Freemasons and the priest who would not subject to the teaching Office of the Church.
In this true story, you will find a witch hunt launched against me for having exposed a Freemason inside the Knights of Columbus, as well as a priest who stated that he would not subject himself to the teaching Office of the Church.
Year 2003. It was the day for the council meeting at the Knights of Columbus. We were in the chambers and the meeting had ended. As I was talking to my fellow knights, I encountered Mike Kelly, and in the conversation he happen to mention that he was a Freemason. Immediately after he said that, I asked him if he was aware that being a Freemason was a mortal sin and he could not receive Holy Communion. As a Catholic , he would not be in good standing before the church, thus he could not be a Freemason and a Knight as according to regulation. Apparently, he was not aware of it, so I presented to him and the council the “Declaration on Masonic Associations” which clearly stated ipso facto excommunication from the church. There was a discussion and disagreement, so I wrote to the head council in California and to the Vatican.
No long after that, I went to Mass at Saint Patrick’s Church. As the priest, father Frank Piro, gave the sermon, a parishioner interrupted him saying out loudly that there was only one church. It appears the priest was in disagreement with a document called “Declaration Dominus Iesus” which stated that there was only one church. His sermon was against church teaching. So, at the end of the Mass I approached the priest to say hello as is customary, but I was moved to tell him that the Holy Spirit had a message for him, and I said: “religiosum voluntatis et intellectus obsequium.” I had not even finished saying obsequium when the priest started shouting loudly in a tone of defiance: “I will not subject myself to the teaching Office of the church, for it has made many mistakes in the past.” As you can imagine, I pulled back and looked at him in disbelief, amazement and scandal. As I was leaving, I found his nephew, Vince Piro, a profesor in the College, where I worked. I told him about what his uncle had said. To my surprise, he was in agreement with his uncle. Having seen how bad things were in the Church, Freemasons and Dissent, I decided to write another letter to the Vatican, to the congregation for the doctrine of faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, as well as to Pope Saint John Paul II.
I did not fully know what I was getting into, for I suffered persecution for having confronted a rebellious priest and the Freemasons. They indeed managed to infiltrate and bring the fight to my workplace, to my home, to my bank, my business, to every aspect of my life. They even had the FBI come and interrogate me, with their very particular ways, at my place of work!
My wife did not support me, because she had been inducted to the freemasons by her family since she was a child. Soon after, I started to discover that the Catholics at St. Patrick were ok with freemasonry. Those words I spoke, those letters I wrote, were going to have repercussions all over the county of Merced. Persecution had started once again. (I’ve been on a mission from God since 1981, when he called me. This was not the first time I had undergone persecution).
Not long after, a series of events started to unfold. Another priest, who was the pastor in charge at St. Patrick’s, who knew my uncle José Maria Basagoiti by his books, was accused in the Newspapers of being a homosexual. In one week it all unfolded. There was a bomb threat sent to the place where I worked, and the Friday of that same week another one. Police detectives were there, and an ongoing investigation started. They were attacking Father Lastiri in the newspapers. The very particular interrogation had commenced. I started to be questioned by detectives in several places. They called my home, they came to the College, they came to the bank where I had my accounts and questioned me. It was a full fledged investigation FBI style. Even the FBI came to the college, the place where I worked, to interview me, it was also on the newspapers the FBI came to the college. Professors complained, the community complained. It was a nightmare. It seemed to me as if they had launched a full fledged investigation, interrogations, and many annoying events that had me tremendously worried and in apprehension, for I could easily tell they were out to get me. My sin was reporting a powerful priest who did not want to submit to the Magisterium, and Freemasons amongst the church and in the Knights of Columbus.
I decided to stop going to St. Patrick’s, and started going to Sacred Heart Church. My in-laws were in disagreement with my decision. It seemed as the whole world had turned against me. I had two very powerful enemies: a rebellious priest and the Freemasons at the Knights of Columbus Council.
As years went by, the aunt of my wife died. Father Lastiri had already been casted out with scandalous accusations. The priest who had shouted he would not subject himself to the teaching Office of the Church was the one celebrating the funeral Mass, father Frank Piro. What a scandal! He was there, celebrating the Mass at Our Lady of Mercy. I was there, very concerned and praying to the Immaculate, with the Holy Spirit.
As the priest celebrated the Mass, as he was raising the consecrated Eucharist for adoration as we knelt, I saw an angel behind him. It was a very tall angel, at least 12 feet tall. My eyes were wide opened as I watched. The angel had something in his hands that seemed like a sword, which he used to strike the priest in his back with determination. I must mention that the priest must have noticed I was seeing something, for he was looking at me and there was a worried look in his eyes. I know he was worried because when we were at the cemetery later on, I saw the detective who had interrogated me a while back besides him. I guess they were there for his protection after he had called them. He must have felt the angel stroke him, but he must have taught it was me who would try to do something against him. I had already reported him to the Vatican and he was obviously concerned. But, why would I do something to him? Why would he accuse me with the detectives? Mary Immaculate had told me to leave him to her supervision when I had prayed for him. I would never hurt him, but I guess in his conscience he was feeling the burden of guilt for the words he had spoken. I must mention that the next week, after I saw the angel strike him, I saw the parish bulletin stating that he had had a kidney collapse and would be on a wheelchair and in treatment. The kidneys are precisely where the angel had struck him. Deep inside I understood what the Immaculate had told me when she said that she would take care of his soul and the church. I was worried the church would be taken away from the Way, for it was a scandal what he had said: “I will not subject myself to the Magisterium (Teaching Office) of the Church!”
I knew father Piro, his followers, the Freemasons inside the Knights, and others, had planned some sort of vendetta against me. I was concerned they would try to accuse me of a falsehood, as they did to Father Lastiri. I knew they were powerful. This was not the first time I had encountered people in power who had seek to destroy me for having denounce them. I actually wrote a book about my incursion in a Cult back in the early 80s, of a self proclaimed church of Christ, who was led by wolves, one of them ended up becoming the president of Guatemala, and he had sent several envoys to warn and threaten me not to talk about him. Regardless, I wrote all the incidents in a book the Catholic Church had published in 1997 for me ( As I prayed, I thought I understood that Immaculate Mary told me not to worry, for all priests belong to her. She was going to talk with father Piro, so he would be saved. I must not be frightened even though they were powerful.
So, what happened to the Freemason at the Knights Council? County Bank, his workplace, closed and the new Office of the District Attorney was moved there as the old DA’s Office was burned down, and Spenser, the DA was ousted from the community amongst scandals, as according to the Sunstar, the local newspaper. Sheriff Mark Pazzin was also sent away from Merced amongst scandalous allegations, as reported by the local newspaper, the Sun Star. Governor Jerry Brown called him to be close to him. It seemed Immaculate Mary had dealt with those that were behind the attacks.
What happened to my life? I separated from my wife, we got an annulment. It turns out tgat her family opposed me and started to claim I was mentally deranged. My wife’s sister, the nurse, threatened to lock me up instituting a 51-50. She also threatened me saying I would loose my job and all my possessions (I have a copy of the letter sent to her by my attorney). I had to get a Cease and Desist letter from Canelo, the attorney’s office. I did not complained to the medical board because she left the County, and her harassment ended. At the College the situation was not good. Way too many investigations against my person haunted me and discredit me. It appears the Freemasons and the followers of father Frank Piro were behind it all. It seemed everyone was against me. I still felt the Freemasons at K of C and followers of Piro had a vendetta against me. After all, Father Frank Piro was a person with weight in the community, a powerful person with followers everywhere. Not only his nephew was a professor at the college, but many of the leaders attended Saint Patrick’s: Duran, Pazzin, Cuchna and most relevant members of the community. I was very concerned, but the Lord managed to give me his spirit so that I would not be frightened to extreme.
So, what happened to the priest, Father Piro? By then, eleven years had gone by since the incident when he shouted his dissent against the Magisterium in 2003, when I had written the letter regarding his rebellion to the Church’s Teaching Office at the Vatican. It was 2014. Also, by then, the Vatican had changed the translation of the English speaking liturgy and prayers, so that it would fit the original meaning (I must mention the USA Church had had a bad translation for almost 70 years). I felt really good because it seemed as if the Lord had listened and had started to fix the Church. By then, I was the Sacred Musitian playing the organ and singing at Sacred Heart Church, 9:00 AM mass. Every month at Sacred Heart, we had a visit from a priest from Saint Patrick’s. Father McCormick used to come to our church. He was a very good preacher. However, he retired and soon after they sent another priest, father Frank Piro.
I was amazed that father Piro was at Sacred Heart, for he was in dissent with the Magisterium, but I decided to obey what Mary had told me. She said I should do nothing, for she would take care of him. So, I did as I’ve done with all visiting priests. I concelebrated the Mass from the choir, and extremely carefully followed his cue in order to celebrate the Mass properly. He came in two occasions only, on two consecutive months to celebrate Mass thus taking the place of father McCormick who had retired. I recorded, as I always do, the Mass. I noticed how in his sermon he seemed confronted by the Holy Spirit. He could not preach as he always did. He could not articulate clearly. He was shaky and troubled, he could not preach the way he used to preach. I must mention that he was a very good preacher. He always had a very passionate way when delivering his sermons, but he wasn’t all there those two Sundays. I remember that during the sermon he was putting the blame on the church by saying that Sacred Heart was not mature enough to understand him. So, he blamed us for not being as “illustrated” as he was. He was indeed a bit arrogant. I wonder if he must have felt the Angel of the Lord preventing him from scattering errors, as he did at Saint Patrick’s. The mass ended and I prayed out of concern. I did not want to be close to him, but what was I supposed to do. So, I just trusted in the Holy Spirit and in Mary Immaculate’s words when she said she would take care of business.
Not long after, a month or so later, the newly appointed bishop was on his way to celebrate mass at Sacred Heart. He was coming to visit for the first time. The new Bishop was Armando Xavier Ochoa, for bishop Steinbuck had died of cancer earlier. I must also mention that by then, the laws of the Church had changed and the Vatican now had a right to override the decisions of the local bishop, due to all the irregularities that had plagued the church. In my opinion, Dissent from the Magisterium was the cause for letting the smoke from Hell enter the Church, for the Magisterium is the voice of Christ. I was very happy because we now had Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope. He was the one I had sent the letter in 2004 with my findings. He used to be the Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, to whom I had addressed the letter informing him that father Frank Piro had overtly and in a public manner stated that he would not subject himself to the Teaching Office of the Church, aka, Magisterium, thus causing scandal and misdirection to the Church. So, as I was saying, it was Sunday morning, we were eagerly waiting for bishop Armando Xavier to arrive, however, something had happened. The Bishop cancelled the visit on the spot and instead went to Saint Patrick’s Church. We were sad but father Jesus told us the bishop had to go to Saint Patrick’s and we celebrated the mass without the newly appointed bishop for the diocese of Fresno, Armando Xavier Ochoa. Bishop went to Saint Patrick’s and there was a very powerful reason. Father Frank Piro died when the bishop Ochoa went to Saint Patrick’s that Sunday.
The following week I read on the newspapers how Father Frank Piro had died in Saint Patrick’s when the bishop visited the church. I learn from a parishioner what had happened as well. As soon as I heard those words, I remember what Mary Immaculate had told me: “the priests are mine and I take full responsibility for them, do not worry”. I also remembered the story of Ananias and Sapphira in the Book of Acts of the Apostles. I knew the Holy Spirit had taken charge of the situation in order to protect the Church and Father Piro from eternal condemnation. I felt the silence of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. I was amazed and filled with a sensation of awe, because the Lord was there, very attentive to everything and everyone. Somehow I felt all that persecution against my person for so many years, and the anguish and suffering inflicted had not been in vain.
As a result of the incident, father Piro’s sudden death at Saint Patrick’s, I understood that the Holy Spirit wanted to teach his church in regards of the importance of adhering to His Words, his teachings. I also remembered the words of Saint Paul when he told the Corinthians that there were many sick amongst them because they did not approach the Eucharist with the respect necessary. Father Frank Piro, the one that cause scandal because of his rebellion against the Magisterium had died as the newly appointed bishop stepped into Saint Patrick’s Church. I knew the story, and what had really transpired for that event to take place. I wondered if I were the only one who was aware of what had happen. I know I was a part of the inner circle, and needed to convey what had happened, as a warning against freemasonry and dissent from the Magisterium.
I hope this story helps Catholics understand that the Church should not be taken lightly, because the Eucharist is the Glory of God, also called by the Jews in the times of Moses the Shekinah. Back then, in the Old Testament, aka the Torah, we heard stories of how Moses’ priests approaching the Sanctum Sanctorum would died if not approaching cleansed, to the extent that they would even tie a rope to their feet in order to pull them out if they had died while in the Sanctum Sanctorum.
I learned when I was a child that we cannot go to Holy Communion in state of Mortal Sin, because it is a sacrilege. A sacrilege is a very bad sin. Saint Paul warned us, and there is written evidence everywhere regarding who the Eucharist really is: God himself. The Corinthians were getting sick for approaching the Eucharist improperly, because the Eucharist is God himself. Saint Paul warned them.
As a personal note, I would like to mention that in the Book I wrote in 1997, I tell a story of what happened to me. I once took communion in mortal sin. As a result I ended up loosing my belief in God altogether. That book also tells the story of the Mercy of God, for in 1991, he gave me back faith in him and in the Eucharist. I just know one thing. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian faith. He is the Logos incarnate, made bread for us to eat. There is one rule that I must abide by: I never go to communion in state of Mortal Sin. I always go to confession and I try, to the best of my abilities, to be in grace before taking communion with God, so I go to confession. The Eucharist is the only one I fear on Earth and in Heaven, because he rules, he is the Lord.
Please, if you are in dissent against the teaching office of the Church, do not go to communion. You need to repent and go to confession first. You cannot be in Mortal Sin and go to communion. Bad things can happen. God, as any father does, will punish us. On the other hand, if you go to communion with a pure heart, after going to confession, you will be healed. Yes, the Eucharist has the power to heal you, to resurrect the death, to do any miracle, because He himself is the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Throne of Grace, the Creator himself, Emmanuel, God amongst us.
Please, learn from what has happened in Merced, California. The Eucharist is the most important thing there is. We were already taught what happens to priests who are in rebellious disobedience against Him.
Holy Spirit, please rebuke and enlighten your church. Teach them who you are, so that they approach you knowingly. Move them to go to confession, so that they may repent and be healed by the Eucharist, not punished. Amen.
