An excellent movie. Presented argumentatively in a very rational way and appealing to common-sense. Must watch!
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
We live Apocalyptic times, 2018 years, thus far.
In the know zone
It’s amazing. Just as Prophet Daniel describes. People will no longer worship gold, silver, bronce or Iron. For indeed, the feet of the statue are made of iron mixed with mud (Petrol); hence the Petrodollar. The one world currency depicted by John, the Apostle, in Revelation, the Mark of the Beast.
It appears subliminal neurolinguistic programming has been fully applied. Nabuco has brainwashed the kingdom... but, there a stone cut/thrown without hand to destroy the kingdom of Nabuco.
Times are near, just as predicted by the Logos, Incarnate, made Bread of Heaven, Eucharist.
I wonder what would it be that stone thrown/cut without hand heading toward us.
The day the hour, only the Father knows; but, let us not be hypocritical, for we can read the seasons and tell wether it would, or not, rain.
It seems so much that our passage through the Book of Revelation positions us at a certain series of events.
I’m convinced more than ever, that he does not lie. We can see inside that open prophetic book and see our temporal positioning in the chronology of events taking place in cycles of sevens. Events which confirm the Day of the Lord; after which, he will give us a New Earth, in which from Heaven we descend in our vessel, the New Jerusalem. All things consummated in his eternal Amen to his will. Praise Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.