Sunday, February 26, 2017

Why not to teach on the premise of greed as a goal

Reading, listening, learning, education. All but imposible without language; preferably a well suited language which can logically evolve to create new syntax, new words, in an expected manner without exceptions.

Education is the transferring of knowledge in a collective, discovery of knowledge, creation of knowledge. A Universal City of the Well Being and Caring of the World. A University (an education) not based upon the dialectics of money; but rather on the dialectic of Stewardship of Planet Earth. Universities with long term range vision, to teach students to never cease learning, giving, exchanging knowledge. Education, the object of the game we all know as life. I see the birth of a new society. A society where money is not a God, but a mere accounting instrument --as it should have always been. 

Education (sigh)

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