Sunday, August 14, 2016

Tell me, Betelgeuse who you are - letter to a star.

Letter to a star, Betelgeuse, 640ly away or so.

I dream my future.

Do you dream your future?
Dreams could so substantial be, for them to make be that which was but a dream. Then therefore let the dream be.
Make a wish upon a star. Betelgeuse my left hand, show me the time you'll shine. Grant my dreams come true, shooting star, so big immense they don't know with certainty how big, or far you are, being you are our neighbor. Tell me star, do you measure the three and half days? Are you Betlehem's Star of Jesus, 2016 or so ago. Do you twist time, engulf the Galaxy, the Cosmos, you Big Cruncher. Or is it perhaps us, Earth, the cause of the most eventful singularity ever witnessed in this universe. Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, only He knows the time. So, I guess you would not know, nor be able to realize, but only if there were to be way too many coincidences in the Matrix. 

The Moon, for instance, is one extremely odd coincidence, much more than a coin landing flat on its side, and staying there. 

Have we but started to see? How old you are my friend Betelgeuse. Are you even from this galaxy? Is there a collision of galaxies, and we haven't yet seen it because of the light, so slow and twisted. 

Betelgeuse, tell me what you did on that day. How did you shine? What did you show? Was it a black dark cross in the middle of a boiling sun? 

Tell me Bethelgeuse who you are? Who am I? Who do other planets say I am? Who do you say I am?

The Earth asks. Will it all collapse unto us, attracting the Galaxy, the Cosmos unto us? Are we at the Center of the Collapsing Universe? 


Earth, with love. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Moses vs. the snakes of Pharaoh

Moses vs. the snakes of Pharaoh

Who do you think wins? (I already know the answer.)

Thank you God Savior for bringing us the Rod of Moses to defend us against their snakes. Thank you Holy Spirit for speaking up in our defense. You are our only hope. 

We will keep on witnessing the Gospel of Eternity on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you once again for paving the road so we can give witness.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Culturistas de la Muerte infiltrados entre nosotros.

Aquellos que matan a otros por las palabras que dicen son adoradores de la Cultura de la Muerte. 

Debemos aprender a perdonar y no matar al que peca, pues eso es lo Cristiano. El que mata peca, pues nadie es inocente como para tirar la primera piedra, solo Jesus, hijo de María, esposa virgen y pura del Espíritu Santo es Purísima e inocente como lo es el único Hijo de Dios. Ella fue bañada en la sangre de Cristo desde la concepción de el amado, el esposo, Jesus, Dios, el Amor, la misericordia, el Pan, El Vino, la Sangre de Cristo y su Cuerpo. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Letter sent to Washington Post

How grotesque and blasphemous is to put the name God on currency. Truly, truly, it reminds me of that Scarlet Beast of Seven Heads filled with blasphemous titles, her cup filled with blood to the rim. 

Any government that dares to call itself of God, must not kill. If it does, that government is blasphemous. That government worships the Culture of Death.

God does not kill the adulterous woman. He forgives her. That is the One and True God, Love. 

Which nations are blasphemous, or as we say now-a-days, non Civilized, but beastial and barbaric, atrocious and filled with blood, embracing the Culture of Death?

Lord Charity, have mercy on those kingdoms, we pray that as Saulo of Tarsus, they fall off their horse and understand that they hurt themselves much more than what they hurt us. "Saulo, Saulo, why do you persecute me?"


The Culture of Death Penalty

Death Penalty, a symptom of a coup d'Etat orchestrated by the profiteers of War and Death. A symptom of an uncivilized society. 

Name three kingdoms where the Culture of Death Penalty Reigns.

To be honest to goodness, the Merchants of War are responsible for the attack against Europe. All these wars, since first Gulf War, have been an attack against demonized Europe. Why, because of the eschatological Protestant reformers: Joseph Calvin (father of capitalism), John Knocks and Martin Luther, which demonized Europe by calling the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon in their eschatological dissertations. 

By doing so, they have brought a terrible punishment upon themselves, bringing the Magnificat as a witness. They have become the Whore themselves as merchants of War and Death.

Killing in the name of God is a blasphemy, killing in the name of the State is barbaric, of Diabolical Beasts. 

Yes, we live apocalyptic days, and we have since the Birth of the Church of Christ. Nero was one of the 3 sixes. 

Yet, in our journey we are united, in peace with one another. One Body, One Blood. 

We pray for America so that they declare the Death Penalty unconstitutional, as against the values that regard life as a gift, sanctity of life and the dignity that endows that life in every human being. A gift given to us to protect in self and each other. 

Let him who has no sin throw the first stone; thus we do not have a right to kill, nor the state that represents the people has a right to kill. It is a blasphemy to say that God orders us humans to kill. Those believes that claim a conviction gives you the right to kill are barbaric and of monsters. To kill in the name of God or the State is barbaric. A perpetual state of war due to profiteers of wars is monstrous and of beasts who worship Death. 

Death must be eradicated from human civilization. Death begets death, and we are all connected as travelers in this planet which we must care for with the same respect we have to ourselves, and other human beings.  How could we care for the Earth, if we don't care for self or others. 

The Culture of Death Penalty is a grave error of communities that have not yet learned to behave as Peaceful Civilizations. Persecution and killing of anyone, or others, is a  symptom of not being civilized.

We must face all the challenges that life gives us without fear, without killing, without the Culture of Death, a symptom of uncivilized societies. 

Name three kingdoms where the Culture of Death Penalty Reigns.

Communist China, all nations under Islamic Law, and the United States of America.

Do you get the picture?