Come about I think, and it’s all about censorship. The objective, to remove the right we have to speak our minds in favor or against certain ideas. We have a right to speak, and our right to voice our opinion should not be restrained only to the official elections. We have a right to express ourselves, and there should not be any compulsory belief allowed to rule the nation. That’s what the constitution says. We do not live in a state of ideological censorship, but in a free society.
Islam means submission by force.
Ideological Relativism means submission by stupidity; or the ruling of idiotic ideas.
Austria just gave its constitutional right to defend itself from the doctrines of the False Prophet based upon the claim than emotions are more important than reason and historical facts.
We live in a society driven by emotions instead of the truth. If fear dominates reason, terrorism has already won. A Culture of Death, a Culture of Fear is barbaric.
Truth means science, truth means facts. Are we to believe that which has no scientific proof behind, archeological and historical facts should be wiped from memory, not allowing us to talk because the truth offends those that believe in lies?
Are we living amongst vampires that dread the light of truth, reason, science, history, archeology, and all evidence of the past, and present? Should we be subdued to the caprice of a nagging voice that refuses dialogue, truth, reason, scientific evidence, history, archeology?
Abortion is a crime.
Stating there are more than two sexes is a lie.
Sharia Law is censorship of Christian beliefs, and any other belief other than Islam.
You have to wonder why a book exists whose intent is to destroy all evidence of our history, as well as knowledge of the truth in all fields: sciences, history, archeology, geology, history, astronomy, archeology, and the Bible.
We investigate and read all. We explain that which is unreal, from that which is real, namely the Word of God which is evident, such as only two sexes, as written in the Book of Genesis and demonstrated genetically thousands of years later.
God said he created two sexes, man and woman. Whether we accept or not the truth, is irrelevant. Because the truth gives evidence of itself. Biology and genetics shows us unequivocally that there are to sexes. To deny that fact is non sense, unless you are making up a virtual imaginary book. The only truth, of which all truth emanates, is the word of God. Yes, the God of the Bible, Jesus: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Logos, Incarnate, Eucharistic Bread. One God, Jesus.
He is the Truth, he is the Ruler, he is our humble servant and poor friend, made Bread, to be amongst us. God, amongst us, Emanuel.
Amen, married to Mary Immaculate, a Jewish woman, Virgin, whom the Creator of all chose as his wife; the only mother of the only Son of God; for he is one. His name is Jesus, and the Eucharist is proof absolute that He is God, amongst us!
So, go to confesiĆ³n, and go and receive the friendship our friend brings us. The Weddings of the Lamb of God. The Eucharist, Jesus!
He is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, have mercy on us, God. We receive you in our humble dueling. Unworthy of your presence is our body, but enter to our humble house, Bread of Heaven, flesh and blood of Christ, God, Holy Spirit, enter in to my life. Make of this humble dwelling your presence within us, Mana from heaven, Holy Spirit, enter within me. Your presence within us bring the Heaven where you dwell. Your presence within us feels like heaven within us. That place where you dwell, oh Lord, this humble body of ours, glorified by the fact that Your Most Holy Presence, Holy Spirit, dwells within us. Indeed, by virtue of your word deposited in us, you have called us gods. Because you gave us your Word, made flesh, made bread, living within us.
It is you alone my soul desires and quenches for. I like to eat your body, I need your flesh made bread, your Logos incarnate, your Eucharist. I fear non but you, oh my Lord and God, the only one I fear. Thus, I let you wash my feet, before coming to your Eucharist. So we dwell together, just you and your friendship. Thank you for being friends, Lord. Thank you for those wonderful alone moments before your presence, oh Lord Jesus, Baby Jesus with Mary, always mama is there with you. And she is so indescribably sweet.
Remember that the Kingdom of God belongs to children, so, regard God friend as a child, and so her mom, wife and daughter. After all, he is only one, his name is Jesus.
What is the Truth?
Jesus is the Truth, the Word of God made flesh, made bread for us to Eat. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Amen.