Saturday, September 16, 2017

Prayer of Deliverance from spiritual death

A prayer to help scape those in the dungeon of spiritual death. 

Lord, have mercy on those poor little souls that have been trapped by lies, and find their bodies possessed by an evil spirit who seeks power due to its arrogance; it lies kills and destroys.

Inside, there is a soul that wants to be freed from that interior prison. They have lied so much they do not even recognize what that evil spirit has done to their human persona. It seems that this obscene and perverse monster controls their mouth, like a puppet. Their body has become a vehicle of evil spirits and they are trapped inside their bodies. They want to come out to the light so there are no more lies, so they stop acting and living a charade. However, the evil monster inside, the one that grew inside of them for having lied and not repented, has grown strong, so strong. That inner monster that controls their mouth and body does not let them come out to the light and be children of God in light, truth, love. 

Please father, dad, have mercy on them and deliver them from that horrible dragon, so obscene and arrogant. Have mercy and let them escape. Have mercy for your immaculate conception in the womb of Mary, our mom. Mary, please tell Jesus to have mercy and deliver those that live a life trapped by secret lies. Let them be free! We pray: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord, hosanna, reveal yourself to us, most compassionate Lord Jesus Christ!


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