Monday, June 25, 2018

Due Process for all, it’s the Law of the Land

The frog is slowly cooking. It’s seems like a Military State where all guarantees the US Constitution provides have been annulled, deleted.

It’s amazing to see a nation collapse at its very foundation, the Law of the Land. A nation in perpetual war against its own citizens. Proof of that is the laws allowing the termination of the life of innocent children by the tens of millions.

The whole edifice is collapsing unto itself. It reminds me of 911, and how in one instant there was nothing. 

We should pray. I think there is not much else we can do. The whole establishment is collapsing. 

It is sad to see America sink, to remember what it once was. A Statue of Liberty seems like a dream long gone. She is naked, afraid, poor, trembling, instead of standing proud like a beacon of light. 

Let’s pray for America this 4th of July, before it completely disappears. 

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