Friday, July 17, 2020

Who is like God!

The last shall be first, the first shall be last.

When Satan, the angel, realized many years ago in the Garden of Eden that God had chosen to marry an Earthly woman, and would become a human being, he grew furious. His rage was enormous because he would not be willing to bow before a human being, a lesser species, the Son of Man, God the Logos made man. So, since then, he awaited for his birth to destroy him, God, for he honestly believed God was wrong and had made a mistake. By the same token, when those humans under his rebellious influence realized God, the Logos, decided to become Bread and Wine, they despised him, and left him. They could not understand a God made Bread for us to eat.

The angels in heaven argued with Satan telling him: “Who is like God!” Thus, the argument of the angels casted down Satan from Heaven, for Satan was a fool in his arguments pretending to be more cleaver than God. God (Jesus) said, referring to angels and humans: “the last shall be first, and the first shall be the last.” And so it happened, we became children of God, and angels now serve us, and we judge them; because we are God’s and Mary’s children.

Today that old argument for which Satan was defeated in his stance where he opposed to serve the Lord, repeats over and over again. The problem with these, is that they cannot understand the wisdom of God. He is far too clever for them. 

Many think still that God made a mistake by becoming a frail human being, offering himself as the sacrificial Lamb of God, to be eaten by us, humans, for the purpose of forgiving our sins. They do not realize that the event which took place 2020 years ago, the Weddings of the Lamb (the marriage of God with Mary), is the cause for the creation of this universe and of us all, and creation itself. They all seem to miss the point God is making. And what is the point God is trying to make, you may say. The point is simple: God is Mercy, God is Love. 

So, together with the angels in heaven, we say to Satan and to all of those who refuse to serve: Who is like God!

Friday, July 10, 2020

On Line Education in a Pandemic: a Matter of Life and Death

Premise made by President Trump: Online Education is bad when compared to in person education. 

By the same token, it’s better to talk to your parents in person, than to talk to them on the phone. Everybody knows that. However, if you are sick, and you know for a fact that seeing your parents in person will kill them, how does that make it better? 

What’s then the relevant question?

What’s more important, life or education? 

Do you really want millions of Americans to die? 

That’s what it means to cut federal funding to online education during a pandemic.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Solo el Rosario/Only the Rosary

Interesting and newsworthy (for Catholics) English and Spanish.


As of July 2020, the diocese of Fresno looses its TV broadcasting station. In addition, EWTN is no longer broadcasting masses. All recordings have been cut so that only the readings and homily remain. The Eucharist Liturgy is no longer offered. Reflection: it reminds me of our Lady’s prophetic message when she said that the only thing we would have left is the Rosary, everything else would be taken away during the period called “three days of darkness.”

Interesante y digno de estar en las noticias (para católicos).

Comenzando en Julio 2020, la diócesis de Fresno pierde su estación de televisión. Además, EWTN ya no transmitirá las misas en su totalidad. Además, de todas las transmisiones de las misas archivadas ha sido eliminada la Liturgia Eucarística, y solo quedan las lecturas y homilias. Reflexión: esto me recuerda lo que nos dijo nuestra Madre en sus mensajes proféticos, cuando nos avisó que durante ese período llamado los “Tres Días de Obscuridad” solo nos quedaríamos con el Rosario. 

Cree en Jesucristo y serás salvo tú y tu casa

En tu fe, Madre de Todos los Pueblos encontramos la salvación. 

Y de esta forma, por la fe de María, mucho mayor que la de Abraham, todos nosotros, su familia, sus hijitos, somos salvos, pues ella cree en Jesucristo mucho más que nadie. Tanto cree en él, que él habitó en su vientre por 9 meses. Ella es la Madre de la Fe, en cuya fe nos acogemos para que se cumpla esa promesa: cree en Jesucristo y será salva tú y tu casa, tu familia. Madre de todos los pueblos, abogada nuestra, en tu fe somos salvos, pues nadie cree en Jesús más que tú. Amén.
“Cree en Jesucristo y serás salvo tú y tu casa”.