Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Call To Arms Against The Rothschilds???

A Call To Arms Against The Rothschilds And All The Teutonic Zionists Of London Responsible For The NWO Chaos!

I just saw this headline on internet. I get so upset at the mass media blaming the wrong bad guys. Why do they always pick on Jews and Catholics?

Keep in mind that the Jews no longer have the economic power. Prescott Bush, with the aid of Hitler, eliminated the banking power of the Jews and gave it to the Three Big ones of Yalta 1954, who in turn gave it to the Muslims of OPEC.

Yes, you've heard it right. Originally, the whole second world war started because Hitler was following Prescott's agenda. And yes, he is the grandfather of W Bush. And yes, you've heard it right, they gave the power to the Saudi monarchies of OPEC. And yes, you've heard it right, they are persecuting us one again, just like the second world war in which 6 million Jews were eliminated by Hitler, and 35 million by Stalin, the untold story.

That is history, and we are charging against them falsely, as we are charging against the Catholic Church falsely. Once again the OPEC people are persecuting us with falsehoods.

These are the bad guys:

I get so upset at the mass media blaming the wrong bad guys.

Keep in mind that the Jews no longer have the economic power. Prescott Bush, with the aid of Hitler, eliminated the banking power of the Jews and gave it to the Three Big Ones of Yalta 1954, who in turn gave it to the Muslims of OPEC.

Yes, you've heard it right. Originally, the whole second world war started because Hitler was following Prescott's agenda. And yes, he is the grandfather of W Bush. And yes, you've heard it right, they gave the power to the Saudi monarchies of OPEC. And yes, you've heard it right, they are persecuting us once again, just like at the second world war in which 6 million Jews were eliminated by Hitler, and 35 million by Stalin, the untold story.

That is history, and we are charging against them falsely, as we are charging against the Catholic Church falsely. Once again the OPEC people are persecuting us with falsehoods.

 (The real story: Hitler turned against Churchill once he realized he had been been betrayed by the Argonauts. Yalta 1945 was the second meeting. The first meeting is the one that set the stage for the war: [persecution of Jews and Catholics alike].

Hitler tried to get Spain involved, but Franco's Spain refused. He knew what the Tree Big Ones (Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin) were cooking. That is the other version of History that is not widely spoken of in the United States of America. Yes, and there is more...)

The headline comes from here:

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