Saturday, August 2, 2014


Declaration of Independance

I do not have any hatred or negative feelings against Muslims and Protestants. However, I do have a quarrel against their anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish ideologies and sentiments.

We, Catholics and Jews, have a right to believe in our own convictions. We should not be threatened, falsely accused, assassinated of character, persecuted and condemned for our believes.

I do believe that history gives witness to the persecution against Catholics and Jews by Protestants and Muslim leaders. That is why I bring forth the historical evidence, in order to expose the truth.

We, Catholics and Jews, are the victims here! We have been the victims for thousands of years. History gives testimony to my words.

What I want is for those two groups to stop discriminating against us. They are far worse the Stalin's communist regime and the hordes of Genghis Khan.

We want peace in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Libya, and the whole Middle East.

We also pray for our brothers, Christian Orthodox from Ukraine. Russia is a Christian Nation. They are our persecuted brothers as well.

We want war to stop. We want the Industrial Military Complex fueled by OPEC to stop wars against us. Is that too much to ask? Leave us and our territories alone. I am specially talking about Latin America now, which has become another CIA experiment of fratricidal weapons for drug circus. STOP filling Latin America with US dollars in exchange for Drugs, OIL, and Political Power! 

Note: I do believe that the US dollar bill is the current Mark of the Beast, as described in the Book of Revelation! We refuse to worship the US dollar and Television, the current Image of the Beast (neurolinguistic programming tool).

We want peace! Stop the war and your horrendous appetites for Global Domination. Leave us alone!!! The whole Earth and the people of the Earth cannot be you ambition to humiliate us and subdue us as servants to the Holy State of Tyrannical Rule of your ideologies (monetarism and the worship of profit)!

Take your money back and leave us alone. The world belongs to God, and we are his people. He will take care of us. Look at the birds of the field! they do not work and every single day of their existence, they have to eat. Look at the flowers! Not even Salomon dressed as one of them! Take into account that every single hair of our head is accounted for by God! We are just advancing the Kingdom of God and His justice. The role of the State should be to serve the interests of the majority. We are the majority. The oligarchs and warmongers are the minority, the 0.0001%. We do not want their voice to rule human affairs!

Surrender the world and all the assets of the world. They belong to God and to us, not to a few to create scarcity and profit!

We, the People of the World, have spoken!

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