Saturday, February 1, 2020

Drain the Swamp, Shining Star

The Bidens act like the Mafia: kick backs, pay outs, bribery, and who knows what other crimes (I’m no jurist). 

So, they use the power of the USA, that is, We the People, to spread corruption wherever they go. Sounds to me these guys are spoiled brats, to say it candidly; traitors to the Declaration of Independance and US Constitution to say it plainly. 

But, then again, are we surprised? What else can you expect from so called defenders of We the People, when they have promoted the butcheries and illegal execution of 67 million American children in the womb of their moms. 

What can we expect from sociopaths that have no shame or remorse to cruelly attack children when they are most vulnerable and defenseless. 

It’s the Enemy within, an enemy so covert, who is a coward, and rather not wait for US citizens to develop, grow and carry a gun to defend themselves from Predators in public service. 

They have killed 67 million US children by infiltration of the three branches of government, Judicial, Legislative and Executive, with a foreign agenda whose objective is to exterminate humanity at the roots, and by doing so, betraying the Declaration of Independence which clearly states life is the number one fundamental right this Free Nation stands for. 

Treason, abortion is treason, for it allows King George’s envoy, Lord Malthus, to exterminate US Citizens with the pretext and myth of Population Explosion and Population Control. Stalin said it, repeat a lie many times, and people will believe it. And so they have purposely given a false name to the atrocity of killing children in the womb, calling it Healthcare. Such treachery committed by the enemies of the Declaration of Independence which guarantees life as the number one fundamental right above all, second freedom. 

Who are these foreign beasts that kill our children in the womb to the sum of 1,500 million worldwide and 67 million in the USA? We need to drain the swamp and straighten the record, for all those erroneous interpretations of the Law of the Land must be amended and corrected. Life is the number one fundamental right endowed to us by God, and echoed by the Declaration of Independence. Let us drain the swamp.

The USA has a Declaration of Independence that guarantees Life and Liberty for all. 

I think Trump is right. The swamp most be drained, because it stenches like Death. 

How can we be not a corrupted nation, lead by corrupt politicians, as long as we are killing children in the womb? It’s unrealistic and out of touch with reality to ignore the preeminence of life above all, from conception to natural death. In the hierarchy of rights endowed to us stands Life as primordial. If our leaders are not aware of it, it clearly implies they are intoxicated and not in plain use of their faculties, and any policeman can tell you that intoxicated people are a danger in the roads; now, imagine if the captain of the ship is ignoring the number one issue, the criminal assault against the life of children in the womb...

Do you want that guy at the driver seat, intoxicated, not aware there’s an American genocide currently taking place, far worse in number than Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Mao’s and Islamic Empire’s in the past 1,300 years, all of them that add to half of the current genocide of 1,500 million children in the womb. If this staggering number does not cause any reaction in you, it means you are also intoxicated, you are a sociopath as well, just like those at the top. I’ll pray for your awakening to the Light of Christ’s coming, his Star, sign in the heavens. 

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