Saturday, December 24, 2016


What have Christians celebrated for the past 2016 years? Christmas and New Year. 

Lots of people are unaware that the celebration of the New Year is a Christian Celebration. Everybody cheers around the world, and will be welcoming Year 2017. Most people are completely unaware of the significance of the year.

I remember how one professor once told me that separation from Religion and State was imperative in public education. I told him that in order to do that, the year itself would have to be banned, for the year itself had a very strong religious connotation. I said to him that 2000 years ago Christ had been born. Hence, the only way to separate religion would be to stop using the year we live on.

The professor understood clearly what I said, for I could see it in his face. He had no words to reply, for indeed he had realized that we were living in the Year of the Kingdom of Christ for the past 2000 years. 

He became aware that every time we used the year, we would be celebrating Christ's birthdate as a reference. So, when students time-stamped their essays and homework, when he received his paycheck dated with a year, when he paid taxes and so forth, every time we used the year; we would be acknowledging Christ's birthdate. 

He was speechless. The professor had no words to reply!

I said to him with a bit of sarcasm: "if you want to get rid of any and all religious connotation, fully separating State from Religion, you must get rid of the year we live on." I added: "what year would you like to set as the standard, perhaps the Declaration of Independence?"

He became very angry and started to say: "well, yes, we must do that!"

The professor is now death, and so with him are the attempts to change the year we live on.

What is the lesson to be learnt?

There is a very old prophecy that states that in the later days the anti-Christ will attempt to change the year we live on. Stalin, for instance, tried to do so. He died and the USSR died with him. The other only option and threat to change the year would have to come from another very powerful political regime that masquerades itself as a religion: Islamic Sharia Law. Currently, they are in the Year 1438 of their institution, which is the birth of Mohamed. 

So, for all those of you who want full separation from Christianity and State, forget it, give it up. It will never happen, unless we become an Islamic State and Sharia Law. However, Islam would also conflict with separation from State and Religion. 

Another option is that Communist China becomes the ruler of the world. If that were to happen, all religions would be forbidden worldwide, and the calendar year would be changed worldwide. 

Wether you believe Christ is God or not, you will still be commemorating his birthday. It does not matter if you rejoice with us, or curse at us. Still you will have to date all documents with his birth year, soon to be 2017 years since he was born.

Note for Protestants: do not await for the kingdom of the messiah to be established on Earth for a "thousand" years. It already happened! We live in soon to be Year 2017 of the Millennia of Christ. The second coming is in Glory, as stated in chapter 20 and 21 of Revelation.

Rejoice, the King of all created things was born 2017 years ago!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017! Happy birthday Jesus Christ!

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