The Islamic State won. We live in a Culture of Death.
This endemic epidemic that has crossed several generations, because they departed the Teachings of Christ, the Magisterium, has lead to helping bring Islam to America: the God that is irrational and kills. On the contrary, Christianity teaches that Death Penalty is a mortal sin.
Only three nations have Death Penalty: China, Islamic State (Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc., etc.) and non other than the United States of America!
Why? Because Protestants do not follow the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church, that established that Death Penalty is a grave mortal sin.
Thus, the ones responsible for killing JFK, the ones protecting the nation, are responsible for bringing the culture of death inside American territory. It is the responsibility of the Pentagon, White House, and National Security Council to bring peace and expel the Kingdom of Death by abolishing the Death Penalty.
Get us out of Islam and Communist China, no more Death Penalty!
That is the problem in America. Life has little value, due to wrong national and state policies, such as: Death Penalty, and assassinations of innocents, like the so many babies we kill in abortion.
The Culture of Death is winning. Islam is winning, a mad an angry prophet that kills in the name of God.
We must definitely bring Christian teaching to the USA. That's the only hope.