Sunday, November 24, 2019

The British Malthusians Are Coming! (Nuvo Paul Reviere)

Such a violation of constitutional guarantees cannot be allowed in a free nation. Abortion is an anti-citizen movement. Repeal! Repeal! No one has a right to do that to a citizen, to We the People! 

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Las Películas y los Cuentos

No revelaron la verdad en este episodio, pues vienen más películas. El objetivo es siempre dejar un cabo suelto en la narrativa, para generar el “suspense” necesario, donde todos, subconscientemente, buscan la resolución del problema, o sea, donde la narrativa concluye todas las aledañas para un gran final. Y, esta es una de las técnicas usadas en Hollywood para hacer Shrek 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 hasta que la gente se cansa, pues nunca hay final ni se resuelve lo elemental. O sea, no es como las historias de la Biblia, y la principal de ellas, en donde todo concluye en un final feliz, la vida eterna en la familia de Dios.

Los escritores de cuentos dentro de cuentos, tienen que utilizar todos los recursos literarios necesarios, para alargar la historia teniendo muchos seguidores, el flautista de Hamelin, es un ejemplo de cuán fácil es engañar a la gente con cuentos, y Jesús mismo nos explica como al final de los tiempos, todos querrán oír la verdad, se rascaran las cabezas, buscarán el significado, y no lo encontrarán, porque muchos serán rechazados, en aquel día, por aquel al que no quisieron aceptar; pues en Cristo, como Mesías y Holocausto perfecto, se explica la Creación, nuestro lugar y destino en Dios, nuestro amigo, salvador, redentor, proveedor, vida eterna y resurrección, juicio de misericordia presentado por nosotros, en su sangre derramada en el Altar de la Misa, Sacrificio Perpetuo por nuestros pecados, Pan de Vida, Árbol del Paraíso Celestial, sustento de los caídos, pan de los hambrientos, ilusión de los desesperados, luz brillante que alumbras este mundo, Eucaristía. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Put two and two together

Just watch the 4 videos and realize it is the same technology, but at a different frequency, the steel beams, I assume. They were a perfect tuning fork. What was the frequency they emited? Where did they emit from? Who did it? Why?

Read Dr. Judy Wood’s “Where did the towers go? Evidence of directed energy” to find out.

Copy and paste the URLs on top of your browser

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dragon’s Food

Nothing will draw the anger of the ancient dragon more than taking away its food. He will turn the gullible against you like anesthetized zombies on a rage to destroy you. Yet, the Lord shall stand by your side to guard you, and protect you. One thousand shall fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand. Be not afraid to proclaim the preeminence of life, from conception to natural death, the Culture of Life. Be a good citizen, defend life.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Newsom’s Circus is far worse than Nero’s

Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary.

He said, “There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being. And a widow in that town used to come to him and say,   ‘Render a just decision for me against my adversary.’ 

For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought,   ‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being  because this widow keeps bothering me  I shall deliver a just decision for her   lest she finally come and strike me.’”

The Lord said, “Pay attention to what the dishonest judge says. Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones  who call out to him day and night?

Will he be slow to answer them?

I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily.

But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”


Judges nowadays are far more evil than described in the parable. They don’t feel a thing because of the powerful prescription drugs that numb their humanity. Proof is found in Roe vs. Wade, a merciless judgment against the innocent which has not been overturned even though we have complained, but on the contrary —there is far more evil than there ever was before. Proof is Governor’s Newsom initiative to convert California’s colleges into subsidiaries of Planned Parenthood, this time around with chemical weapons to exterminate children in school bathrooms. So, the new Aushwitz camps where we chemically execute babies are all the campuses throughout the state of California. 

I’m telling you that Sodom and Gomorrah will testify against this generation, for our crimes are far worse than back then, having cruelly killed 70 million children alone in the USA, 1,500 million worldwide. 

Judges nowadays could care less about the lives of innocents, that’s what the Laws enacted by the nine Supremes have clearly stated. As a matter of fact, the perks and free gifts offered to those that push for abortion are even greater than before, as well as the mandate to silence and oppress those who oppose them. 

What am I to say, or to do?

Fight, flight or freeze. 

Fight against army of anesthetized zombies in the abortion apocalypse makes no sense, because they keep coming at you endlessly.

Flight to a place where the New World Order has not extended its tentacles is not possible, because the whole world is under the influence of the Beast that comes out of the Abyss. Abortion is a worldwide agenda which has claimed the lives of 1,500 million children worldwide accounting for almost one fifth of the population of Earth. 

Freeze in prayer seems to be the only option. What did Christians do when Nero executed them in the Roman Circus? They froze in prayers, they chanted hymns of worship and gratitude, they saw Christ sitting at the right hand of the father, and asked mercy to their enemies, claiming their executors did not know what they were doing, as they were put to death in Nero’s Circus. Yes, they were saying the same thing JESUS said on the Cross: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do,” for they are anesthetized zombies under the evil spell of Satan. 

That’s all we can do, freeze in prayer. Not fight, or flight, but freeze in prayer. 

Believe me, I have tried to convince them of their sins. I’ve written letters to all those in power trying to stop them from carrying out their evil plot, to no avail. They do not understand reason, or words, they are obsessed with an emotion that leads them towards a very evil path, an evil so seductive that they can’t scape its influence. Hence, there nothing else to do but to pray for their conversion. We may be able to save one or two from journeying into Hell. 

Jesus said to pray for our enemies, to bless those that accuse us falsely, and we must. There is no other way but to trust in the Lord. After all, who said things would be pretty during the Great Tribulation foretold in the Book of Revelation?

Lord, have mercy and pity on our enemies. Saint Paul, let them fall off their horses on their way to Damascus, so that they may repent and join us. We consecrate the enemies to Immaculate Mary, we cover them with the precious blood of Christ. Have mercy on us.
