Tuesday, August 29, 2017

An act of war!

I am at awe. I cannot believe China is actually poisoning the populations of the world, but the evidence in this video shows the contrary. 

North Korea is the tipping point. There is going to be a nuclear war. 

China committed an atrocious act of war against the world. They are poisoning the food supply, and corporations throughout the world are in on it.

I am amazed! 

They will kill this video fast! 


Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Intifada is a terrorist organization because it violently forbids others to express their opinion; a constitutional right, a God given right, freedom. 

Antifa is frightened of reasonable arguments, precisely because intifada has no reasonable arguments. That is why it resources to violence to silence. 

The objective of that violence is to intimidate those who have reasonable, logical and convincing arguments. Antifa wants to promote a toxic violent movement, with the hopes of legislating silence. 

Antifa wants to silence the voices of those who oppose Sharia Law. 

Antifa is not the only Islamic organization in our midst who wants to destroy the narrative of Christianity and Judaism (aka the West, or Citizens of the Year 2017.)

Be not mistaken, Antifa is endorsed by Islam, which hides behind religion the true political face of Islam. 

Political Submission of the world is its only true face. For in reality, it is an organization that spreads hatred and violence towards those that do not SUBMIT to their beliefs: their beliefs are the Quran. 

Why wouldn't, after all, Islam means submission, intelectual submission to a book called the Quran. The name of the movement itself tells you what it is: Submission. The Quran says that about its teachings. It calls its belief Submission, which translated means Islam. 

Islam: No right to question its pages, or to put to the test of reason its teachings. 

What do they teach that is so scandalous? They teach that god lies, kills, and wants its followers to do the same, in order to bring all the world to Submission, as the very word Islam means, submission. 

But the Quran says beautiful things, like the Old and New Testament say, you may argue (if you haven't studied the Quran). 

It does indeed. But there is a reason, the same reason why Satan used the scriptures to tempt Jesus. He wanted to bring Jesus to Submission, to Islam, to worship him. Jesus resisted him and he left him. The Jews also resisted him in Mecca, the Jewish dwelling; and Mohamed decapitated 700 Jews. The Christian resisted him in Jerusalem, and the followers of the False Prophet erected a Dome and fought Jews and Christian. It was but until the 1900's when Jerusalem, Jewish and Christian inheritance, was delivered, so we could go and worship freely the Holy City of Jerusalem. The fought us in the desert, as Satan fought Christ. 

Now a days we have Mohamed, and all the Islamic organizations amongst us, who was inspired by Satan, wanting to make us submit to the Quran. They want us to get rid of the Constitution of our Land in order to make room to the visitors, lest the be offended by our "intolerance." An example of Sharia Law occupation was Spain from year 711 until year 1492. 

Simply put: they want to claim discrimination against them if we dare criticize the ideology of Islam. But, we are citizens of the West, or as we call ourselves, of Year 2017. We believe Christ is King and we live in his birthday. We understand that they are being misguided by a "Jim Jones" to commit suicide, because they are a Cult. We pray for them hoping they will have an opportunity to read the Gospels, and get to know the God that does not kill the adulterous woman. 

It's not the fault of our poor Muslims brothers that they were brainwashed by a toxic ideology of World Domination by Submission, Sword, lies, and Death. 

We believe Jesus, our God, does not lie, nor kill. He does not kill the adulterous woman, or innocent children. 

We have two very different narratives of who God is. And we know that the period of Earth we are currently living is the so-called, Linguistic Wars, Ideological Wars. Wars, which by the way, started when Mohamed started killing in the 600's and ended in the beginnings of the 20th Century. 

However, the peace treaty did not last, and once Islam acquired the immense power of oil, the Caliphates of the Islamic States were reborn. They not only fight with swords, but with the most powerful weapon there is against words: Silencing our Words with violence, clever legislation and lawsuits, intimidation, threats, false accusations, mass media, and story makers, or TelePrompTers. 

Let us not loose this ideological battle and wars. Let us no be drawn into the corner, to that place where talking against Islam will be consider a crime of discrimination. 

Be careful, they lie like sheep killing dogs.

Never give up your right to believe in an ideology and to debate with reason your stand. Let us learn to defend ideologically and with words those things we believe in. Let us not succumb to their fears and seductions which falsely use the term Political Correctness to avoid the arguments of reason.

Awake! Realize that in the table of dialogue and debate, we can completely obliterate Islam exposing it for what it is. 

Islam is Machismo (male superiority ideology)

Islam is Submission, forbidding freedom of beliefs other than Quran.

Islam censors freedom of speech.

Islam is Political, for it wants to abrogate the Law of the Land of the nations it conquests. 

Islam is Death Culture, Death Penalty for sinners who brake the Laws of the Quran.

Islam is Mental Illness, for only a psychopath thinks that fucking 70 little virgins is the reward of God in Heaven. Think! What kind of a psychopath can enjoy raping 70 little virgins, or would want that for 70 little girls?

I know it sounds surreal, but Islam teaches that, and it clearly states that the last words of the Quran, where the toxic stuff is at, supersede the nice verses.

Let us pray for all Muslims so that they may be delivered from that toxic neurolinguistic brainwashing that the horrendous book, the Quran, has given them. 

Freedom of Speech is important, very important. It's our last line of defense. They should not have a right to kill us, or censor us, for our Catholic and Jewish faith. No one should be given that right!

The Visigoth Knight 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Resistance is futile...

Terms of surrender are easy:

Depose all weapons and threats; ask for forgiveness; restore all material and immaterial damages you have caused.

Those are the items on the table for the agenda, if you want to come to my table and dine with me.

It's simple, just as simple as what Israel is asking. 

Given that you have proven in prior occasions that you do not honor your agreements, we need insurance.

It's very simple!

We do not tolerate persecution of religion. We have a right to believe and say the truth, whether it hurts, or not.

We are citizens of the Year 2017, which is the Birthday of Christ. Separation of Church and State does not give employees of the State, the right to persecute those that proclaim 2017 as the Birth of our Jewish God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

That's it!

I have a Constitutional right to practice my faith, and unless the State changes the year to other than 2017, I consider this Land to be under Christian jurisdiction, as per the Establishment of the Kingdom of the Messiah on Earth two millennia ago. 

That is my faith!

I'm Catholic

I also believe that Mohamed is the False Prophet kingdom. Their goal is to bring everybody to the House of Submission (Islam); by means compulsory. I believe they want to change the Year the world lives in to the Year of Mohamed, currently 1494. I believe they want to change the times, as the prophecy told us. 

I believe God will help us and many of them will convert; as we are persecuted (as it has happened since Mohamed staring making war against Christians and Jews for over 1300 years. 

That is my faith. I love Muslims, but I know they are victims of neuro-linguistic programming by a very toxic book, culpable of creating that which was Prophetized in the Book of Revelation 500 years before Mohamed was born. 

I don't believe in TV. I consider it the Image of the Beast, a neurolinguistic weapon made to subdue population.

I don't believe in money, and since 1973, it belongs to the feet of the Statue of Nabuchedenessar, to the Beast of Seven Heads, OPEC, and the Seven Sisters, or Oil Conglomerates and its mother Nations, 7 Islamic Kingdoms. Hence, Petrodollar equates in my mind to the Mark of the Beast.

I believe God takes care of all my needs as long as I Seek for the Kingdom of God. So, yes, you can say it as I do: God is paying for my stay in this planet, and in the New Earth as well. 

I don't believe in TV. I don't believe in Money. I believe in the Word of God, aka the Logos, aka Jesus Christ made flesh, aka The Eucharist. He is my God, the Eucharist, so humble and willing to be beaten, persecuted, crucified, scorned, betrayed, yet never loosing his Dignity, because He is in a Mission of obedience to God, the Lamb of God, the Resurection and the Life.

I believe his Most Precious and Holy blood payed for our sins in the Cross. I do not believe in stoning women to death because of Adultery, unless you are spotless. I believe that judgment belongs only to Jesus Christ, and I believe he forgave her; as he does with all of us. I believe in Jesus, my very own personal friends, the wisperer, the human like being made of Living Waters.