an “open prophetic book.”

Who knows, there might be hope, and we could extend the time a bit longer. Needless to say, it is clear that God does not lie. Everything written by God shall come to pass, as it is evident has happened in the past thus far. The False Prophet already came, long before our current generation was born, as well as the horsemen. Everything has happened to the tilde, as it was written. 

Another example of things that have happened is the Image of the Beast (Cinema, TVs, Internet). A tool to “educate”, to brainwash the sheep to do whatever they are told, subliminally and neurolinguisticly programmed, by the “secret weapon” that all Governments on the face of the Earth know: the Power of TV. So, indeed, the Image of the Beast that prostrates humanity into killing children by the millions, seventy in the US, one point five billion worldwide. Such a powerful Beast to induce humans to behave like beasts, sacrificing children. May I add that some humans are complicit for 30 silver coins with the Beast that demands the sacrifice of hundreds of millions of children in the womb. (Hitler does not even come close to what the current Beast is doing, in numbers of deaths and cruelty.) 

Yes, I know. It’s barbaric. The events taking place are monstrous. Yet, we must remember it is happening as it was written; one third of the population, as predicted in the period called the Seven Trumpets, has been put to death. It fits the definition for a Mass Extinction Event, 1.5 billion, almost one third of humanity! 

Doesn’t it move you? 

Are you aware of what’s happening? Humanity is being exterminated, as we speak, in numbers greater than anything ever recorded in the past. Yes, the number one killer of humans is abortion, but you will not find those words in statistical reports, because children inside the womb are not regarded as humans. You heard correct, the are deprived from their legitimate status as human beings. That is the Element that opens humans to behave like Nazis killing children. That Element is TO LIE. C’mon, we all know children live inside their moms before they are born. We all know those children are humans. However, the neurolinguistic programming hypnotic state induces the subject to commit murder in mass numbers because of neurolinguistic programming. It is well known that humans behave like herds, gullible herds. Thus, if you convince a group that the majority of humans are DOING IT, you use herd behavior mixed with neurolinguistic programming to induce a behavior in the collective. Yes, humans are used as ginea pigs to conduct experiments that lead them to kill each other by the millions. The most horrible experiment they have done against humanity is what they refer to as “abortion,” a word that defaces the intrinsic nature of the evil act of killing a human child, member of the human family. Yes, it’s brainwashing weapons of mass induction, behavioral control in its full development. They change the meaning of evil actions by giving them a good marketing decoy name. It’s a whole school of behavioral studies initiated on the basis of B F Skinner and Pavlov initial research in the control of humans. 

Good news! Even in all this mess, there are good news. Those are the Good News of Eternity. 

Jesus came to save us from those fallen angels and the Ancient Alien Serpent that deceives so many. He has already defeated Death and Satan. We have been set free by his sacrifice, his precious blood and body, source of eternal life. 

So, yes, this universe is ending. However, we are eternal on our journey to a New Earth and New Universe. Yes, new bodies, and I mean it literally: he is preparing a new body for us to dwell in it, with him, the Eucharist (God himself, Jesus, the Word of God).

Well, those are the good news from the Gospel of Eternity. If the words in the Book of Revelation are fulfilling it’s good news, for God did not lie to us. Everything he says is truthful. That is a cause for joy and worship. 

Don’t forget to pray for those that are deceived, behaving like murderous beasts under the influence, so that they may repent. We pray for our enemies. Who knows, there might be a couple of “Sauls of Tarsus” amongst them. Imagine if by our prayers we bring grace upon them and they are moved to repent. They would help us so much from within their organizations which promote a Culture of Death. 


Monday, June 17, 2019

Abortion, a mass extinction event. 

In America we have exterminated 20% of the population. Yes! 70 million children inside the womb. 

The numbers are staggering worldwide, 1.5 billion children exterminated. 

Neither Mao, Stalin, Hitler, WWII, reach such a number of deaths. We are before a mass extinction event being played by foreign agents, in the majority of nations around the world.

If this were a “Friday the 13th” movie with Freddy Kroger, it could not be more scary. We have millions of people brainwashed like zombies procuring the extermination of children by the millions. Yes, it has a racial agenda. I’ve seen the statistics! 

How could it be? The Justice branch of Government is in on the plot of the Coupsters. Yes, we are under invasion by a foreign entity, namely Satan, the Beast of the Abyss. 

Everything is taking place as according to scripture, for it says that during the period referred to as “the Seven Trumpets,” one third of the population perishes, one third of the rivers and oceans is contaminated, as hot radioactive materials has already done so since 1946-7, in the beginnings of the so-called “Atomic Era.”

Thank God we are not in the Seven Bowls of Wrath. The world is going to be such a horrible place then. Read the book of Revelation and find out.

Lord Jesus come soon! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Don Rickles and the Big Elephant

Don Rickles

A voyage into the American psyche, revealing the Big Elephant in the room.

Laughter comes from revealing a truth that everyone pretends to ignore. The Big Elephant in the room, the Great Secret of the Emperor who has no clothes, laughter.

Rickles managed to simplify a culture by acting, and to educate us in just five minutes, with sarcasm, of the Big Elephant in the room, that everyone is pretending to ignore. 

Comedy, sarcasm, its truffles. 

Bravo! You revealed to me the American Psyche, so easily programable, as sheep.

Excellent comedians well versed in sarcasm, are the finest comedy of all. It has a punch and a punchline. It stings, it bites, because it reveals the great family secret. 

He had a very special way of offending in order to educate, or show us the Big Elephant in the room, so horrible and cruel, a Beast of the Abyss, and make us laugh at our collective ugliness. 

He changed America for the best. He open the doors to horrendous truths. He was a mirror letting us see into the subconscious of the American Psyche. He exposed, with certain obvious reserves, cultural aspects of the collective subconsciousness.

I was watching it today, and a doctor and professor told me how it would illegal, now a days, to have those shows on Mass Media. Personally, I would not doubt it. 

I learned a lot about the horrible stereotypes created and endorsed by television in those days. I stood a step back, and said to myself: “America has certainly changed a lot since the eighties.”

Nevertheless, that used to be the culture of the 70’s and 80’s, that I can remember. We have changed.

America has changed a lot since the last time I saw it. Discrimination against African Americans, and Mexicans, even though it continues to exist; it’s no longer on the airwaves allowed directly. 

Those shows were national television networks, which meant everyone saw them. However, they have censored themselves because of lawsuits, I assume. 

Nevertheless, what amazes me the most is how intolerant society has become regarding censoring words; and at the same time barbarically executes it’s own children in the womb. It’s complete hypocrisy. 

That is the Big Elephant in disguise. It calls it self by many names: freedom of choice, liberty, emancipation, pleasure, etc; when unmistakably is nothing but a Hit Man, a hired assassin of tens of millions in the USA alone, and more than one billion children exterminated worldwide. It’s a Hit Man, a genocide, it’s bad, really bad. 

Killing children inside the wombs of their moms by severing their limbs, and chopping them into pieces is barbaric; far worse than what radical Islamists do against Christians. We are talking little children inside the wombs of their moms. Tell me, if there is a more horrendous way to die, than to be dismembered inside the womb of your mom.

That is where we are at now. You think discrimination against African Americans and Mexican Americans has stopped? It’s worse now. They moved into the genocidal agenda of the plan. Proof is simple. What percentage of humans has been exterminated by abortion? More than 20% worldwide. All of them human beings. 

Ain’t that a tell?!

One would think the United Nations is an institution worried about protecting human lives, until you find out the agenda to exterminate humans comes from the United Nations. 

Sarcasm at its best.

I hope it makes you laugh, or at least, think. 

Have I been anesthetized with the collective to support and endorse the extermination of human beings? Are there people amongst us who betraying humanity are receiving “thirty silver coins” in order to present us before the executioner?

What cause should be the most important cause of all? 

To save human lives. 

Isn’t that our mission, to save human lives?

Then, why do we destroy them in abortion?

Because we have been brainwashed to do so through mass subliminal programming using telecommunications, and miseducation. 

Yes, you are right! Humans are driven like sheep into the slaughter, under their own consent, and encouraged by other humans. Why does this remind me of the Gas Camps of the Gestapo? How can they be? Humans are so easy to handle so that they turn against each other, like zombies. 

Saving human lives from hit men is a duty of all of us, together, as one, protecting human lives from a Culture of Hit Men, Death, Wars, Power, and an army of zombies. 

We need to stand together as one. We need to unplug those who are anesthetized by the Matrix, awake them to life, educate them, write, speak, pray! 

Remember, Our words are more powerful than their lies. Our mission as humans is to save human lives, protect them, teach them, so that they live. We need to make them aware of a non violent solution. Killing another human being, offering that sacrifice is wrong. A Hit Man Culture is wrong because we will all be exterminated if we do not awake. 

Pro Culture of Life.

Avoid ignoring the Big Elephant, because the joke is on you, if you don’t awake soon!

Apaxim, World@eVolution


Juan Eduardo Alvear Fuentes

June 4, 2019.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pyramids: Stellar Warnings 

What are the Pyramids?

Stellar warnings.

The Clock is Ticking.

The Pyramids of Egypt are stelar warnings to indicate our close proximity to a soon to be seen black hole, neutron star, and type 2 supernova event. 

They seem to cry out loudly: 

“Warning, an orange supergiant is about to explode. Warning! It’s in the proximity of Orion’s Belt, very close to Earth. Warning, Earth is doomed.”

Wouldn’t you agree it does appear as if the “time capsule” had a message indeed? So many have wonder the reason why those three pyramids looking like Orion were built. What leave that time capsule? What are we to decipher? Perhaps we need to decipher that big clock and calendar it measures. It measures a bright an enormous star about to go supernova. 

I postúlate that hypothesis hereby.

Apaxim, World@eVolution

How much do we really know about Orange Supergiants when they collapse?

Are we really at a safe distance and path from a neutron Star knowing the neutron ejecta has the shape of a pencil, in this our electric universe? Is 20 degrees enough at 640 light years? Or 420? It seems we are in direct path of the ejecta conus of the neutron Star. 

Earth is the place to be indeed, to watch such an event. Just like my dream. We’ll be transformed en mass! New incorruptible dwellings, Life Eternal.

Peace be with you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Who is your God, money or Jesus Christ?

Dear Lord... more advertisement for the Cult of Money Worshipers; the religion of this planet/world. 

Such absurdity. How can one worship money above all? It’s but a god made by men, promises of men, who all lie. 

Dear Lord, I worship you, instead of money. For truthful and thrust worthy are your promises, oh Lord; as opposed to the promises of an inheritable unstable inflationary currency—responsable for unfairly distributing the wealth of the planet. 

Money is a lie, a pyramidal scheme, where there is no absolute, but lies instead. On the opposite, the promises of God deliver what it is written upon them. 

What is the value of a promise of God? What it says.

What is the value of money? The answer would be when, and whose money?

Money belongs to Caesar, the ruler of this world.

The promises of God belong to God, who shares them through us by means of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but my trust and my fears belong only to my Lord, Jesus Christ. I will not give my faith to Caesar. That means that Caesar does not have a right to force me to worship his money. I don’t trust in money; I trust in the promises of God. I live by faith. I’m a faith walker.

I don’t believe in money as a god. I believe in Jesus, the living promise of God, the Eucharist!

Lord I pray to you so that the enemy does never interfere in the trust and fear I only devote to you. Say amen. Behold, the handmaiden of the Lord, be it done upon me as you say, as according to your word; your will be done upon me, on Earth and the Whole Universe, as it is in Heaven, we pray.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Who is the Eucharist?

The Eucharist/the Rule of Christ’s Kingdom for two millennia. Whom I only fear. 

Why many are sick amongst you?

28 Everyone is to examine himself and only then eat of the bread or drink from the cup;

29 because a person who eats and drinks without recognising the body is eating and drinking his own condemnation.

30 That is why many of you are weak and ill and a good number have died.

1 Corinthians 11:29-30.

Who is the Eucharist?

Logos Incarnate Eucharist

John 6:66 are the antichrists, the ones that left us.  Be aware. They left us because of that, because they are antichrists, as according to the First Universal Epistle of Saint John. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

¿Quién es el malo? El Becerro de Oro o los inmigrantes.

¿Quién es el malo? El becerro de oro, o los inmigrantes.

¿Qué es lo que une a la sociedad más que nada? 

Un enemigo en común.

Por esta razón es que Trump une a todos indicándoles cual es el “enemigo común”.

La realidad es muy distante del enemigo que Trump plantea.

¿Cuál es esa realidad oculta que Trump, ni aquellos que controlan el mundo quieren que sepamos?

¿Cuál es el verdadero enemigo?

El Petrodólar.

La política económica es el verdadero enemigo. Un sistema financiero que funciona como un cáncer que se ha esparcido por la sociedad creando tumores.

¿Cuáles son los tumores?

El exceso de capital en manos de unos pocos.

El cáncer es una política monetaria que, con tal de enriquecer a unos pocos es capaz de causar guerras y la muerte de muchos seres humanos. Es el “utilitarianism,” o sea, el “fin que justifica cualquier medio” para generar “profit margins,” o gananciales económicos.

Esa economía que solo busca el enriquecimiento económico de unos pocos, a costa de la mayoría. Un capitalismo salvaje y desenfrenado que nunca se sacia, que nunca está satisfecho. Un modelo económico basado en “interest rates,” en “prime rates,” es un modelo que es como un cáncer que solo tiene la tendencia a crear tumores, enriqueciendo a unos pocos, que es la cultura del Becerro de Oro, la adoración del dinero, la Cultura de la Muerte.

¿Cuál es la religión más nefasta que existe en el mundo? La adoración del dinero.

Te pregunto a ti, ¿qué vale más, las personas, o el dinero?

Un mundo utilitario donde todo es supeditado a los gananciales económicos es un mundo de retrasados mentales. Un mundo que solo busca acaparar riquezas equivale a un mundo retentivo anal, o, “anal retentive,” que es una etapa del desarrollo humano antes de su madurez.

Vivimos en un mundo monetizado donde el “yo” es el objetivo educativo del “marketing.” Un mundo de idiotas donde se fomenta el hedonismo y la cultura del “yo.”

En fin, ese es el problema, la dictadura de las corporaciones que solo buscan utilidades, gananciales, profit margins a costa de todo.

Trump desvía la atención y nos dice que el enemigo común son los seres humanos, cuando la realidad es otra.

El enemigo común es la adoración del capitalismo salvaje, utilitario, pragmático, militarista, inhumano, que solo busca gananciales, utilidades, a costa de los seres humanos.

En fin, nuestra civilización ha sido adoctrinada para servir al capital, al dinero, como aquel burro que busca la zanahoria que jamás podrá conseguir.

Ese es nuestro enemigo común, una moneda inflacionaria basada en “prime rates,” intereses que jamás podremos pagar y solo nos llenarán de una deuda impagable, de generación en generación.

Ese es el enemigo común que ningún presidente se atreve a combatir, pues cada que lo hacen, acaban con una bala en la cabeza.

Nuestro enemigo no son los inmigrantes, sino el petrodólar.

Mi granito de arena.

Watch the video here

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Abraham and Abortion

A reminder of ancient past, present in today’s societies.

In the times of Abraham, some 4000 years ago; sacrificing children was common. However, Abraham did not follow their trend, he did not sacrifice his son. Yes, it was common practice in the times of Abraham, 4000 years ago, to sacrifice children.

Abraham gave us faith and stopped those barbaric ways. He was announcing Jesus, the one sacrifice that would stop so much bloodshed and barbaric behavior.

However, in America, those practices were still performed, thousands of years after Abraham had renounce to them. I remember reading in High School a book narrated by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, in which he narrated what Christopher Columbus found when they arrived to the Americas just 500 years ago.

So, in the Americas, the practice of killing children was very much alive. In America, they had not heard of Abraham, not even Jesus Christ. 500 years ago they were living in the historical past of the times of Abraham, sacrificing children, as it was a common practice in the world 4000 years ago. So, indeed, America was a land trapped in time, trapped in the past. They, Americans, the Mayans and Aztecs, were living in the past, practicing a religion which consisted in sacrificing children to please their gods.

One would think that the Abrahamic faith, 4000 years ago, is that which allowed us to evolve to be less savage than the contemporaries of his times. But, have we really changed?

Are humans less beasts than the people that lived in the times of Abraham, or later on in the times of the Mayans and Aztecs?

Have we really changed?

I think that those ancient religions that sacrificed little children to quench the thirst of those ancient deities is alive and well. You just have to read the statistical number of the current sacrifice of children now a days to discover that those barbaric practices are still alive and far stronger than before.

We have exterminated one thousand five hundred million children thus far in the “pyramids” of our current civilization by offering children to abortion. Yes, 1,500,000,000 children, and 70,000,000 alone in the USA have been sacrificed in the last one hundred years to the gods of “economic prosperity.”

When I see those pyramids, I cannot avoid thinking that there is an evil religion worldwide which is thirsty for the blood of innocent children as we speak. When I see a dollar bill and the pyramid, I am reminded of those barbaric beliefs.

Are we, twenty first century humans, less barbaric than the Mayans and Aztecs; or are we far worse?

Is humanity under the spell of an alien being called Satan?

Why do we exterminate our children willingly thinking it’s for the best of all?

I bet you the Mayans and Aztecs felt the same way pro-abortion people feel. They think it’s the right thing to do. I ask myself: wouldn’t you call that an evil spell, humanity bewitched by an alien being who has pleasure seeing how we kill each other?

Lord, have mercy. Don’t let us get used to it. Let us repudiate the killing of children as Abraham did.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Wrong decisions all the time?

How many people do you know amongst your friends and family who keep on making wrong decisions, as if they were possessed by an evil spirit?

Just pray for them, there’s nothing to do but pray. 


Mk 9:14-29

I do believe, help my unbelief!

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark

As Jesus came down from the mountain with Peter, James, John

   and approached the other disciples,

   they saw a large crowd around them and scribes arguing with them.

Immediately on seeing him,

   the whole crowd was utterly amazed.

They ran up to him and greeted him.

He asked them, “What are you arguing about with them?”

Someone from the crowd answered him,

   “Teacher, I have brought to you my son possessed by a mute spirit.

Wherever it seizes him, it throws him down;

   he foams at the mouth, grinds his teeth, and becomes rigid.

I asked your disciples to drive it out, but they were unable to do so.”

He said to them in reply,

   “O faithless generation, how long will I be with you?

How long will I endure you? Bring him to me.”

They brought the boy to him.

And when he saw him,

   the spirit immediately threw the boy into convulsions.

As he fell to the ground, he began to roll around

   and foam at the mouth.

Then he questioned his father,

   “How long has this been happening to him?”

He replied, “Since childhood.

It has often thrown him into fire and into water to kill him.

But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”

Jesus said to him,

   “‘If you can!’ Everything is possible to one who has faith.”

Then the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe, help my unbelief!”

Jesus, on seeing a crowd rapidly gathering,

   rebuked the unclean spirit and said to it,

   “Mute and deaf spirit, I command you:

   come out of him and never enter him again!”

Shouting and throwing the boy into convulsions, it came out.

He became like a corpse, which caused many to say, “He is dead!”

But Jesus took him by the hand, raised him, and he stood up.

When he entered the house, his disciples asked him in private,

   “Why could we not drive the spirit out?”

He said to them, “This kind can only come out through prayer.”

Friday, February 22, 2019

There are angels amongst us, fulfillment of his words, besides humans.

Book of Revelation, faithfully your pages come to fulfillment, fulfilling his word, the Word of the One, faithful witness of the light that comes from the Father, Jesus, for he is One, and Jesus is God Creator, Logos Incarnate Eucharist; One.

Truly truly I tell you. You war is not against human flesh, but against powers and principalities. 

So, the Book of Revelation was right again regarding the angels with the Bowls of Wrath.

How’s that for a revelation that would change the paradigm, the Matrix where many currently sleep comfortably numbed?

Thank Lord Jesus Christ, for being faithful to your words. You always are, and I love you because of that. You are the only faithful one, you are the only one who does not lie, a true friend. Thank you!

Peace of Christ be upon you.

And with your spirit.


Watch this clip.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

NAZI? No, yo soy Católico

National Socialism,

National Sozialismus,

Socialismo Nacional.

(English language,

German language,

Spanish language).


ZI(alismus) is the abbreviation, aka acronym, of the German Word. There are other languages besides English which use the Roman Phonetic Alphabet. 

Perdón por la aclaración, es con objeto de culturizar, pues me he dado cuenta que aquello que es como obvio para algunos, es revelación para otros. En países llenos de technocrats, sin conocimientos universitarios, pues parece ser que en los colegios esto se ignora. 

No todos los países tienen educación universal, muchos son tecnocracias donde la población ha sido segmentada en la educación que reciben. El objetivo es una sociedad Orwelliana, la cual controla a sus masas de formas increíblemente sencillas, pues saben que son borregos.

Este es mi intento por educar, pues pienso que una educación universal, aka Catholic, es imprescindible para tener una sociedad libre, pues la verdad nos hace libres.

Universal, without borders, ciudadano celestial. 


Loado sea nuestro Señor Jesucristo.



Friday, February 15, 2019

Ecumenism of Blood

Ecumenism of Blood
Is that place we all trod
That valley of tears
For all on Earth
small or big
has trod 
Through that journey’s end.

Sooner or later 
We shall all trod
Through the trail that
Trods us through the wolves;
But bohold there’s our Lady,
The most beautiful of all,
The one that Jesus married,
For he is one, we know,
Father of Mary,
Spouse of Mary,
Son of Mary;
Him who is,
Has ever been,
Will always be,
He is One,
We all are from him,
By him,
And willingly for Him,
As Mary Immaculate taught us,
Behold the handmaiden of the Lord,
Be done unto me as according to
Thy Will.
Amazing words those are,
Pronounced by Mary,
As an example of Christ,
Who shown through her.
To trust with all your heart,
In the word of the Lord,
Is equivalent to obey him.
What does Jesus,
Our God and Father say?
What does mother Mary say?
But go and do has he says.
And we go to him to ask,
For guidance,
And he says:
Go fill those big jars with water,
And we did,
And we followed his words,
Just as Mary said we most do,
And he turned the water into joy,
Such delight,
The beginning of the Ministry,
The Weddings of the Lamb,
The Sacrificial offering,
To bring man up to Heaven,
To unite with them,
To marry them,
To annoint them to do,
His Will:
Protect thy servant from vanity,
I pray,
Oh Lord.

May we always be united,
In accompanying your sorrowful heart,
When you contemplated the passion of your son,
Paying for each one of the sins of all,
Here we are, 
Delivered from the guilt,
The punishment of Eve,
But rather on the promise given to Eve,
You Mary are that promise,
Mother of the only Son of God,
And you brought us that joy of his salvation,
By making us obey the Lord,
Fill the Big Jars with water, 
That turned into Joy;
Blood of Christ,
Body of Christ,
So pure is your delight,
Cleanse me, make me pure,
Dress me in garments of white,
Cleanse my soul of foul,
My my life your delight,
Inspire my dreams my life,
And take me dancing through the stars.
