Monday, September 9, 2019

The Word of God is Jesus

A letter to those that defend the life of children, pray for the world. 

Thank you for being the voice of so many martyrs, victims of the genocide in this Great Tribulation times. People must realize what is really taking place. For, if we do such savagery to the weakest amongst us, truly we have lost our souls to a hardened heart, condemned by the lies of the Ancient Alien Serpent, a monstrous being in an apocalyptic frenzy destroying the human race. 

Who could be so vile, but a being that does not regard us as his own kind, angrily trying to destroy those who have been named by Jesuscrist, our savior and Lord; have mercy and pity of us. As a human race, we have failed you, allowing the enemy to persuade us to commit, or stand by, to such horrendous crime against humanity. 

So that you know, all those children executed are indeed before the Lord, praying for us, so that as a human race, we repent for destroying humanity, a sin far worse than destroying the Earth. Pray, pray, pray for those that are blind. 

Lord have mercy and pity. We repent, we renounce Satan, his deeds and pomposity. We declare ourselves in Mary, Mother of God, adopting her Fiat, her full trust in God’s Words. He says, “forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,” and the Heavens and The Earth proclaim his Mercy. Be done unto me, as according to his will. His will is in his words, for he says, Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do; and offering his blood and body in the altar of the Most Holy Sacrifice, he paid our ransom with his words of love. For indeed, no one loves more than he who gives his life for his friends. And he rightly says so, for in the fulfillment of his Word, everything exists, and lives. And him, the one, the Logos made Flesh and Blood, Bread and Wine, has come to share his mercy, his knowledge, his forgiveness, oh Lord. I pray for family, Mary. I know a world who kills its own children does not deserve anything. But, based upon his words, where he states that the reason we kill so many children, is because we truly must not know what we do. 

Please, lead all the world into the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to ask family forgiveness from God, accepting thus his offering to save us, so that the human race may be forgiven before the great amen. 

Have pity and mercy, forgive us Lord. We believe you are as merciful as you have shown us you are, sharing your blood, and your body, for us, your friends, because you called us friends by means of revealing what you do, with us. For indeed, friendship, as according to what he says, means showing us what he does. And, what does Jesus, the One almighty God in his full glory do? He saves us, he forgives us, paying our ransom. That way, he delivers us from evil, for Truth indeed shall make you hear his words of Everlasting Life. 

He bought Eternal Life by sharing his life in the Bread he feeds us, the Eucharist, the Messiah, the one and only God amongst us, reigning amongst us is the Eucharist. Indeed, the kingdom of God is amongst us. 

Go to the Sacrament of the Eucharist after entering through the door, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Those are the norms for the royal priesthood that he has bestowed upon us, the ones he loved to death, literally. That’s who God almighty really is, Jesus, the Eucharist, his body poured for us in the Cross. That’s who we eat, he shared that with me. God is alive in the Eucharist, poor, humble, servant. Today is Salvation’s day!


Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

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