Sunday, September 14, 2014

They are so afraid to go down the rabbit hole...


A common denominator of our christian separated brothers and Islam is the eschatological position called pre-millenialism. They state that the Millennial Kingdom of the Christ was not established 2014 years ago. Therefore, under that assumption, pre-millenialism, Satan rules the Earth. When, in reality God does. In other words, the Church, the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, was already established 2014 years ago.

Islam believes the Messianic Imam is about to come and they are preparing by preaching the message.

Separated Christians believe that Christ will come to establish a millennial kingdom on Earth, while not seeing that the kingdom has already been established (ears to hear, but they cannot understand). Us, Catholics, know by doctrine of the Magisterium, that the Kingdom of the Messiah has already been established (even-though many Catholics never confess the Creed, and some, sadly, do not understand it. There is so much teaching ahead...)  The Declaration Dominus Iesus written and signed by the Pope, clearly states that doctrine of salvation.  

That is precisely why we are persecuted. For today is the day of the Lord, and that day began 2014 years ago. He will always preach the good news throughout His Church in history; preaching His Death, Resurrection and His Coming in Glory to Judge the Living and the Death. The Gospel of Eternity is preached via the One Holy Catholic (Universal) and Apostolic Church of Christ.

For instance, for us Catholics, Nero was the first antichrist, and the Two witnesses are Christ (God and Man), and in Rome the Crucifixion of Two Apostles was set as the foundation for the first Kingdom consecrated to God Almighty! The Two Witnesses gave powerful testimony! The Kingdom of the Gentiles, Babylon the Great, by a Stone Thrown without a Hand was defeated!

Christ has already won! Hence, we have won! Satan rules no more and we can actually resist him. He will flee from us! That is what the Logos says, and I believe Jesus the Christ!

As opposed to others, and even some "Christians," Catholics believe the Kingdom of God and his Son has already been established 2014 years ago. That is why we do not see any kingdom on this Earth as the Most High Kingdom from Heaven. That attitude of bowing before the State was something the Prophet Daniel, of the Old Testament, had to live. However, the Kingdoms of this world have all fallen 2000 years ago before Christ. Non of those kingdoms on Earth has the ability to present an ideological construct with more beauty than the one presented by the Lord. We do not bow before them as a Messianic Kingdom on Earth, because they just don't measure up to our expectations, for we do not hear the voice of the Good Shepherd in them! (some earthly kingdoms, and their rulers, become very nervous when they realize they don't have us as their slaves)

Jesus asked his disciples: "Would you like to leave me now, just as they did?" and the disciples replied: "To whom shall we go, if you alone have words of everlasting life?"

How are we going to bow before any state on this Earth as if it were the Kingdom of the Messiah on Earth? We could we? For us the New Jerusalem has descended from Heaven...

That is why separation of State and Church is a novelty in the prosperity of societies that are evolving to a better system of society, where believes, where freedom of believes should always be guaranteed. Let us talk, and let the better and more coherent argument win, like civilized men. Let's put the big question to be tested by the empirical scientific method.

Does God exist?

Is the State God?

Is God, Spirit, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, the Logos, the Creator of all things? Are we his creations?

Is ideology, the understanding of self an others, intrinsically related to a higher virtue that has been embedded on all human beings genetically? Is the knowledge of Good and Bad inherent, or is it only learned behavior?

Is the Bible a book that makes a deep analysis and understanding of human behavior?

Does repentance exist? Can humans change their behavior and be "born again"?

So many questions require the empirical method. However, those that are afraid to believe, DO NOT want to make the big empirical and scientific questions:

Does God Exist?

Faith, catholic faith, is very round. It is a perfect logical ideological construct full of cohesiveness that can be demonstrated bu the scientific and empirical method? Does God imprint his the Ten Commandments in the hearts of men? How can men distinguish killing is a morally reprehension action, even though that person has not received any education in that regard? bad? How? How many? Why? Yes, and those experiments have already been conducted by the Nazis, and others. So, they do have the results... we just need to bring them to light.

That is how faith works. It is perfect in rational. Somethings cannot be understood using human limited intelligence, yet they can be proven empirically and scientifically. One of them is the Trinity, three in one, yet all different entities. What is that? The Atom, which offers evidence of its creator.

Science is not far from the truth! It is very close... it has not been able to reach all the knowledge it could attain, but it is helping us rationalize faith!

Juan Eduardo Alvear Fuentes

[Not everybody is working at the vineyard just yet. Eventually everybody will. Our wages are going to be the same as the wages of our brothers, the ones that enter last. For the Last shall be the First. Glorious will be the day when our Jew Brothers, children of Abraham, believe! They were intentionally blinded by God so that we could see. If it had not been for them, Christ, Jewish Christ, would not have come 2014 years ago! That is why God always remembers His promises towards Israel! But before that day comes, all the gentiles must have heard the message. We are awaiting for the number to be fulfilled.]

Question: Why is it that with Catholic Eschatology everything is so simple, and you can understand the world with such an easiness? Because it comes from the Good Shepherd, and we recognize his voice. lol


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