Saturday, July 13, 2013




I am going to share a secret with you...

Money, the paper money that you think is yours, it is actually not yours. It does not really belong to you, whether assets or debts. The money belongs to Cesar, of the current leader and owner of American Economy, as in the case of US dollars: Abdulah from Saudi Arabia, or Dick Cheney or Obama.

Thus, do not worry or loose your sleep over it. If you owe money, it is their problem. For, if you do not have enough papers to give them back to pay taxes or buy goods and services, its because they haven't given you enough papers and coins to circulate the economy.

On the other hand... if you have their money, be aware. They can take it away from you at no time. The ultimate way of taking all of your possessions, or, the possessions of a whole nation at once, is by means of devaluating a currency. I know, for I lived in Mexico and saw what they did to the US dollar savings in "Mexican Banks" (under USA/Mexican governmental control), which were traded as Mex-dollars and issued in Pesos. (Yes, your savings in US dollars were stolen, and in return, they gave you pesos). In other words, the dollar was trading against the Peso at whichever value banks decided (the Mexican, Argentinian, and Brazilian Pesos devaluated). Well, the same thing is going to happen, but this time the other way around: the dollar is going to loose its value against the Euro, and this is not a war of the Europeans against the Americans, but an economic strategy of OPEC, dividing us and seeing both economies self destroy while they laugh. (What comes around, goes around, and the big fish always eats the young, weak and old fish)

The next currency to fall is going to be the EuroDollar or DollarEuros (that is the name the US dollar will receive ion Banks in the USA). All the deposits you have in the US banks will be worth shit, and they will give you DollarsEuros in exchange for your dollars. (Everybody will want to buy Euros, the only currency afloat in this difficult times) And, the exchange rate is going to be the devaluatory rate. Which means, that the Euro is going to trade with the US dollar through the roof: 3, 6, 12, 24, 50, 100 dollars per Euro, and then until it reaches 1000 US dollars per Euro. However, this measure is temporary, for the Euro will also suffer the same collapse as it merges with the EuroPeso, which is the target currency in the economic war.

The problem is that the Saudis have extreme amounts of US Dollars, in the order of several dozens of US Trillion Dollars, much more than the Chinese. Raising the price of the barrel of oil has created the downward spiral of the purchasing power of the US currency. In other words: THERE IS WAY TOO MUCH WEALTH ON THE HANDS OF A VERY FEW.  The effect is called the Monopoly Effect, as in the Monopoly Game. It only lasts as long as the players are willing to keep on playing. For, at the end of the game, there is only one person accumulating all the wealth. Thus, it is impossible to survive, unless the Bank redistributes all the wealth. In macroeconomic terms this is done issuing power to a new currency, a new bank, a new game. The players can be the same, and even the bankers. Eventually, the system will self collapse.

"Anglo Saxon Monetary Economic Model is more flawed than the game of Monopoly. It is a Monopoly, within a monopoly, within a monopoly, and so on. They are trying to avoid the inevitable, with all sorts of tricks. Yet, the problem is inherent of the system: the extreme greed and accumulation of capital as the motor of economic affairs self destroys the economic system. Why? Because the problem lies within the human heart: greed, profit, immeasurable accumulation of wealth in a closed system, where economic resources are scarce, or limited. Thus, INTEREST RATES, STOCK MONEY MARKETS, and other mechanisms of debt, which trade goods and services which have none but speculatory values, destabilize the system eventually." The Apaxim, July 2013 Statement at the UN

After the merging of the US dollar and the Euro (EuroDollars or Dollar Euros), the Euro will collapse right after the US dollar, in other words, it will suffer the impact of the US dollar collapsing. A new currency will sprout right away: That is the EuroPeso.

Our goal and target is Europe (East and West), Latin America, and North America together, as one single economy. Thus, we chant: BRING DOWN THE WALL, THE MEXICAN AMERICAN BORDER, MR OBAMA, FREE TRADE OF PEOPLE, GOODS AND SERVICES, CATHOLICS HAVE A RIGHT TO VOTE IN AMERICA, MEXICAN CATHOLICS. BRING DOWN THE WALL, MR OBAMA!!! or whomever is in charge of the Perestroika Amerikana movement!!!

So, my recommendation, is that we hold OPEC hostage at $30 US dollars / 30 Euros per barrel of OIL, and shift all the US debt with China to Petro Dollars at $200 per barrel rate. That way, the Arabs get to fight with the Chinese, instead of the Europeans fighting amongst ourselves. And, Russia has to be a part of Europe, with their currency, which is the same as Western Europe, America, South America, and all of Africa. A Free Trade agreement and fix parity, in other words, the European Euro Experiment but made more perfect and refined, AND LARGER. And, we are ready now. So, if the Arabs decide to go ballistic to $400 per barrel of OIL, we win. The only option right now is for the multimillion dollar rich, the trillionaires, to surrender their wealth willingly (otherwise, we will take it away from them, without firing a single shot. This is a peaceful revolution and take over of world government by the people of the world).

We take control of territories, the People of the World under the Universal Orb, but, under the direction of an Euro (East and West)-American (Latin and Northern), and African government, meanwhile we all transition to one single currency, the EuroPeso. South Africa follows next, and we incorporate our brothers of Africa, as we secure all the OIL fields of the now economically destroyed OPEC nations, which were eliminated economically by China. There will be no war and launching of missiles. There will only be a fair an equal distribution of Wealth, and the NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS WILL BE IN LATIN AMERICA and AFRICA. That will be the New Office and Headquarters for the Government of the Third Millennial. All of our strength and goal is NOT to become rich. Our objective is but to reconstruct the Human Dignity and all rights of all African People and World People in all Nations of the Universal Allegiance, specially in the Horn of Africa, were OPEC has been exterminating the world via International sanctions, all for the sake of OIL.

We will provide Free Universal Education, Jobs, Healthcare, Housing, Food and all services. There will be different pay scales, but poverty and greed will be limited. There will not be a greater than 12 step multiplier in between the wealth and poverty of individuals. The poorest will not have more than 12 times less than the richest. And yes, there is a right for private property, for there will be LOTS to share once we take all the goods from the Saudi Monarchs, British Monarchies, and Good Oil Boys from Texas, the Halliburtons of OIL


The Joint Euro American Forces will lead the way to the rebirth of Humanity

First Draft of the Universal Declaration of Independence,
from Monetary Slavery and State Dictatorial Governmentships
Economic Socio Political Analyst
Infrastructure Analyst

Disclaimer: You are reading a Novel called "Apaxim, World Liberator" by Pax. Any similarities to actual events is merely coincidental.

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