Monday, June 29, 2020

Dine with me, my Lord

Some people don't have time to love. Isn't that terrible? One ought to have time to fall in love with love itself. Otherwise life becomes an empty caprice, devoured of its bone marrow, a sterile nothingness. 

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, for when there is no one, you, my love, are always there, allowing me to fall in love with you. I honestly love you, because you loved me first. You left the imprint of your love in my heart. You were gentle, and magnificent at the same time. Amazing God, you made us one, you married us, the Church of Christ, beloved wife, eternal partner, friend of the creator, anointed one, to be an adopted child, by your side, in Betlehem, where you were born, in Golgotha where you laid your life for me, and finally you are at the Right Hand Side of the Father, and we can say it without been killed and stoned. 

Forgive me brother Jew, I sit at your table unworthy of you. Yet here I am, invited I, open the door for you, you entered, I did, we both, dine for two, for you, for us we have.

Enormous light
Entered my heart
My hearth I gave 
In sacrifice
Mine with your to
Accept divine
Let your glory be
My song my praise
My love sincere
My outmost cry
My love endowed
With life eternal be
You and I
A table intimate
Where only your eyes I see
I crumble, I die, I live, I all, when I see you my Lord.

I love you Jesus, the Christ, son of Mary, only son of God.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Using semantics to make ambiguous statements

One of the reasons not to engage in a dialogue with Satan is its use of semantic ambiguity.

Semantic ambiguity is a way to say something which people can understand in two different ways, which may be used by Satan’s attorneys to say two different things in one sentence. In plain words: to lie covertly but saying a true statement which could be understood in two different ways.

Who uses this craft and tactics? 

People way too arrogant to admit to making a mistake in order to perpetuate errors, something which is diabolical. 

As Seneca used to say: To err is human, but to perpetuate an error due to arrogance is diabolical.

The first time I became aquatinted with such ideological disarray is when, as a child, we heard former Masonic Mexican President Luis Echeverría Alvarez make the following statement when describing his policies: “No somos ni de derechas, ni de izquierdas, pero todo lo contrario.” (We are neither conservative or liberal, but all the opposite). We refer to that kind of talk as “Cantinflear,” in honor to Mario Moreno Cantinflas, a comedian who taught us to laugh at the words of politicians in Mexico.

Do you know someone who uses the craft of semantic ambiguity as standard modus operandi? Share your thoughts. I would like to hear it. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The God State

A leader in education once told me: Separation from State and church means removing all religious connotations from the State, Public Education, and institutions of the State.

I replied to him telling him that if that were his goal, they should remove the DATE. I reminded him that year 2014 had a very religious connotation, because it commemorated and announced the birth of the Son of God 2014 years ago.  

Then, I explained to him that separation of church and state meant that the State had no right to impose any religion from power, whether Agnosticism, atheism, Christianism, Islam, Satanism, or any other belief. I told him the role of the state should be to encourage people to believe what they want, and to have a government representing the population. I told him the State should not be a religion, nor constitute itself as the sole religion of the people.

CCP trembles in fear, for there is nothing hidden that shall not be made known

#ccp #jericho CCP, you made a mistake. You forgot the word that says: there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. Your censors and firewalls will not be able to stand. All your people and the world will know your crimes. You will be no more. Tremble in fear, your hour is.‬

Chinese Communist Party, your strength is your weakness. Terabytes of information you consumed hiding the truth from your people, adding lies on top of lies, trusting that the truth would never come out. Well, you made a big mistake. CCP, do you want to know what your mistake was? You thought the truth would never come out and be buried in all the lies you spoke. That was your grave error, for indeed I tell you, the truth will be made known, and the truth will shine like a beacon illuminating all the people of the world. You cannot prevent it, it would be as foolish as to think you can hide the Sun with your finger. 

Fear and tremble CCP. Once your population finds out, it will be your demise. How a weak fortress, how foolish a plan, to think you could hide the truth forever. Well, be ready to be crushed down by the truth. Your censors will collapse in fear, run and hide as if they had seen the terror they feared the most. Your firewalls are no match to the might of the Lord and his angels. Brace for impact, you will be no more. Your sins against humanity exposed before all to see. There will be no place to hide, everything exposed, the truth made known. Your arrogance was much, and so your fall will be. You made a grave mistake, to dismiss the Word of God, who clearly states:

There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed