Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Persecuted Truth

Sharia Laws are starting to grow like bad weed in Europe. It’s so sad they forgot the past 1,300 years of history. They forgot how dangerous Islamic Ideology is, so barbaric. In fact, so compulsory into submission of thought, regarding one’s own beliefs as blasphemy, if those thoughts are not what Sharia Law says. Punishable by death, the ultimate form of censorship. 

Come about I think, and it’s all about censorship. The objective, to remove the right we have to speak our minds in favor or against certain ideas. We have a right to speak, and our right to voice our opinion should not be restrained only to the official elections. We have a right to express ourselves, and there should not be any compulsory belief allowed to rule the nation. That’s what the constitution says. We do not live in a state of ideological censorship, but in a free society. 

Islam means submission by force. 

Ideological Relativism means submission by stupidity; or the ruling of idiotic ideas. 

Austria just gave its constitutional right to defend itself from the doctrines of the False Prophet based upon the claim than emotions are more important than reason and historical facts. 

We live in a society driven by emotions instead of the truth. If fear dominates reason, terrorism has already won. A Culture of Death, a Culture of Fear is barbaric. 

Truth means science, truth means facts. Are we to believe that which has no scientific proof behind, archeological and historical facts should be wiped from memory, not allowing us to talk because the truth offends those that believe in lies?

Are we living amongst vampires that dread the light of truth, reason, science, history, archeology, and all evidence of the past, and present? Should we be subdued to the caprice of a nagging voice that refuses dialogue, truth, reason, scientific evidence, history, archeology?

Abortion is a crime.

Stating there are more than two sexes is a lie.

Sharia Law is censorship of Christian beliefs, and any other belief other than Islam.

You have to wonder why a book exists whose intent is to destroy all evidence of our history, as well as knowledge of the truth in all fields: sciences, history, archeology, geology, history, astronomy, archeology, and the Bible. 

We investigate and read all. We explain that which is unreal, from that which is real, namely the Word of God which is evident, such as only two sexes, as written in the Book of Genesis and demonstrated genetically thousands of years later. 

God said he created two sexes, man and woman. Whether we accept or not the truth, is irrelevant. Because the truth gives evidence of itself. Biology and genetics shows us unequivocally that there are to sexes. To deny that fact is non sense, unless you are making up a virtual imaginary book. The only truth, of which all truth emanates, is the word of God. Yes, the God of the Bible, Jesus: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Logos, Incarnate, Eucharistic Bread. One God, Jesus. 

He is the Truth, he is the Ruler, he is our humble servant and poor friend, made Bread, to be amongst us. God, amongst us, Emanuel. 

Amen, married to Mary Immaculate, a Jewish woman, Virgin, whom the Creator of all chose as his wife; the only mother of the only Son of God; for he is one. His name is Jesus, and the Eucharist is proof absolute that He is God, amongst us!


So, go to confesiĆ³n, and go and receive the friendship our friend brings us. The Weddings of the Lamb of God. The Eucharist, Jesus!

He is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, have mercy on us, God. We receive you in our humble dueling. Unworthy of your presence is our body, but enter to our humble house, Bread of Heaven, flesh and blood of Christ, God, Holy Spirit, enter in to my life. Make of this humble dwelling your presence within us, Mana from heaven, Holy Spirit, enter within me. Your presence within us bring the Heaven where you dwell. Your presence within us feels like heaven within us. That place where you dwell, oh Lord, this humble body of ours, glorified by the fact that Your Most Holy Presence, Holy Spirit, dwells within us. Indeed, by virtue of your word deposited in us, you have called us gods. Because you gave us your Word, made flesh, made bread, living within us. 

It is you alone my soul desires and quenches for. I like to eat your body, I need your flesh made bread, your Logos incarnate, your Eucharist. I fear non but you, oh my Lord and God, the only one I fear. Thus, I let you wash my feet, before coming to your Eucharist. So we dwell together, just you and your friendship. Thank you for being friends, Lord. Thank you for those wonderful alone moments before your presence, oh Lord Jesus, Baby Jesus with Mary, always mama is there with you. And she is so indescribably sweet. 

Remember that the Kingdom of God belongs to children, so, regard God friend as a child, and so her mom, wife and daughter. After all, he is only one, his name is Jesus. 

What is the Truth? 

Jesus is the Truth, the Word of God made flesh, made bread for us to Eat. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Amen. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Wars are won in the minds of people

I do not attack Muslims, I attack the ideology of Islam. 

I don’t talk against persons, but against evil ideologies which use assassination and fear as a means to convey ideas. 

I do not attack Muslims, I attack the ideology of Islam and Sharia Law because I consider it barbaric. Cutting hands, marrying little girls, crucifying and decapitating blasphemers, as happens in Islamic ran States, is barbaric. 

Abortion is even more barbaric, and I criticize the decision of the Superior Tribunal in the US.

Here in America we have a right to disagree, to vote to a different idea than others. No matter if anyone gets upset. We have a right to disagree and vote for a candidate, or an idea different than others. However, in America, if you commit violence at someone because of their vote, or beliefs, you commit a crime. We do not criminalize a difference of opinions, we consider it healthy.

In Islamic ran Nations is different. You can not debate or question even your own beliefs, or those of the state/religious conglomerate, and change your mind. They call that blasphemy and apostasy. State punishment is death, unless you are loaded, of course. 

The World and Islam are two very different places. Islam is doing what we stopped doing 2018 years ago when Jesus came. 

Jesus said to those that wanted to stone the adulterous woman, that whomever had no sin, ought to throw the first stone. From the elder to the young, they all left. 

Jesus said to the woman:

Where are those condemning you? Well, neither I. Go and sin no more.

As you may have acknowledged by intuition, you may have noticed how Christianity has transformed the world we live in. As a matter of fact, the US is the last nation amongst Christian Nations, that still allows death penalty (with exception of abortions).

Think. If the origins of Freemasonry are in Islam, and if the agenda of Freemasonry is abortion and the destruction of society; then therefore, Islam is behind abortions in the non Islamic nations and destruction of families in non Islamic run States and nations. (They have plans to expand, by the way).

Then read all the wars that have taken place in the world after the Ottomans (Islamic Empire) signed a peace truce in 1909. 

It appears to me clearly that they broke the piece truce a long time ago by allying themselves with Hitler, Stalin, Churchill and the US president in Yalta. The Royals of Britain set the encounter with the Saudi Monarchy. What came of it? What are the effects?

The Anglican minister, Pope of Protestantism, Sir Malthus, foresaw in his overpopulation essay the killing of millions in the 1800’s. What about today? 

One fifth of the population assassinated in the wombs of their mothers, willingly, as if they were going to take a Joyous Shower of cleansing, hypnotized as zombies by an Orwellian Government.

Remember, wars might be fought in the battlefields, but are most certainly won in the minds of people.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Generation Zombie 

It ain’t fake. There’s a generation of zombies. 

 There is a new generation of people, fruit of the heavy brainwash of Television and Mass Media. Their system of values is unrecognizable. It would appear as if they are zombies on a killing spree. Most people in this Orwellian generation, filled with relativistic ideas, are convinced that freedom and emancipation consists in killing children in the womb. 

What can you really expect of this new generation? They have converted fully into a Culture of Death, worship of self, consumption, love of money as god, fear of government and a deep belief and immersion in a purely material world where there is no god or eternity. 

We call them the manifestation of the Son of Rebellion against God, and anything that worships other than self. It’s pure nihilism, materialism, pragmatism, relativism and death. 

It’s perhaps one of the worst global generations that the Earth has experienced. All are dumbfounded believing stupidities, such as more than two sexes, which has been biologically and scientifically proven. However, the generation of today, is hypnotized to believe that there are more than two sexes, pure nonsense. 

They appear to be zombies, blinded and in an irrational state, due to the extreme lack of education. 

They remind me of the movie idiocracy, which depicts the downfall of a civilization. 

Well, even though it all appears so dark, it gladdens me to know that not everyone has been “domesticated,” or subliminally brainwashed by neurolinguistic behavioral and cognitive programming, as we say using big words. 

So, maybe those of us that see, could help deprogram those that are captive by the spell of their captors. 

We need to speak out and bring light and education to so many stupid ideas that have obfuscated the minds of so many. 

So, awoken one, to you I speak. Help me! Help me awaken those that sleep.

Apaxim, World@eVolution

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Gender Identity Ideologies

Truly, truly I tell you. Those countries that advocate for gender ideology are destroying family, which is the nucleus of society. Those nations will self destroy and collapse, because the effects of such ideology would bring a societal collapse. 

Even non-Christian China is aware of the dangers of such ideological agents. Russia is well aware, and in Latin America,?the leaders of the nations are being forced by United Nations dependent organizations and the USA State Department to implement those policies, as well as abortion; lest they may suffer economic pressure from the Petrodollar, and international markets. 

I wonder why so much effort in destroying so many nations with ideologies that bring, as a consequence, the collapse of civilization, of a society, small and large. 

Amen, we should be vigilant and watch how an enemy within is changing legislation to destroy our society, its foundation, family. I see the danger far worse than Stalin’s persecution of believers. We are witnessing a far greater plot, much more elaborate, hypnotizing the population into self destruction.

I am amazed at the brilliance of the enemy to concoct such a plan to destroy our civilization from within. Abortion and other offspring from the culture of ideological relativism, such as gender ideology, are ideological weapons as mighty as one can imagine.

Let us then pray and not be separated from the Way, as instructed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The teaching is clear, St. Thomas Aquinas is one of our forefathers of the Church. 

We have an ideological structure where we place the family as the nucleus of society, yet the institution is being threatened by agents infiltrated in all aspects of public and private life. America is under attack from within via toxic and destructive ideologies, such as abortion as a cleansing right, and gender identity ideologies. 

Society is collapsing, for it has been blinded and tied up, as if they belonged to a destructive Cult of Death. 

Let us pray and invoke the Culture of Life amongst us. Mary Immaculate, we anoint them with the blood of Jesus, and consecrate them to the Immaculate. 

Our prayer for the Leaders of this Nation, so that they may realize what really is going on, in order to stop the genocide of innocent beings, children in the womb, who are not able to defend themselves from governmental legislation. 

What kind of government indulges abortion and, proclaims it a right above the right to life of one of its citizens?

How could those laws have been allowed? It makes no sense, unless there was a Coup d’Etat, and the coupsters are exterminating us all, in front of our very noses, anesthetized to submission while we exterminate our own kind, human beings, our very own family, humanity. 

What is the agent: neurolinguistic subliminal programming 

Let us pray so they repent, and are deceived no more by a lie, just as Saulo of Tarsus did on his way to Damascus to kill Christians. Lord have Mercy. Saint Paul, intercede for us! 


Dreams Apocalyptic 

Another Apocalyptic dream comes to mind a lot.

It’s daylight, a sunny clear day. We are enjoying a nice day outdoors. 

I’m there, in one of those intercity one block community parks, surrounded by homes in raised foundations, with balconies outside the homes, where the Family seats and watches the playground. 

All of a sudden, I see a star like object, like the Sun, in plain daylight. It appears to have a halo around it which pulsates in increasing strength, on a rhythmic increasing pattern, like an increasing heartbeat. I feel an ominous sensation, as if something bad is about to happen.

I then realize that the sun like object was about to burst out in an radiant explosion which would reach us where we were at. I became very alert of everything taking place.

At this point, I effusively signaled my brother, with whom I was, to duck down and cover, to hit the grass underneath us rapidly, as if by instinct. We postrarted down on, with all our bodies and head on the ground covered by grass. 

As I was laying there, on the ground, on top of the grass, head down on the ground, I tilted my head to my left a bit, my cheek was on the grass, so I could see.

I saw at a distance, one of the homes, the trees, and children who were knocking on their door in urgency, trying to get inside the home for protection from that sun that seemed about to burst. 

In an instant, to my shock and awe, I saw the bodies become carbonized and free fall to the ground. It happened all so sudden, as if an invisible ray gun had disintegrated them. It seemed like taken out of a sci-fi movie. 

It was so odd. The home was intact, so were the trees. There wasn’t a breeze of wind, all so quiet. I was perplexed, and for an instant in a catatonic state. 

I had these dream many years ago. But this one keeps on coming to memory, as if it wanted to come out. Given that many dreams I have had become truth, I felt the obligation to share it. 

I do not want to cause panic. I just don’t want to be told that I should have shared if I knew it. It’s like Intel, too big to keep quiet. 

So, there, I’m sharing. Let no one said I kept it too long hidden. It’s published!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

H2O sparkplug/injectors 

Water, salvation from God. All honor and glory to him! 

I have an idea to modify all the vehicles in America with a simple device: an H2O spark plug/injector of water, to convert all cars easily to water powered vehicles. 

Salvation through water. 

I would modify the spark plug to include a water injector. The beam can spark H2O and we have combustion. 

I would start at smallest scale possible given it burns at 4000 degrees (way to hot). 

I guess we need experimental research at small scales. 

We need H2O spark plugs with the water injector built in. 

That’s a patent we should not miss to exploit. 

Finally, deliverance from oil from OPEC, the Islamic Empire. Hurray!

H2O spark plugs

We need to make it happen before it’s too late. Strategy. 

Water, salvation from Above. Glory to God!

I have an idea to modify all the vehicles in America with a simple device: an H2O spark plug/injector of water, to convert all cars easily to water powered vehicles. 

Salvation through water. 

I would modify the spark plug to include a water injector. The beam can spark H2O and we have combustion. 

I would start at smallest scale possible given it burns at 4000 degrees (way to hot). 

I guess we need experimental research at small scales. 

We need H2O spark plugs with the water injector built in. 

That’s a patent we should not miss to exploit. 

Finally, deliverance from oil from OPEC, the Islamic Empire. Hurray!

Respect of ideologies, or respect of humans regardless of their ideology

Respect for ideas, or fellow human beings? 

I owe respect to all humans regardless of their ideologies. 

I do not owe respect to flawed an equivocal ideologies. Let us separate the respect we have to a person, from their ideologies, regardless of their ideologies.

There are certain ideas who are flawed and are destructive. I do not respect Islam. I respect Muslims, but not Islam. It’s a flawed destructive idea. Scientific proof is 1300 years of history of Islamics against Christian and Jews. And, it has not ended, OPEC just raised the price of oil. There goes the economy! Dollar devaluating!

Sorry, but in my opinion Islamism is an ideology of war by submission. 

It if offends you, sorry. It’s just the history of the past 1300 years, since Mohamed came to Earth, the False Prophet. 

I respect Muslims, not their ideology. They are like Freemasonry, who asks them to give glory to Lucifer. The False Prophet is inspired by the Beast of the Abyss, as according to the Book of Revelation. I am Alvear, Visigoth, my family crowned King Don Pelayo in 718 in Covadonga Spain. I know Islamic invasion history from the Iberian Peninsula, 700 years of Islamic Submission under threat of death and punishment. It’s part of the history of Spain. And, if we ignore history, we are doomed to repeat it.

We need to teach history! Otherwise, America will not be celebrating year 2019, 2020, and so on. They will take us to year 1460 of the Islamic Empire. So, we will no longer celebrate Christmas

if we refuse to teach people that Christ was born 2018 years ago, and we are about to celebrate his birthday, his year, 2019.

Can’t you see that education is the only way? Christianity is not compulsory, it lets you choose. On the other hand, an Islamic Ruled nation is compulsory by sword, and so is a state infiltrated by its poison.

Should we repent and start teaching full spectrum history, or we keep on teaching bias history?