Friday, August 28, 2015

Give me liberty, or give me death.

In the name of the Quran humans are being put to death in the Middle East as you read this words.

Trump is calling for war against Spanish speaking Catholics. 

1.3 billion children have been executed in the wombs of their mothers.

The United States Constitution has been abrogated with the excuse of fighting terrorism. 

Should I be silent like most Germans were in Hitler's regime?

I see creeping Sharia Law invading the land. They claim it is a religion of peace. I see them as an offensive strategy of a hostile political system disguised as a religion of peace; who factually resembles a destructive religious cult.

I will not, even if I suffer the same luck.

Give me liberty, or give me death; said Patrick Henry.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Quran, the Truth.

The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth about the Quran

What would you rather have? Peace in the Middle East, Christians, Jews and Muslims living in Peace, just like in Israel? Or a Sharia Law Republic and State incarcerating, beheading, crucifying and destroying not only Christian and Jews, but all of their culture and archeological sites, killing Muslims that convert to Christianity, and imposing a savage and barbaric God State?

Let's be honest! There are more than 100 verses in the Satanic Quran that instigate violence and death until Sharia Law (the peace of Mohamed) is the Law of the Land. 

Evidence here:

Why fool ourselves? I'm not talking about poor Muslims. They are victims themselves of a monstrous satanic cult and kingdom of death. The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. 

There are so many Muslims that want to be Christians. But they can't because of the fear of persecution and death written against all those who convert. Yes indeed, the Quran decrees such barbarism.

As opposed to all major religions, the Quran kills to covert and to retain its followers. 

Open your eyes! Do not allow yourselves to be anesthetized by the merciful words of the Quran. Read the book and open your eyes. And brother, if you cannot, I understand you may be afraid for your life. That is precisely what the Cult of the Quran states; fear and death to those that oppose the words of that book.

My thoughts after having analyzed the Quran and its historical journey since year 600 is that the Quran matches one apocalyptic beast foretold before the Quran existed. The Quran is indeed the False Prophet written in the Book of Revelation of Saint John. 

Satan himself wrote the Quran to carry out his plan, just as it is written in the book of revelation. Satan's plan is to turn all the nations against Jews, and against the followers of the King of the Jews, Jesus the Christ. Yes, the Quran seems naive and good towards Christ, but it contradicts itself when it commands destruction of Jews and Christians: those are the Satanic Verses of Salman.

I am very fortunate. I don't live in the UK, another annex of Sharia Law. I bet you there are very few people in UK Media speaking the truth about the Quran due to fear of death. 

Awake and realize the Quran has infiltrated their zombies inside UK and USA. The CIA of George Herbert Walker Scherff the Muslim killed JFK and kidnapped this great nation in 1963. Still in America we are not afraid to speak the truth against the Quran, Islamist Republic and States, CIA and the Scherff family (aka the Bush family).


Lord and God Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us. 


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Trump's America, Politically Incorrect

Trump's America
A Politically Incorrect Nation

If Donald Trump becomes president, we will no longer recognize America. It will be a different place. All the FEMA camps and private prisons will be filled, more would be built. There would be a massive round up of immigrants, especially Mexicans. We would all end up in detention centers across the USA, the lucky ones not being shot at.

The dollar would collapse to a hyperinflation curve. A State of National Emergency Measures would be put into place. The Nativists would be empowered. White Power, KKK and Nazi parades would be the norm. Armed citizens would gather in great manifestations under the blessing and encouragement of its new president, who would call for people's militia to rise and defend America from enemy foreigners, namely Mexicans. All the agricultural fields would be run as detention facilities for migrants. Slavery would rule across the States, legitimized as in WWII the Yamato Colonies were made legal. It's the rebirth of the Reich!

I see a somber future, the collapse of the Democratic Republic amongst thunderous applause. The birth of Nazi, for white only, Protestant only, anti-Mexican, anti-catholic, anti-Jewish America, where social unrest would be the norm. A military state ran by people's militia, just like Mad Max. 

Imagine Ferguson but all over the nation, with private citizens militias running the show, and the president encouraging the protection of the homeland and its way new world order, encouraging the round up and detention of so many.

Trump would be to America what Hitler was to Germany. What a horror! The only ones under protection, the filthy rich OPEC members, and the White Nativist Protestants reviving the crusades of Joseph Calvin against Catholics, and Hitler against Jews.

All the rich would flee, leaving America bankrupt. The dollar in total collapse. All the nations suspicious and frightened of a Mad Man with the Red Button at hand, firing nuclear's at international enemies and domestic enemies, while putting the blame on the society of nations.

Such a mad man is Trump. Such madness of a nation for liking Trump. It totally reminds me of the movie idiocrazy. It's the white supremacist Nacho (Trump) Camacho regime. 

What a nightmare. Trump would be traveling like Gaddafi, with a dozen beautiful Las Vegas style entertainers (his sexual bodyguards and political aides). They would cheer him as they watch the USA collapse into a barbaric state.

Trump is like the worst nightmare ever imagined. He would rewind America to its darkest hours of history.

Nevertheless, after he dies, for he would change the constitution so that he car run unlimited times, like a dictator; there will be peace and America would awake after being humbled by the havoc it created abroad and domestically. So, maybe we would have 12 years of Trump madness leaving a nation worse than what Katrina did to Louisiana. 

Who would inherit the nation, if there is still a federal nation, when Trump leaves office?

Would a brand new and humble America be born then, a nation that had been stripped from is military and economic world dominance?

We do not know, but we will certainly find out if Trump sits in the White House. At first a Casino, a big party; at the end a bankrupted nation left with nothing at all, thanks to Trump.



Friday, August 7, 2015

Apicaliptic mayhem

Current State of Afairs

Who is worse?
Terrorist Militant Islamic Republic of Iran, Hezbollha, Al-Caida, Shiites;


Terrorist Militant Islamic States of Saudi Arabia and the other 5 Islamic States, ISIS, ISIL, IS?

All of them are bad. Worse the one who wants nuclear power and sees themselves as the cradle of the 12 Imam, or reincarnation/resurrection of Mohamed: Iran.

Iran has more New World Order aspirations towards establishing the Quran as the Constitutional Charter of all nations, once WWIII annihilates Israel, the Vatican, by inciting a Christian Orthodox vs. Western Christian war (Russian vs. Protestant nations). Europe and the Catholic World (America) would be left unattended meanwhile we fight each other, paving the road for a Nuclear Holocaust where the New Militant Islamic Terrorist World Order rules the world.

In the meanwhile, the nativist Protestant hordes of Freemason, KKKclanish white exceptionalist "Christians" help the ideologies of Militant Islam with a Nazi anti-catholic campaign lead by Donald Trump (who is on the paid staff of Big Oil OPEC Terrorist Militant Islamic God States).

So, divide a nation and conquer it, is the motto, as Donal Trump advances the agenda of his OPEC sponsors. 

Does not America realize a bunch of nazis is running the show under the direct sponsorship of Militant Islam?

Israel cautious, Vatican cautious, for they know they are the targets, together with its people, of a Terrorist Militant Islamic God/State sponsored since 1963, by the nazi mastermind George H W Scherff, in the Coup d'Etat that killed not only JFK, but the 1776 Declaration of Independence.

That is the current state of affairs. A bunch of war thirsty genocidal maniacs and fanatics has killed 1.4 billion humans in abortion alone, experimenting with babies, in the new concentration camps of the New World Order, aka, Sharia Law, aka Nazi/Islamic occupation of the Earth. All of this followed by WWIII, which has already started in Africa.

Await more destruction of Earth and its inhabitants. Unless we manage to commit these maniacs to dopamine inhibitors, such as Haldol, expect more wars, divisions, confusions, and persecutions. We need to stop the mad man, and take away the power of TV and mass media outlets. We need to take away their power, their OIL, and declare it patrimony if humanity. We need an arms race focus towards disarmament. We need to take away all nuclear power capabilities from the mad men who profit from wars, and have wet dreams of military God/State world dominance, and who follow a "God" that kills Earth and humanity. We need to educate so people acknowledge the problem is a book, called the Quran, who should only be studied for what it is: a toxic and dangerous subliminal neurolinguistic programming tool of the oligarchs of war and destruction. We need to put a warning, as we do on cigarettes, on the Quran, and all doctrines which pursue the destruction of planet Earth and its inhabitants.

Can we? 

We can pray, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The marriage of militant Islam and nuclear weapons.

Regarding the Iran deal that gives a terrorist Islamic Militant nation the ability to go nuclear.

Is Obama naive?

Has Obama sold to OPEC?

Is Obama pretending he likes Iran so we help Israel launch a strike after Iran strikes?

Does Obama want nuclear proliferation among terrorist Militant Islamic nations?

Has the USA lost the war against the False Prophet and we are being subdued by the Beast?

I just don't get it! Iran will strike Israel sooner or later, for that is what the Constitution of Iran says. What is the Constitution of Iran? The Quran's Political Doctrines of war against Jews and Christians.

All of those that do not know yet that Islamic and Nazi doctrines against Jews and Christians are the same, please raise your hands!

Please watch this video, connection between Nazis, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran and the Quran:

And this other video, Three things you do not know about Islam:

And this other video, Prime minister of Israel address to US Congress:

If you have any questions I would be glad to elucidate the facts taught on these two videos. Questions are welcome.


So, Obama says that if there is no deal, Iran bombs Israel. Israel says that no matter what, Iran will strike; either today with limited weapons, or later on with several hundred nuclear weapons.

What is better? A strike today with limited weapons, and Israel's proportional response; or a strike tomorrow with hundreds of nuclear warheads, and a WWIII scenario.

I believe the best option is to let the snake (Iran) strike today with limited armament, than tomorrow with weapons of mass destruction. We need to let them shoot first at us, as soon as possible, so we can destroy Iran's nuclear programs once and for all.

I believe it is a grave error to treat Iran as a normal nation. Why? Iran is a terrorist Islamic Militant Republic, far worse than the Islamic State.