Saturday, July 5, 2014

Children born inside the wombs of their mothers are not illegals...

Children born inside the wombs of their mothers are not illegals, worthy of capital punishment!

Culture of Life vs. Culture of Death.

Mexicans coming to the USA without papers are not illegal. Actions can be Illegal. There are legal and illegal actions, like crossing a stop sign in red. Humans, per se, are never illegal. Illegal can be the actions that humans do. If humans were illegals, that would mean that not all humans are created equal. It would imply that some humans are, and others aren’t; thus some humans have a right to be, while others are illegals. That reminds me of the Jewish Holocaust, or the persecution of Christians in Syria. So, the definition of illegality applies to an action, not to the person committing and illegal action. If however, a person is deemed as an illegal action, that turns the person into an object, thus depriving the person of its dignity as a human being. That is a violation of Human Rights, Civil Liberties, and the US Constitution, as well as many constitutions of many countries. Hence, to call someone “illegal” not only misuses the property of words within the rules of language, but by doing so it misrepresents the objective of language, which is to express to all one single concept of the dignity of the human life and the person on which that life is bestowed. And in order to save time and not to expand, I shall end my dissertation here.

So, by the same token than a person is not illegal for committing a crime; a child born inside the womb of a mother is NOT an illegal person, I may add, that one can kill for breaking a law. Besides, Capital Punishment for trespassing is recognized as inhuman, even with Mexican children crossing the border without papers, by the Laws of the Land. You cannot kill humans or children, unless we are in a state of military war! How, then, can be killing a child in the womb of a woman be a warranted action for trespassing. It makes no sense unless we have become atrocious monsters who respect NOT the dignity of the human person. Are we under a military government that assassinates in genocide the populations of Earth? Is that why we are seeing so much wars, and rumors of war?  

Children born inside the wombs of their mothers are not illegals; they are not worthy of capital punishment! The state cannot allow us to kill children, nor others. Besides, even if society is forcing me to kill, I object, I refuse. I have a right to refuse to kill for the state, and I do so! I will not kill even if the State says that I can!!! I am not a murderer, or an assassin. I do not want my life to be filled with the blood of innocent people. I refuse to be a part of the conspiracy to assassinate humanity. I DO NOT AGREE WITH HITLER, LENIN, OR BUSH(SHERFF)!!!

This is my Declaration of Independence from a brutal and totalitarian regime!!! Isn’t that what the Declaration of Independence is all about? It’s not only a rebellion against the King of the British Empire, but against any other brutal regime, or government that persecutes the population of the world. That is my world view!

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