Monday, December 7, 2015

Guns and Sharia Law

Guns and Sharia Law

I understood that the amendment's intention was so that the citizens would be able to defend themselves from an evil government. So, it is not so much "guns," but an instrument to defend oneself from a hypothetical evil government.

Therefore, it would appear at this stage, that even the most potent weapons would fall very shy from the immense military power of a government with access to weapons of mass destruction.

What weapon, I ask, would have enough caliber to defend a population against a hypothetical evil government with weapons of mass destruction and a industrial military complex?

The answer: information. Remember that wars are won in the minds of the people, not in the battlefield.

Hence, the weapon most powerful in the human Arsenal are words, which carry powerful ideas. 

Did you know the governments have the ability to brainwash population through mass media, and have done so for ages?

One example is JFK's assassination by George HW Scherff, and the last 5 decades of coup d'état. How do you defend yourself from being brainwashed? With guns?!


Guns present no real solution against the current threats we feasibly and possibly face. 

Saudi Islam is behind the "Clerics of OPEC," as I like to call what people refer to as ISIS, or ISIL. Are we really gonna be able to defend ourselves with "guns" from the threat an oil embargo that OPEC may once again pose? 

I think that we must assess the real enemy, and understand its power. An enemy that kidnapped the US dollar in 1973, re-baptizing it as PetroDollars from Saudi, Islamic State, Arabia. OPEC's super beast!

Think and assess who the real enemy is, so you can defend yourself against it with proper weapons, like education, and truth, that will undoubtedly set you free!

The power of an enemy that can change the purchasing power of the US Dollar by simply raising the price of the barrel of oil, is a very powerful enemy. How do you fight it, with guns!?

Please realize the enemy is smart, and like any other powerful army attacks using different fronts. One economic, one public relation fear apparatus, as well as many clever tools.

I say it is time for Christian Nations to unite with Israel, and all our friends to dethrone the House of Saudi, and its clerics, the ones organizing the ISIS jihad in Syria and Iraq. Putin and France, and the rest of the nations are finally standing up to stop the dictatorships of OPEC and Saudi Arabia Royalties. 

America, world, awake! Stand by Israel and all Christians, starting with the Catholic Church. Let's defend our history, traditions and faith. 

We do not want Sharia Law, or OPEC, dictating the governments of the world. We want peace, justice, mercy, we don't want war!

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