Friday, December 1, 2017

Apocalypse or not?

So, Mass Media is so thirsty for ratings, competing against internet; that they are going X Files. 

It’s like a total marketing scheme. Gosh! They are making the news, with high tech drones and laser effects.

Or, is it the truth, and are being invaded by aliens and they do not want to alarm us.

After all, so many times they cried wolf; would people believe them even if it were the truth...

To ponder the evidence is, to consider all possibilities. Are we being invaded by aliens for ages? Are we just not aware? Is it a plot? Is it real? Are we being manipulated?

Let’s go to the source of truth. What does truth say. Says in the latter days you shall see many signs in the skies (heavens) and the other skies. Open your eyes and see. Ask your self a question. Will there be faith when the Son of Men returns in Glory? Will we identify the signs as prophecies fulfilled before our very eyes; or will we dismiss them as they did 2018 years ago.

Interesting meditation, wouldn’t you say?


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