Friday, February 7, 2020

Call me crazy, but did you see the Crown’s reaction to FBI and prince Andrew? Coronavirus, origin, Canadian, with the Crown’s signature. 

The plot of the Queen is revealed.

Say not my Andrew nothing to the FBI, lest I release my Crown virus from my vault in Canada. Check it, it has my signature, claims the Crown of England. Let my boy alone, little Andrew, he’s an innocent little boy, not like me, says she. She boasts she’ll destroy America’s wealth by hitting his business partner, China. The Queen is pissed. She wants her provision of fresh little children to quench her thirst, and glance for an instant the innocence she lost. Yes, the Satanic Cults of the Elite, their vicious tastes for blood of little children, thus far, 1,500 million in the womb. Beasts and monsters that through Central Bank control all trade and commerce, everything and everyone sold, go through her sight. Powerful Queen, England, Whore of Babylon, the Beast of Seven Heads you ride will consume you in one day, your commerce will end. Long gone she is, fallen, she has fallen, in one day, say all the merchant boats. Why? because it is written in Revelation.

If we add the numbers, the Beast has exterminated 2,100 million, thus far. That’s extremely close to one third the population, and that’s mighty close to the fall. 

The events unfolding we are watching are to the letter, as according to script.

America, the last stand for Life and Liberty, already forgot life, and fulfilled Central Bank quotas with 60 plus million executed as demanded by Lord Malthus, her majesty’s ministry of Population Control, imposing death quotas to guarantee better credit ratings to exercise commerce. In other words, the only give money to nations that exterminate its own population, IMF policies, UN certified, and for global consumption. 

Satan lies and kills, so do their followers. Their followers are against the Declaration of Independence stand on Life and Freedom.

Let’s kick King George and his Malthusian policies back to England, we reinstate the Declaration of Independence 1776. 

Let’s investigate Prince Andrew, and if the Queen releases another one of its poisons from her Canadian vaults, and any American is hurt, America will do the same thing America did to the other terrorist leaders. Thus far, the Queen injured many in China as a trade war against the USA. We do not know what else she plans. She is still a mighty ruler with many tricks up her sleeve, as any other Satanist does. 

Remember, evil is very noisy; we always win at the end. The Pizza-gate will end the elites. Epstein, Andrew, and WDC swamp. 

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