Thursday, August 20, 2015

Quran, the Truth.

The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth about the Quran

What would you rather have? Peace in the Middle East, Christians, Jews and Muslims living in Peace, just like in Israel? Or a Sharia Law Republic and State incarcerating, beheading, crucifying and destroying not only Christian and Jews, but all of their culture and archeological sites, killing Muslims that convert to Christianity, and imposing a savage and barbaric God State?

Let's be honest! There are more than 100 verses in the Satanic Quran that instigate violence and death until Sharia Law (the peace of Mohamed) is the Law of the Land. 

Evidence here:

Why fool ourselves? I'm not talking about poor Muslims. They are victims themselves of a monstrous satanic cult and kingdom of death. The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. 

There are so many Muslims that want to be Christians. But they can't because of the fear of persecution and death written against all those who convert. Yes indeed, the Quran decrees such barbarism.

As opposed to all major religions, the Quran kills to covert and to retain its followers. 

Open your eyes! Do not allow yourselves to be anesthetized by the merciful words of the Quran. Read the book and open your eyes. And brother, if you cannot, I understand you may be afraid for your life. That is precisely what the Cult of the Quran states; fear and death to those that oppose the words of that book.

My thoughts after having analyzed the Quran and its historical journey since year 600 is that the Quran matches one apocalyptic beast foretold before the Quran existed. The Quran is indeed the False Prophet written in the Book of Revelation of Saint John. 

Satan himself wrote the Quran to carry out his plan, just as it is written in the book of revelation. Satan's plan is to turn all the nations against Jews, and against the followers of the King of the Jews, Jesus the Christ. Yes, the Quran seems naive and good towards Christ, but it contradicts itself when it commands destruction of Jews and Christians: those are the Satanic Verses of Salman.

I am very fortunate. I don't live in the UK, another annex of Sharia Law. I bet you there are very few people in UK Media speaking the truth about the Quran due to fear of death. 

Awake and realize the Quran has infiltrated their zombies inside UK and USA. The CIA of George Herbert Walker Scherff the Muslim killed JFK and kidnapped this great nation in 1963. Still in America we are not afraid to speak the truth against the Quran, Islamist Republic and States, CIA and the Scherff family (aka the Bush family).


Lord and God Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us. 


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