Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Prison inside the Soul

Holding grudges is equivalent to being the Bank. Tons of people owe you! 

Does it make you feel rich with rencor, or miserable like the grinch? 

This Xmas is a good time to settle accounts and start all over again. Jesus offers his Blood in payment for all the debts owed to you. 

Would you accept his ransom to pay for the debts owed to you? 

It’s time to let go. Those that owe you, will never be able to pay their debts. You may hold so much money in debt, but what’s the use? The only thing debt gives you, is an imaginary prison where you keep the debts of all who have hurt you. Memories of pain and suffering which have transformed into a prison within, where you keep all those souls that have hurt you. The guards are called rencor, and they guard your debtors in inner prisons within you. 

Does it make you rich to have so many debtors imprison within your soul? Or does it make you a miserable warden, a banker of debt?

Would you like your soul to be a prison? Would you like to be a warden? Would you like to be the Bank and hold debt notes? Does it really make you rich to hold the debt of so many? 

Wouldn’t it be wiser to accept payment for all the sins committed against you, and close the prison inside the Castle of your soul? 

Jesus is willing to take their place inside your jail. He will be the only prisoner in your inner prison, but you have to let go of all those that have offended you. He’ll be the ransom paid for all those who owe you. 

Do you accept Christ Jesus as the ransom for all the debts you hold against your brothers and sisters? Is his payment enough to ransom all the prisoners within the prison in your heart?

Yes, I do. 

Not only do I commute the sentence, but give full pardon to all in exchange to have Jesus inside the prison of my soul. He’ll be their ransom and payment. He’ll be my prisoner forever, and I will never let him go. I rather have Jesus in the prison of my soul, than all the prisoners I’ve had. 

At last, my prison will be inhabited by someone who will bring joy and satisfaction to the justice I so much desired. Every time I feel hurt, I will go down to my prison, and see him there, in the Cross, suffering inside the prison of my soul.

Alas, I found the only prisoner who was able to pay for their ransom. He has not only satisfied the ransom, but paid more abundantly than I could imagine for all the debts owed to me.

I no longer want to be a warden in charge of a jail filled with debtors that are never able to satisfy the debt they owe. I rather have only Jesus instead. 

Jesus, thank you for being the only prisoner inside the dungeon of my soul. Thank you for descending into this horrendous prison inside of me, and for paying the debt owed to me by my brothers and sisters. I feel such a relief letting them go in exchange for you. Now, this prison of mine, no longer is dark and dry. Instead, your presence has brought a Christmas Spirit to that place within my soul which was always dark, with lamentation and sorrow. Now, the prison of my soul is filled with light, a very bright light. 

Now I come to realize I was the prisoner, and you are my warden; a kind and loving warden, who only wanted what was best for me. 

I am free within the dungeon of my soul, and I will make of this prison the place where I like to hang out. You have made this room in my soul the most beautiful room inside this castle within we call our soul. I will remain by your side, imprisoned in the Most Holy Tabernacle, because you have made yourself Poor, Humble and Servant, in order to live within me. Thank you, you are the best prisoner of my soul. I will never let you go, even though I know you must suffer dearly inside the prison of my soul.

Thank you for your payment. Thank you for your ransom. Thank you for setting me free. I do not want to be a Banker and hold so much debt. I forgive them all in exchange for you.


Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Atheist Delusion is an excellent film.

The atheist delusion 

An excellent movie. Presented argumentatively in a very rational way and appealing to common-sense. Must watch! 


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

We live Apocalyptic times, 2018 years, thus far. 

In the know zone

It’s amazing. Just as Prophet Daniel describes. People will no longer worship gold, silver, bronce or Iron. For indeed, the feet of the statue are made of iron mixed with mud (Petrol); hence the Petrodollar. The one world currency depicted by John, the Apostle, in Revelation, the Mark of the Beast. 

It appears subliminal neurolinguistic programming has been fully applied. Nabuco has brainwashed the kingdom... but, there a stone cut/thrown without hand to destroy the kingdom of Nabuco.

Times are near, just as predicted by the Logos, Incarnate, made Bread of Heaven, Eucharist. 

I wonder what would it be that stone thrown/cut without hand heading toward us. 

The day the hour, only the Father knows; but, let us not be hypocritical, for we can read the seasons and tell wether it would, or not, rain. 

It seems so much that our passage through the Book of Revelation positions us at a certain series of events. 

I’m convinced more than ever, that he does not lie. We can see inside that open prophetic book and see our temporal positioning in the chronology of events taking place in cycles of sevens. Events which confirm the Day of the Lord; after which, he will give us a New Earth, in which from Heaven we descend in our vessel, the New Jerusalem. All things consummated in his eternal Amen to his will. Praise Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Persecuted Truth

Sharia Laws are starting to grow like bad weed in Europe. It’s so sad they forgot the past 1,300 years of history. They forgot how dangerous Islamic Ideology is, so barbaric. In fact, so compulsory into submission of thought, regarding one’s own beliefs as blasphemy, if those thoughts are not what Sharia Law says. Punishable by death, the ultimate form of censorship. 

Come about I think, and it’s all about censorship. The objective, to remove the right we have to speak our minds in favor or against certain ideas. We have a right to speak, and our right to voice our opinion should not be restrained only to the official elections. We have a right to express ourselves, and there should not be any compulsory belief allowed to rule the nation. That’s what the constitution says. We do not live in a state of ideological censorship, but in a free society. 

Islam means submission by force. 

Ideological Relativism means submission by stupidity; or the ruling of idiotic ideas. 

Austria just gave its constitutional right to defend itself from the doctrines of the False Prophet based upon the claim than emotions are more important than reason and historical facts. 

We live in a society driven by emotions instead of the truth. If fear dominates reason, terrorism has already won. A Culture of Death, a Culture of Fear is barbaric. 

Truth means science, truth means facts. Are we to believe that which has no scientific proof behind, archeological and historical facts should be wiped from memory, not allowing us to talk because the truth offends those that believe in lies?

Are we living amongst vampires that dread the light of truth, reason, science, history, archeology, and all evidence of the past, and present? Should we be subdued to the caprice of a nagging voice that refuses dialogue, truth, reason, scientific evidence, history, archeology?

Abortion is a crime.

Stating there are more than two sexes is a lie.

Sharia Law is censorship of Christian beliefs, and any other belief other than Islam.

You have to wonder why a book exists whose intent is to destroy all evidence of our history, as well as knowledge of the truth in all fields: sciences, history, archeology, geology, history, astronomy, archeology, and the Bible. 

We investigate and read all. We explain that which is unreal, from that which is real, namely the Word of God which is evident, such as only two sexes, as written in the Book of Genesis and demonstrated genetically thousands of years later. 

God said he created two sexes, man and woman. Whether we accept or not the truth, is irrelevant. Because the truth gives evidence of itself. Biology and genetics shows us unequivocally that there are to sexes. To deny that fact is non sense, unless you are making up a virtual imaginary book. The only truth, of which all truth emanates, is the word of God. Yes, the God of the Bible, Jesus: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Logos, Incarnate, Eucharistic Bread. One God, Jesus. 

He is the Truth, he is the Ruler, he is our humble servant and poor friend, made Bread, to be amongst us. God, amongst us, Emanuel. 

Amen, married to Mary Immaculate, a Jewish woman, Virgin, whom the Creator of all chose as his wife; the only mother of the only Son of God; for he is one. His name is Jesus, and the Eucharist is proof absolute that He is God, amongst us!


So, go to confesiĆ³n, and go and receive the friendship our friend brings us. The Weddings of the Lamb of God. The Eucharist, Jesus!

He is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, have mercy on us, God. We receive you in our humble dueling. Unworthy of your presence is our body, but enter to our humble house, Bread of Heaven, flesh and blood of Christ, God, Holy Spirit, enter in to my life. Make of this humble dwelling your presence within us, Mana from heaven, Holy Spirit, enter within me. Your presence within us bring the Heaven where you dwell. Your presence within us feels like heaven within us. That place where you dwell, oh Lord, this humble body of ours, glorified by the fact that Your Most Holy Presence, Holy Spirit, dwells within us. Indeed, by virtue of your word deposited in us, you have called us gods. Because you gave us your Word, made flesh, made bread, living within us. 

It is you alone my soul desires and quenches for. I like to eat your body, I need your flesh made bread, your Logos incarnate, your Eucharist. I fear non but you, oh my Lord and God, the only one I fear. Thus, I let you wash my feet, before coming to your Eucharist. So we dwell together, just you and your friendship. Thank you for being friends, Lord. Thank you for those wonderful alone moments before your presence, oh Lord Jesus, Baby Jesus with Mary, always mama is there with you. And she is so indescribably sweet. 

Remember that the Kingdom of God belongs to children, so, regard God friend as a child, and so her mom, wife and daughter. After all, he is only one, his name is Jesus. 

What is the Truth? 

Jesus is the Truth, the Word of God made flesh, made bread for us to Eat. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Amen. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Wars are won in the minds of people

I do not attack Muslims, I attack the ideology of Islam. 

I don’t talk against persons, but against evil ideologies which use assassination and fear as a means to convey ideas. 

I do not attack Muslims, I attack the ideology of Islam and Sharia Law because I consider it barbaric. Cutting hands, marrying little girls, crucifying and decapitating blasphemers, as happens in Islamic ran States, is barbaric. 

Abortion is even more barbaric, and I criticize the decision of the Superior Tribunal in the US.

Here in America we have a right to disagree, to vote to a different idea than others. No matter if anyone gets upset. We have a right to disagree and vote for a candidate, or an idea different than others. However, in America, if you commit violence at someone because of their vote, or beliefs, you commit a crime. We do not criminalize a difference of opinions, we consider it healthy.

In Islamic ran Nations is different. You can not debate or question even your own beliefs, or those of the state/religious conglomerate, and change your mind. They call that blasphemy and apostasy. State punishment is death, unless you are loaded, of course. 

The World and Islam are two very different places. Islam is doing what we stopped doing 2018 years ago when Jesus came. 

Jesus said to those that wanted to stone the adulterous woman, that whomever had no sin, ought to throw the first stone. From the elder to the young, they all left. 

Jesus said to the woman:

Where are those condemning you? Well, neither I. Go and sin no more.

As you may have acknowledged by intuition, you may have noticed how Christianity has transformed the world we live in. As a matter of fact, the US is the last nation amongst Christian Nations, that still allows death penalty (with exception of abortions).

Think. If the origins of Freemasonry are in Islam, and if the agenda of Freemasonry is abortion and the destruction of society; then therefore, Islam is behind abortions in the non Islamic nations and destruction of families in non Islamic run States and nations. (They have plans to expand, by the way).

Then read all the wars that have taken place in the world after the Ottomans (Islamic Empire) signed a peace truce in 1909. 

It appears to me clearly that they broke the piece truce a long time ago by allying themselves with Hitler, Stalin, Churchill and the US president in Yalta. The Royals of Britain set the encounter with the Saudi Monarchy. What came of it? What are the effects?

The Anglican minister, Pope of Protestantism, Sir Malthus, foresaw in his overpopulation essay the killing of millions in the 1800’s. What about today? 

One fifth of the population assassinated in the wombs of their mothers, willingly, as if they were going to take a Joyous Shower of cleansing, hypnotized as zombies by an Orwellian Government.

Remember, wars might be fought in the battlefields, but are most certainly won in the minds of people.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Generation Zombie 

It ain’t fake. There’s a generation of zombies. 

 There is a new generation of people, fruit of the heavy brainwash of Television and Mass Media. Their system of values is unrecognizable. It would appear as if they are zombies on a killing spree. Most people in this Orwellian generation, filled with relativistic ideas, are convinced that freedom and emancipation consists in killing children in the womb. 

What can you really expect of this new generation? They have converted fully into a Culture of Death, worship of self, consumption, love of money as god, fear of government and a deep belief and immersion in a purely material world where there is no god or eternity. 

We call them the manifestation of the Son of Rebellion against God, and anything that worships other than self. It’s pure nihilism, materialism, pragmatism, relativism and death. 

It’s perhaps one of the worst global generations that the Earth has experienced. All are dumbfounded believing stupidities, such as more than two sexes, which has been biologically and scientifically proven. However, the generation of today, is hypnotized to believe that there are more than two sexes, pure nonsense. 

They appear to be zombies, blinded and in an irrational state, due to the extreme lack of education. 

They remind me of the movie idiocracy, which depicts the downfall of a civilization. 

Well, even though it all appears so dark, it gladdens me to know that not everyone has been “domesticated,” or subliminally brainwashed by neurolinguistic behavioral and cognitive programming, as we say using big words. 

So, maybe those of us that see, could help deprogram those that are captive by the spell of their captors. 

We need to speak out and bring light and education to so many stupid ideas that have obfuscated the minds of so many. 

So, awoken one, to you I speak. Help me! Help me awaken those that sleep.

Apaxim, World@eVolution

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Gender Identity Ideologies

Truly, truly I tell you. Those countries that advocate for gender ideology are destroying family, which is the nucleus of society. Those nations will self destroy and collapse, because the effects of such ideology would bring a societal collapse. 

Even non-Christian China is aware of the dangers of such ideological agents. Russia is well aware, and in Latin America,?the leaders of the nations are being forced by United Nations dependent organizations and the USA State Department to implement those policies, as well as abortion; lest they may suffer economic pressure from the Petrodollar, and international markets. 

I wonder why so much effort in destroying so many nations with ideologies that bring, as a consequence, the collapse of civilization, of a society, small and large. 

Amen, we should be vigilant and watch how an enemy within is changing legislation to destroy our society, its foundation, family. I see the danger far worse than Stalin’s persecution of believers. We are witnessing a far greater plot, much more elaborate, hypnotizing the population into self destruction.

I am amazed at the brilliance of the enemy to concoct such a plan to destroy our civilization from within. Abortion and other offspring from the culture of ideological relativism, such as gender ideology, are ideological weapons as mighty as one can imagine.

Let us then pray and not be separated from the Way, as instructed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The teaching is clear, St. Thomas Aquinas is one of our forefathers of the Church. 

We have an ideological structure where we place the family as the nucleus of society, yet the institution is being threatened by agents infiltrated in all aspects of public and private life. America is under attack from within via toxic and destructive ideologies, such as abortion as a cleansing right, and gender identity ideologies. 

Society is collapsing, for it has been blinded and tied up, as if they belonged to a destructive Cult of Death. 

Let us pray and invoke the Culture of Life amongst us. Mary Immaculate, we anoint them with the blood of Jesus, and consecrate them to the Immaculate. 

Our prayer for the Leaders of this Nation, so that they may realize what really is going on, in order to stop the genocide of innocent beings, children in the womb, who are not able to defend themselves from governmental legislation. 

What kind of government indulges abortion and, proclaims it a right above the right to life of one of its citizens?

How could those laws have been allowed? It makes no sense, unless there was a Coup d’Etat, and the coupsters are exterminating us all, in front of our very noses, anesthetized to submission while we exterminate our own kind, human beings, our very own family, humanity. 

What is the agent: neurolinguistic subliminal programming 

Let us pray so they repent, and are deceived no more by a lie, just as Saulo of Tarsus did on his way to Damascus to kill Christians. Lord have Mercy. Saint Paul, intercede for us! 


Dreams Apocalyptic 

Another Apocalyptic dream comes to mind a lot.

It’s daylight, a sunny clear day. We are enjoying a nice day outdoors. 

I’m there, in one of those intercity one block community parks, surrounded by homes in raised foundations, with balconies outside the homes, where the Family seats and watches the playground. 

All of a sudden, I see a star like object, like the Sun, in plain daylight. It appears to have a halo around it which pulsates in increasing strength, on a rhythmic increasing pattern, like an increasing heartbeat. I feel an ominous sensation, as if something bad is about to happen.

I then realize that the sun like object was about to burst out in an radiant explosion which would reach us where we were at. I became very alert of everything taking place.

At this point, I effusively signaled my brother, with whom I was, to duck down and cover, to hit the grass underneath us rapidly, as if by instinct. We postrarted down on, with all our bodies and head on the ground covered by grass. 

As I was laying there, on the ground, on top of the grass, head down on the ground, I tilted my head to my left a bit, my cheek was on the grass, so I could see.

I saw at a distance, one of the homes, the trees, and children who were knocking on their door in urgency, trying to get inside the home for protection from that sun that seemed about to burst. 

In an instant, to my shock and awe, I saw the bodies become carbonized and free fall to the ground. It happened all so sudden, as if an invisible ray gun had disintegrated them. It seemed like taken out of a sci-fi movie. 

It was so odd. The home was intact, so were the trees. There wasn’t a breeze of wind, all so quiet. I was perplexed, and for an instant in a catatonic state. 

I had these dream many years ago. But this one keeps on coming to memory, as if it wanted to come out. Given that many dreams I have had become truth, I felt the obligation to share it. 

I do not want to cause panic. I just don’t want to be told that I should have shared if I knew it. It’s like Intel, too big to keep quiet. 

So, there, I’m sharing. Let no one said I kept it too long hidden. It’s published!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

H2O sparkplug/injectors 

Water, salvation from God. All honor and glory to him! 

I have an idea to modify all the vehicles in America with a simple device: an H2O spark plug/injector of water, to convert all cars easily to water powered vehicles. 

Salvation through water. 

I would modify the spark plug to include a water injector. The beam can spark H2O and we have combustion. 

I would start at smallest scale possible given it burns at 4000 degrees (way to hot). 

I guess we need experimental research at small scales. 

We need H2O spark plugs with the water injector built in. 

That’s a patent we should not miss to exploit. 

Finally, deliverance from oil from OPEC, the Islamic Empire. Hurray! 


H2O spark plugs 


We need to make it happen before it’s too late. Strategy. 

Water, salvation from Above. Glory to God!

I have an idea to modify all the vehicles in America with a simple device: an H2O spark plug/injector of water, to convert all cars easily to water powered vehicles. 

Salvation through water. 

I would modify the spark plug to include a water injector. The beam can spark H2O and we have combustion. 

I would start at smallest scale possible given it burns at 4000 degrees (way to hot). 

I guess we need experimental research at small scales. 

We need H2O spark plugs with the water injector built in. 

That’s a patent we should not miss to exploit. 

Finally, deliverance from oil from OPEC, the Islamic Empire. Hurray! 


Respect of ideologies, or respect of humans regardless of their ideology

Respect for ideas, or fellow human beings? 

I owe respect to all humans regardless of their ideologies. 

I do not owe respect to flawed an equivocal ideologies. Let us separate the respect we have to a person, from their ideologies, regardless of their ideologies.

There are certain ideas who are flawed and are destructive. I do not respect Islam. I respect Muslims, but not Islam. It’s a flawed destructive idea. Scientific proof is 1300 years of history of Islamics against Christian and Jews. And, it has not ended, OPEC just raised the price of oil. There goes the economy! Dollar devaluating!

Sorry, but in my opinion Islamism is an ideology of war by submission. 

It if offends you, sorry. It’s just the history of the past 1300 years, since Mohamed came to Earth, the False Prophet. 

I respect Muslims, not their ideology. They are like Freemasonry, who asks them to give glory to Lucifer. The False Prophet is inspired by the Beast of the Abyss, as according to the Book of Revelation. I am Alvear, Visigoth, my family crowned King Don Pelayo in 718 in Covadonga Spain. I know Islamic invasion history from the Iberian Peninsula, 700 years of Islamic Submission under threat of death and punishment. It’s part of the history of Spain. And, if we ignore history, we are doomed to repeat it.

We need to teach history! Otherwise, America will not be celebrating year 2019, 2020, and so on. They will take us to year 1460 of the Islamic Empire. So, we will no longer celebrate Christmas

if we refuse to teach people that Christ was born 2018 years ago, and we are about to celebrate his birthday, his year, 2019.

Can’t you see that education is the only way? Christianity is not compulsory, it lets you choose. On the other hand, an Islamic Ruled nation is compulsory by sword, and so is a state infiltrated by its poison.

Should we repent and start teaching full spectrum history, or we keep on teaching bias history?

Saturday, September 29, 2018



We have and an obligation to teach history.

When some one comes and ask you why is it we live in Year 2018, and are about to celebrate, as we do every year; we must be eloquent enough to give reason.

The Historical event is that Jesus was born and we will be celebrating his 2019 birthday.

Santa is a lie made by marketeers of monetary profit, which was latter associated to Christianity. 

Truth be said, New Year and Christmas is a part of the same celebration for all Christians throughout the world, for the past 2018 years.

Yes, we live in Christ’s Kingdom established on Earth since came almost 2019 years ago. 

(Sent to the local newspaper, Sunstar, testing for echoe.)

Thursday, September 13, 2018

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is Institutionalized State Atheism, much like what Stalin brought to the USSR, for “the State, which [Masonry believes] ought to be absolutely atheistic, having the inalienable right and duty to form the heart and the spirit of its citizens.”

Freemasonry is also “The reimagining of marriage as a merely civil contract, the promotion of divorce, and support for the legalisation of abortion.”

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry consists in giving glory and worship to self and also Lucifer, as a component of their different hierarchical degrees and ranks.

Freemasonry is obviously diabolical.

Read the article published by the Catholic Herald. Here is the text and the link.


The mutual antagonism of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry is well established and longstanding. For most of the past 300 years they have been acknowledged, even in the secular mindset, as implacably opposed. In recent decades the animosity between the two has faded somewhat from the public consciousness as the Church’s direct institutional involvement in civil affairs has become less pronounced and as Freemasonry has waned dramatically in numbers and prominence. But as Freemasonry turns 300 years old, it is worth revisiting what was at the core of the Church’s absolute opposition to the group. Freemasonry can appear to be little more than an esoteric men’s club, but it was and remains a highly influential philosophical movement – one which has made a dramatic, if little-noticed, impact on modern Western society and politics.

The history of Freemasonry itself is long and interesting. Its gradual transformation from the medieval workers’ guilds of stonemasons into a network of secret societies with their own Gnostic philosophy and rituals is a fascinating tale in itself. The era of the latter version of Freemasonry began with the formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717 in the Goose & Gridiron pub near St Paul’s Cathedral. In the early days, before the Church made any formal pronouncement on the subject, many Catholics were members and the English Catholic and Jacobite diaspora was crucial to spreading Freemasonry to continental Europe. At one point it was so popular among Catholics in some places that Francis I of Austria served as a formal patron.

And yet the Church became the greatest foe of the Masonic lodges. Between Clement XII in 1738 and the promulgation of the first Code of Canon Law in 1917, a total of eight popes wrote explicit condemnations of Freemasonry. All provided the strictest penalty for membership: automatic excommunication reserved to the Holy See. But what did and does the Church mean by Freemasonry? What are its qualities which are so worthy of condemnation?

It is sometimes said that the Church opposed Freemasonry because of the lodges’ supposedly revolutionary or seditious character. There is a widespread assumption that Masonic lodges were essentially political cells for republics and other reformers, and the Church opposed them as part of a defence of the old regime of absolute monarchy in which she was institutionally invested. But while political sedition would eventually come to the front of the Church’s opposition to Masonic membership, this was by no means the initial reason the Church opposed the Masons. What Clement XII described in his original denunciation was not a revolutionary republican society but a group spreading and enforcing religious indifferentism: the belief that all religions (and none) are of equal worth, and that in Masonry all are united in service to a higher, unifying understanding of virtue. Catholics, as members, would be asked to put their membership of the lodge above their membership of the Church. The strict prohibition, in other words, was not for political purposes but for the care of souls.

From the outset, the primary concern of the Church has been that Masonry suborns a Catholic’s faith to that of the lodge, obliging them to place a fundamental secularist fraternity above communion with the Church. The legal language, and penalties, used in the condemnations of Freemasonry were actually very similar to those used in the suppression of the Albigensians: the Church sees Freemasonry as a form of heresy. While the Masonic rites themselves contain considerable material which can be called heretical, and is in some instances explicitly anti-Catholic, the Church has always been far more concerned with the overarching philosophical content of Freemasonry rather than its ritual pageantry.

Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the Catholic Church and its privileged place in the government and society of many European countries became the subject of growing secularist opposition and even violence. Now, there is little if any historical evidence of the lodges playing an active role in beginning the French Revolution. However, the anti-clerical and anti-Catholic horrors of the Revolution can be traced back to the secularist mentality described in the various papal bulls outlawing the Masonic lodges. Masonic societies were condemned not because they set out to threaten civil or Church authorities but because such a threat was the inevitable consequence of their existence and growth. Revolution was the symptom, not the disease.

The alignment of Church and state interests, and their assault by seditious and revolutionary secret societies, were clearest where the Church and state were one: in the Papal States of the Italian peninsula. As the 19th century began, a new iteration of Freemasonry came to prominence which was explicit in its revolutionary character and avowed in its opposition to the Church; they called themselves the Carbonari, or charcoal merchants. They sanctioned and practised both assassination and armed insurrection against the various governments of the Italian peninsula in their campaign for a secular constitutional government, and were perceived as an immediate threat to the faith, the Papal States and the person of the pope.

The link between the passive threat of the philosophy and secrecy of Masonry and the active revolutionary plots and acts of the Carbonari was laid out in Pius VII’s apostolic constitution Ecclesiam a Jesu Christo, promulgated in 1821. While the Carbonari’s avowed and active opposition to the temporal governance of the Papal States was addressed and condemned, it was still made clear that the gravest threat posed even by these violently revolutionary cells was their philosophy of secularism.

Throughout all the various papal condemnations of Freemasonry, even when lodges were actively supporting military campaigns against the pope, as they did with Garibaldi’s conquest and unification of Italy, what was always the first objection of the Church to the Lodge was its threat to the faith of Catholics and the freedom of the Church to act in society. The undermining of the teachings of the Church in the lodges, and the suborning of her authority on matters of faith and morals, were described repeatedly as a plot against the faith, both in individuals and in society.

In the encyclical Humanum Genus, Pope Leo XIII described the Masonic agenda as the exclusion of the Church from participation in public affairs and the gradual erosion of her rights as an institutional member of society. During his time as Pope, Leo wrote a great many condemnations of Freemasonry, pastoral and legal. He outlined, in detail, what the Church considered to be the Masonic agenda and, reading it with contemporary eyes, it is still shockingly relevant.

He specifically referred to the aim of secularising the state and society. He referenced in particular the exclusion of religious education from state schools and the concept of “the State, which [Masonry believes] ought to be absolutely atheistic, having the inalienable right and duty to form the heart and the spirit of its citizens.” He also decried the Masonic desire to remove the Church from any control in, or influence over, schools, hospitals, public charities, universities and any other body serving the public good. Also specifically highlighted was the Masonic push for the reimagining of marriage as a merely civil contract, the promotion of divorce, and support for the legalisation of abortion.

It is almost impossible to read this agenda and not recognise it as the underpinning of almost all of our contemporary political discourse. The settled view on these matters of many, if not all, of our major political parties, indeed the very concept of the secular state and its consequences on Western society, including the pervasive divorce culture and near universal availability of abortion, is a victory of the Masonic agenda. And this raises very real canonical questions about Catholic participation in the modern secular political process.

Throughout the centuries of papal condemnations of Freemasonry, it was normal for each pope to include the names of new societies that shared the Masonic philosophy and agenda and which should be understood by Catholics to come under the heading of “Masonic” in terms of canon law. By the 20th century, this had come to include political parties and movements such as communism.

When the Code of Canon Law was reformed, following Vatican II, the canon specifically prohibiting Catholics from joining “Masonic societies” was revised. In the new code, promulgated in 1983 by St John Paul II, explicit mention of Freemasonry was dropped completely. The new Canon 1374 referred only to societies that “plot against the Church”. Many took this change to indicate that Freemasonry was no longer always bad in the eyes of the Church. In fact, the reforming committee made it clear that they meant not just Freemasons, but many other organisations; the “plot” of its secularist agenda had spread so far beyond the lodges that to keep using the umbrella term “Masonic” would be confusing. The then Cardinal Ratzinger issued an authoritative clarification of the new law in 1983, in which he made it clear that the new canon was phrased to encourage broader interpretation and application.

Given the crystal-clear understanding in Church teaching regarding what the Masonic plot or agenda against the Church includes (marriage as a merely civil contract open to divorce at will, abortion, exclusion of religious education from public schools, exclusion of Church from the provision of social welfare and or control of charities), it seems impossible not to ask: how many of the major political parties in the West can now be said to fall under the prohibition of Canon 1374? The answer may well be rather uncomfortable for those who want to see an end to the so-called culture wars in the Church.

More recently, Pope Francis has repeatedly spoken of his grave concern at Masonic infiltration of the Curia and other Catholic organisations. At the same time, he has warned against the Church becoming a mere “NGO” in its methods and goals – which is the direct danger of that secularist mentality which the Church has always called a Masonic philosophy.

Masonic infiltration of the hierarchy and Curia has long been treated as a kind of Catholic version of monsters under the bed, or McCarthyite paranoia about commie infiltrators. In fact, when you speak to people who work in the Vatican, you will quickly discover that for every two or three people who laugh at the very notion, you can find someone who has directly encountered it. I myself know at least two people who were approached about joining during their time working in Rome. The role of Masonic lodges as a confidential meeting point and network for those with heterodox ideas and agendas has changed little from pre-Revolutionary France to the modern Vatican; 300 years after the founding of the first Grand Lodge, the conflict between the Church and Freemasonry is still very much alive.

Ed Condon is a canon lawyer. He wrote his doctoral dissertation on the history of the Church’s legal sanctions against Freemasons

This article first appeared in the August 11 2017 issue of the Catholic Herald. To read the magazine in full, from anywhere in the world, go here

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why so many antichrist/Judas traitors amongst us Catholics?

Religiosum voluntatis et intellectus obsequium vs. “I will not subject my self to the teaching office of the church because it has been wrong in many instances,” and freemasonry inside the American Catholic Church.

Guilty of treason against the teachings of Christ, said Saint John Paul II to USCCB, metaphorically speaking. 

Regis Scanlon, author of “American Catholics at the Crossroads,” presents an exposĆ© of the judgment prophetized in 1997 by Saint John Paul II against the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, when he told them that judgment would fall upon them for having refused to subject to the Teaching Office of Holy Mother Church regarding, amongst other things to the high moral standards in sexuality, which the USCCB were not willing to teach to the faithful. Indeed, judgment is falling upon the United States Conderence of Catholic Bishops said Saint John Paul II, back in 1997. 

Cardinal Bernardin was one of the instigators of rebellion based upon the so called “common grown project,” which ended up being a mandate drawn from ocult societies that had infiltrated the church. Their objective: divide, conquer. An attack from within against the Catholic Church, the birth of many antichrists from within was witnessed by all of us. 

The essay is fabulous to understand who the real enemy is: those that refuse Religiosum Voluntatis et Intelectus Obsequium and have drifted away from the teachings of the Catechism, Holy Mother Church. 

It’s worthy read to understand the judgment taking place inside the church, those antichrists are being exposed for who they really are. It’s a cleaning process. Mary Immaculate, Holy Spirit, come and help us! Thank you for the faithful apostles. We know Judas the traitor was amongst the twelve, the son of perdition, the one who pretended to be one of the twelve. He did not believe you, oh Lord! He was a member of the occult societies who seek to destroy the Catholic Church, the same ones who killed John F. Kennedy. 

Click on the link. The document was banned from the Internet. I made a copy. It’s here: 

What will you find in the document: the prophetic judgement of Saint John Paul II against the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Church infiltrated by dissenters from the Magisterium. 


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Who created the Moon?

Who else would be the divinely intelligent being that created the Moon, but God. 

The Bible, Torah, in Genesis says he created the Moon. And, if you were to add another great coincidence of our supernatural satellite, you would also notice its relationship to human life. The Moon itself is synchronized with the Cycle of Women, 28 days. There, there, another coincidence.

God is that high intelligence, isn’t it obvious? Only a dumbass could not tell that nature itself gives testimony of the creator. Nature just happens to be his creation, as it was written for us in the Book that contains his words, the Holy Bible, place where we encounter the Living Logos incarnate, made bread for us to eat, as a living friend; Father, Son, Holy Spirit: Jesus, the Crucified who resurrected from the Death, ascended to Heaven, as sits at the right hand of the Father; for ever and ever, Amen. 

Meet the creator of all, he awaits for you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist (Logos incarnate made bread for our salvation). 

Don’t you see the Most Holy One, God, the Creator himself, that superlative intelligence wants to communicate with us, be our friend. 

He is giving us breadcrumbs to follow, in every discipline we study, from stars to atoms; making evident that there is a Highly Intelligent being behind it all. 

We mustn’t be afraid: he comes to save us from ignorance, lies, pride and all those things of the Ancient Alien Serpent.

God wants to become our friend. He is extremely humble, servant, and becomes a slave, even, for us to eat, his bread, his flesh, blood, Sacrifice of Love in the Cross, the substance and life of his very be, the Logos, the Creator. Kind and loving God.

It’s evident, written for us to discover him, and Mary Immaculate, spouse of the Holy Spirit, our Mom, is married to God, that is she had Jesus in her womb, our Father was also there. God is three, just like the atom is three: proton, neutron, electron. Nature reveals the existence of God. It’s a family of love. Self evident testimony presented by Him, the Holy Spirit.


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Who is in charge 

Do not mess with tacos. Not only Mexicans, but all Californians will secede from the Union. Tacos al Pastor are more fundamental than hot dogs; read my lips if you are a real businessman. Invest Mexico and Latin America and you will truly become a millionaire. 

The art of the deal when oil and petros are no more. Think ahead, open your eyes. You hurt the nation far more than Latinos when you persecute the Church of Christ, Latino Catholics. We are the refreshing and needed allies when petrodollars governed by OPEC are no more. 

May I add that’s written in the Book of Prophet Daniel, the statue of Nabuco, king of Babylon since Gold became money; now money is oil from OPEC. 

Who sold the US dollar to OPEC on behalf of the agreement made by the Crown of England and the Crown of Saudi Arabia in 1946, when HRM Faisal visited HEM Elizabeth? Faisal said himself he would raise the barrel of oil from a few cents to $70 USD, and he did (OPEC) long time ago. Even Ben Bernanke said the collapse of 2008 was due to the raising of the price of the barrel of oil by OPEC before a Congretional hearing. There is much evidence of a war by a determined aggressor.

So, Kings are only figures of state, or have they really influenced American Politics, as in the Coup d’Etat of1963x (JFK), that gave birth to the genocide of children in 1973 (Roe vs. Wade), same year the Petro was born, when Nixon, of behalf of the financier of Hitler, Prescott Bush, would remove the US dollar from the gold standard; just as predicted as well by the Statue of Nabuco of Prophet Daniel, which we must remember fell to the ground by a stone thrown/carved without hand (Zero Point Energy and interference patterns to manipulate matter; as Dr. Judy Wood clearly states in her book, “where did the towers go? Evidence of Directed Energy”). 

So, are we going to stop abortion, the genocide ordered by the Crowns of England and Saudi, or the Status Quo continues? It’s been 1300 years, 260 million deaths, without accounting for the 1,500 million children genocide in the slaughterhouse of abortion. 

I remember you said you were against the genocide of abortion, and one fifth of America and humanity gone is in apocalyptic dimensions! 

I know the battle is hard, but in Latin America you have allies to fight against the genocide of abortion. Don’t believe the followers of the 1400 year old False Prophet, and the Whore Crown of England sitting on the Beast of Seven heads, the Seven Oil Sister Conglomerates, behind IMF and Big Pharma, the Eugenics Elite, the ones instigating this masacre of humans: abortions and wars, death as sacrifice to their pagan gods. 

Remember, freedom stops being freedom when we infringe with our freedoms on some one else’s right to freedom. What right more fundamental there is than the right to life itself? How will the other constitutional and fundamental rights and freedoms survive if the citizen is denied its most fundamental right, freedom to live? 

Freedom means respect for the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. 

Slavery is to be put to death for having trespassed the womb (private property) of others. The “right” to kill is but a satanic lie against the 5th commandment of God, and that is objective moral doctrine from non other than Saint Thomas Aquinas; who also said, “the End does not justify the Means.” So indeed, the New World Order is a Satanic Culture of Death.

On the other hand, the Culture of Life is the doctrine of freedom for all, to respect the rights of others to life, the most fundamental right of all. Without that right to life, no other rights in the Constitution can be evoked.

Respect to life itself, living in our brothers and sisters, since conception, is the only rational paradigm of a Society where the Culture of Life reigns. Life is freedom, the most fundamental right, for all other rights cannot be exercised is one is dead, right? Even a child can figure that one out, right?!

The Catholic Church is behind pro life, we call it the Culture of Life, not the Culture of Death, abortion, genocide, war, destruction, which has nothing to do with Peace. 

Let the truth be known to all of us, so that our eyes may see. 

Who is really behind the genocide of on fifth of humanity but the Beast that comes out of the Abyss...

Apaxim, World@eVolution 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Bravo Ivanka Trump

Bravo for Ivanka Trump!

She had the courage to show Cecile Richards what abortion procedures look like(*); a river of blood filled with body parts of little dismembered children whose limbs have been torn apart, and whose body and head severed while these little children are still alive, trying to defend themselves from such a barbaric and cruel torment before death. God, have mercy on us!

Ivanka wanted to know if there was any remanent of humanity in Cecile Richards. Bravo Ivanka! Did she repent and decided to stop killing children? You may have revealed a psychopath in power, who is not where it belongs; a practicing assassin of multiple children in their wombs belongs in a high security facility for the mentally insane. How can we allow derange assassins loose in our midsts? 

Bravissimo Ivanka Trump. 

Thanks for your courage in trusting God almighty. You most certainly faced one of the many psychopath serial killers in American and World History. However, that chapter belongs in our future history, because as of now, things are still horrendous. 

To think that the United States Supreme Court, the highest in the nation, condones and invites such tremendous genocide of little children since Roe vs Wade in 1973, is outrageous. It so appears that’s when Satan himself started to kill US citizens in the most atrocious ways by the millions, when most vulnerable.

Honestly, this masonic agenda (**) to promote abortion, from an international organization that drafts legislature for many nations, could not be called but infernal. We have killed in abortion, thus far, one fifth the population of Earth, in the USA sixty million alone, worldwide one thousand five hundred million children — five times the population of the USA. 

This is a true genocide where we are all forced to collaborate with the Beast, because the Beast rules from our court houses. 

There can be no justice in a nation that executes its own citizens for trespassing the Wombs of their mothers. What an outrage that such an argument was used in that supreme judicial decision!

Lord, have mercy on us. The Great Tribulation is here, like on the Seven Trumpets says: A bit more and one third of the population will be exterminated by the Beast that comes from the Abyss; the Beast that brands their head and their hands, subliminal neurolinguistic programming through the image of the Beast: monitors, TV, smart phones, watches, for every one of those devises can be utilized to deliver subliminal programming contend in order to conduct the behavior of “We the People!” How else could we explain that we all are ok with the genocide of little children? Why is everyone sleeps meanwhile the human race is being exterminated? 

Protect us Lord, give us discernment so that we see you, Holy Spirit, Mary Immaculate, your son, Jesus, in all those martyrs of abortion, the ones who have come out of the Great Tribulation. 

We pray for Cecile Richards, and the other abortionists, so that like Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus to kill Christians, the Lord Jesus confronts them, so they fall off their horse to realize that they do more harm to themselves, than the harm they inflict on us. After all, we all, including those little martyr children, are united in an ecumenism of blood shading, all of us. 

We are the Body of Christ. Those 1,500,000,000 that have suffered a death sentence from the tribunals of Earth share an ecumenism of blood with us Christians. Lord, have mercy, guide all of these beasts to repentance. You are our only hope. Convert these new “Sauls of Tarsus” to their new name in Christ, after they repent. 

Saint Paul (Saul of Tarsus formerly), we ask for your intercession. 

Saint John Paul II, pray to God so we have strength during these times of Great Tribulation. 

Mary Immaculate, Holy Spirit, we consecrate to you the lives of so many innocent children killed inside the wombs of their mothers by the Beast of the Abyss, so that not one of them is lost. Amen. 



Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Marxis-Leninism, Freemasonry and Islamists. Anathema. 

Prophetic words of Pope Leo XIII. The Holy Spirit spoke. 

An atheist state begins with an atheist education. 

If Christians understood who is behind the agenda to “push for the reimagining of marriage as a merely civil contract, the promotion of divorce, and support for the legalisation of abortion,” they would be much more suspicious: Satan himself. 

The Agenda of the Culture of Death, which encompasses groups like Freemasonry, Islamists, Marxis Leninism and Communism, and other enemies, cultural and ideological enemies, which wish to banish the Church of Christ and Christians into oblivion. 

Indeed, it reminds me of Stalin and the USSR, this Culture of Death, as we now call them. 

Yet, the promise of God, who does not lie, states clearly that the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against his only one and beloved Church, children and daughters of Mary and Jesus. 

Amen. Glory to God. Aleluya. 

Excerpt from Catholic Herald UK. Link below. 

In the encyclical Humanum Genus, Pope Leo XIII described the Masonic agenda as the exclusion of the Church from participation in public affairs and the gradual erosion of her rights as an institutional member of society. During his time as Pope, Leo wrote a great many condemnations of Freemasonry, pastoral and legal. He outlined, in detail, what the Church considered to be the Masonic agenda and, reading it with contemporary eyes, it is still shockingly relevant.

He specifically referred to the aim of secularising the state and society. He referenced in particular the exclusion of religious education from state schools and the concept of “the State, which [Masonry believes] ought to be absolutely atheistic, having the inalienable right and duty to form the heart and the spirit of its citizens.” He also decried the Masonic desire to remove the Church from any control in, or influence over, schools, hospitals, public charities, universities and any other body serving the public good. Also specifically highlighted was the Masonic push for the reimagining of marriage as a merely civil contract, the promotion of divorce, and support for the legalisation of abortion.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Father Piro and Freemasons

Freemasons and the priest who would not subject to the teaching Office of the Church.

In this true story, you will find a witch hunt launched against me for having exposed a Freemason inside the Knights of Columbus, as well as a priest who stated that he would not subject himself to the teaching Office of the Church.

Year 2003. It was the day for the council meeting at the Knights of Columbus. We were in the chambers and the meeting had ended. As I was talking to my fellow knights, I encountered Mike Kelly, and in the conversation he happen to mention that he was a Freemason. Immediately after he said that, I asked him if he was aware that being a Freemason was a mortal sin and he could not receive Holy Communion. As a Catholic , he would not be in good standing before the church, thus he could not be a Freemason and a Knight as according to regulation. Apparently, he was not aware of it, so I presented to him and the council the “Declaration on Masonic Associations” which clearly stated ipso facto excommunication from the church. There was a discussion and disagreement, so I wrote to the head council in California and to the Vatican. 

No long after that, I went to Mass at Saint Patrick’s Church. As the priest, father Frank Piro, gave the sermon, a parishioner interrupted him saying out loudly that there was only one church. It appears the priest was in disagreement with a document called “Declaration Dominus Iesus” which stated that there was only one church. His sermon was against church teaching. So, at the end of the Mass I approached the priest to say hello as is customary, but I was moved to tell him that the Holy Spirit had a message for him, and I said: “religiosum voluntatis et intellectus obsequium.” I had not even finished saying obsequium when the priest started shouting loudly in a tone of defiance: “I will not subject myself to the teaching Office of the church, for it has made many mistakes in the past.” As you can imagine, I pulled back and looked at him in disbelief, amazement and scandal. As I was leaving, I found his nephew, Vince Piro, a profesor in the College, where I worked. I told him about what his uncle had said. To my surprise, he was in agreement with his uncle. Having seen how bad things were in the Church, Freemasons and Dissent, I decided to write another letter to the Vatican, to the congregation for the doctrine of faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, as well as to Pope Saint John Paul II.

I did not fully know what I was getting into, for I suffered persecution for having confronted a rebellious priest and the Freemasons. They indeed managed to infiltrate and bring the fight to my workplace, to my home, to my bank, my business, to every aspect of my life. They even had the FBI come and interrogate me, with their very particular ways, at my place of work!

My wife did not support me, because she had been inducted to the freemasons by her family since she was a child. Soon after, I started to discover that the Catholics at St. Patrick were ok with freemasonry. Those words I spoke, those letters I wrote, were going to have repercussions all over the county of Merced. Persecution had started once again. (I’ve been on a mission from God since 1981, when he called me. This was not the first time I had undergone persecution).

Not long after, a series of events started to unfold. Another priest, who was the pastor in charge at St. Patrick’s, who knew my uncle JosĆ© Maria Basagoiti by his books, was accused in the Newspapers of being a homosexual. In one week it all unfolded. There was a bomb threat sent to the place where I worked, and the Friday of that same week another one. Police detectives were there, and an ongoing investigation started. They were attacking Father Lastiri in the newspapers. The very particular interrogation had commenced. I started to be questioned by detectives in several places. They called my home, they came to the College, they came to the bank where I had my accounts and questioned me. It was a full fledged investigation FBI style. Even the FBI came to the college, the place where I worked, to interview me, it was also on the newspapers the FBI came to the college. Professors complained, the community complained. It was a nightmare. It seemed to me as if they had launched a full fledged investigation, interrogations, and many annoying events that had me tremendously worried and in apprehension, for I could easily tell they were out to get me. My sin was reporting a powerful priest who did not want to submit to the Magisterium, and Freemasons amongst the church and in the Knights of Columbus. 

I decided to stop going to St. Patrick’s, and started going to Sacred Heart Church. My in-laws were in disagreement with my decision. It seemed as the whole world had turned against me. I had two very powerful enemies: a rebellious priest and the Freemasons at the Knights of Columbus Council.

As years went by, the aunt of my wife died. Father Lastiri had already been casted out with scandalous accusations. The priest who had shouted he would not subject himself to the teaching Office of the Church was the one celebrating the funeral Mass, father Frank Piro. What a scandal! He was there, celebrating the Mass at Our Lady of Mercy. I was there, very concerned and praying to the Immaculate, with the Holy Spirit.

As the priest celebrated the Mass, as he was raising the consecrated Eucharist for adoration as we knelt, I saw an angel behind him. It was a very tall angel, at least 12 feet tall. My eyes were wide opened as I watched. The angel had something in his hands that seemed like a sword, which he used to strike the priest in his back with determination. I must mention that the priest must have noticed I was seeing something, for he was looking at me and there was a worried look in his eyes. I know he was worried because when we were at the cemetery later on, I saw the detective who had interrogated me a while back besides him. I guess they were there for his protection after he had called them. He must have felt the angel stroke him, but he must have taught it was me who would try to do something against him. I had already reported him to the Vatican and he was obviously concerned. But, why would I do something to him? Why would he accuse me with the detectives? Mary Immaculate had told me to leave him to her supervision when I had prayed for him. I would never hurt him, but I guess in his conscience he was feeling the burden of guilt for the words he had spoken. I must mention that the next week, after I saw the angel strike him, I saw the parish bulletin stating that he had had a kidney collapse and would be on a wheelchair and in treatment. The kidneys are precisely where the angel had struck him. Deep inside I understood what the Immaculate had told me when she said that she would take care of his soul and the church. I was worried the church would be taken away from the Way, for it was a scandal what he had said: “I will not subject myself to the Magisterium (Teaching Office) of the Church!” 

I knew father Piro, his followers, the Freemasons inside the Knights, and others, had planned some sort of vendetta against me. I was concerned they would try to accuse me of a falsehood, as they did to Father Lastiri. I knew they were powerful. This was not the first time I had encountered people in power who had seek to destroy me for having denounce them. I actually wrote a book about my incursion in a Cult back in the early 80s, of a self proclaimed church of Christ, who was led by wolves, one of them ended up becoming the president of Guatemala, and he had sent several envoys to warn and threaten me not to talk about him. Regardless, I wrote all the incidents in a book the Catholic Church had published in 1997 for me (www.alvear.us). As I prayed, I thought I understood that Immaculate Mary told me not to worry, for all priests belong to her. She was going to talk with father Piro, so he would be saved. I must not be frightened even though they were powerful. 

So, what happened to the Freemason at the Knights Council? County Bank, his workplace, closed and the new Office of the District Attorney was moved there as the old DA’s Office was burned down, and Spenser, the DA was ousted from the community amongst scandals, as according to the Sunstar, the local newspaper. Sheriff Mark Pazzin was also sent away from Merced amongst scandalous allegations, as reported by the local newspaper, the Sun Star. Governor Jerry Brown called him to be close to him. It seemed Immaculate Mary had dealt with those that were behind the attacks.

What happened to my life? I separated from my wife, we got an annulment. It turns out tgat her family opposed me and started to claim I was mentally deranged. My wife’s sister, the nurse, threatened to lock me up instituting a 51-50. She also threatened me saying I would loose my job and all my possessions (I have a copy of the letter sent to her by my attorney). I had to get a Cease and Desist letter from Canelo, the attorney’s office. I did not complained to the medical board because she left the County, and her harassment ended. At the College the situation was not good. Way too many investigations against my person haunted me and discredit me. It appears the Freemasons and the followers of father Frank Piro were behind it all. It seemed everyone was against me. I still felt the Freemasons at K of C and followers of Piro had a vendetta against me. After all, Father Frank Piro was a person with weight in the community, a powerful person with followers everywhere. Not only his nephew was a professor at the college, but many of the leaders attended Saint Patrick’s: Duran, Pazzin, Cuchna and most relevant members of the community. I was very concerned, but the Lord managed to give me his spirit so that I would not be frightened to extreme. 

So, what happened to the priest, Father Piro? By then, eleven years had gone by since the incident when he shouted his dissent against the Magisterium in 2003, when I had written the letter regarding his rebellion to the Church’s Teaching Office at the Vatican. It was 2014. Also, by then, the Vatican had changed the translation of the English speaking liturgy and prayers, so that it would fit the original meaning (I must mention the USA Church had had a bad translation for almost 70 years). I felt really good because it seemed as if the Lord had listened and had started to fix the Church. By then, I was the Sacred Musitian playing the organ and singing at Sacred Heart Church, 9:00 AM mass. Every month at Sacred Heart, we had a visit from a priest from Saint Patrick’s. Father McCormick used to come to our church. He was a very good preacher. However, he retired and soon after they sent another priest, father Frank Piro.  

I was amazed that father Piro was at Sacred Heart, for he was in dissent with the Magisterium, but I decided to obey what Mary had told me. She said I should do nothing, for she would take care of him. So, I did as I’ve done with all visiting priests. I concelebrated the Mass from the choir, and extremely carefully followed his cue in order to celebrate the Mass properly. He came in two occasions only, on two consecutive months to celebrate Mass thus taking the place of father McCormick who had retired. I recorded, as I always do, the Mass. I noticed how in his sermon he seemed confronted by the Holy Spirit. He could not preach as he always did. He could not articulate clearly. He was shaky and troubled, he could not preach the way he used to preach. I must mention that he was a very good preacher. He always had a very passionate way when delivering his sermons, but he wasn’t all there those two Sundays. I remember that during the sermon he was putting the blame on the church by saying that Sacred Heart was not mature enough to understand him. So, he blamed us for not being as “illustrated” as he was. He was indeed a bit arrogant. I wonder if he must have felt the Angel of the Lord preventing him from scattering errors, as he did at Saint Patrick’s. The mass ended and I prayed out of concern. I did not want to be close to him, but what was I supposed to do. So, I just trusted in the Holy Spirit and in Mary Immaculate’s words when she said she would take care of business.

Not long after, a month or so later, the newly appointed bishop was on his way to celebrate mass at Sacred Heart. He was coming to visit for the first time. The new Bishop was Armando Xavier Ochoa, for bishop Steinbuck had died of cancer earlier. I must also mention that by then, the laws of the Church had changed and the Vatican now had a right to override the decisions of the local bishop, due to all the irregularities that had plagued the church. In my opinion, Dissent from the Magisterium was the cause for letting the smoke from Hell enter the Church, for the Magisterium is the voice of Christ. I was very happy because we now had Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope. He was the one I had sent the letter in 2004 with my findings. He used to be the Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, to whom I had addressed the letter informing him that father Frank Piro had overtly and in a public manner stated that he would not subject himself to the Teaching Office of the Church, aka, Magisterium, thus causing scandal and misdirection to the Church. So, as I was saying, it was Sunday morning, we were eagerly waiting for bishop Armando Xavier to arrive, however, something had happened. The Bishop cancelled the visit on the spot and instead went to Saint Patrick’s Church. We were sad but father Jesus told us the bishop had to go to Saint Patrick’s and we celebrated the mass without the newly appointed bishop for the diocese of Fresno, Armando Xavier Ochoa. Bishop went to Saint Patrick’s and there was a very powerful reason. Father Frank Piro died when the bishop Ochoa went to Saint Patrick’s that Sunday. 

The following week I read on the newspapers how Father Frank Piro had died in Saint Patrick’s when the bishop visited the church. I learn from a parishioner what had happened as well. As soon as I heard those words, I remember what Mary Immaculate had told me: “the priests are mine and I take full responsibility for them, do not worry”. I also remembered the story of Ananias and Sapphira in the Book of Acts of the Apostles. I knew the Holy Spirit had taken charge of the situation in order to protect the Church and Father Piro from eternal condemnation. I felt the silence of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. I was amazed and filled with a sensation of awe, because the Lord was there, very attentive to everything and everyone. Somehow I felt all that persecution against my person for so many years, and the anguish and suffering inflicted had not been in vain.

As a result of the incident, father Piro’s sudden death at Saint Patrick’s, I understood that the Holy Spirit wanted to teach his church in regards of the importance of adhering to His Words, his teachings. I also remembered the words of Saint Paul when he told the Corinthians that there were many sick amongst them because they did not approach the Eucharist with the respect necessary. Father Frank Piro, the one that cause scandal because of his rebellion against the Magisterium had died as the newly appointed bishop stepped into Saint Patrick’s Church. I knew the story, and what had really transpired for that event to take place. I wondered if I were the only one who was aware of what had happen. I know I was a part of the inner circle, and needed to convey what had happened, as a warning against freemasonry and dissent from the Magisterium. 

I hope this story helps Catholics understand that the Church should not be taken lightly, because the Eucharist is the Glory of God, also called by the Jews in the times of Moses the Shekinah. Back then, in the Old Testament, aka the Torah, we heard stories of how Moses’ priests approaching the Sanctum Sanctorum would died if not approaching cleansed, to the extent that they would even tie a rope to their feet in order to pull them out if they had died while in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

I learned when I was a child that we cannot go to Holy Communion in state of Mortal Sin, because it is a sacrilege. A sacrilege is a very bad sin. Saint Paul warned us, and there is written evidence everywhere regarding who the Eucharist really is: God himself. The Corinthians were getting sick for approaching the Eucharist improperly, because the Eucharist is God himself. Saint Paul warned them. 

As a personal note, I would like to mention that in the Book I wrote in 1997, I tell a story of what happened to me. I once took communion in mortal sin. As a result I ended up loosing my belief in God altogether. That book also tells the story of the Mercy of God, for in 1991, he gave me back faith in him and in the Eucharist. I just know one thing. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian faith. He is the Logos incarnate, made bread for us to eat. There is one rule that I must abide by: I never go to communion in state of Mortal Sin. I always go to confession and I try, to the best of my abilities, to be in grace before taking communion with God, so I go to confession. The Eucharist is the only one I fear on Earth and in Heaven, because he rules, he is the Lord.

Please, if you are in dissent against the teaching office of the Church, do not go to communion. You need to repent and go to confession first. You cannot be in Mortal Sin and go to communion. Bad things can happen. God, as any father does, will punish us. On the other hand, if you go to communion with a pure heart, after going to confession, you will be healed. Yes, the Eucharist has the power to heal you, to resurrect the death, to do any miracle, because He himself is the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the Throne of Grace, the Creator himself, Emmanuel, God amongst us. 

Please, learn from what has happened in Merced, California. The Eucharist is the most important thing there is. We were already taught what happens to priests who are in rebellious disobedience against Him.

Holy Spirit, please rebuke and enlighten your church. Teach them who you are, so that they approach you knowingly. Move them to go to confession, so that they may repent and be healed by the Eucharist, not punished. Amen. 

Friday, July 27, 2018

Fake News... Fake Government it is

Fake News? Is that it?

What about the assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963, the Warren Commission, which lied about it and allowed a Coup d’Etat to take place?

Fake executive branch of government since then.

What about the Supreme Judicial decision of Roe vs. Wade which has condemned more than 60 million innocent children to death since 1973?

Fake Judicial branch of government since then.

What about the 911 Commission which lied about the cause and culprits?

Fake government all around us. 

Fake Executive Branch, fake Judicial Branch, fake Legislative Branch, Fake Government, and of course, Fake News. 

The corruption within government has become a beast that impregnates all aspects of institutional life. If justice is alienated from truth, and innocents are condemned falsely, what can we spect from the local governance of any institution in America.

It has been said that corruption has been the culprit and caused the fall of every single empire on Earth. Thus, it would seem evident that if evil doers learn that they can get away with anything and everything; they will eventually bring the whole house down. 

I hear the US president claiming fake News. I hear the people claiming the JFK assassination was a cover up, Fake Warren Commission. I hear the people talking about 911, and how fake everything was. I hear people saying NASA is fake. I hear about the NSC, the Pentagon and White House being behind drugs and weapons distribution under Reagan, Bush and Clinton. I also hear about the 1,500,000,000 children assassinated world wide by population control policies emanating from IMF, UN and Big Pharma; 60,000,000 in USA alone; one fifth of the population thus far.

I hear about wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, persecution of Christians world wide, and, I remember the words of Jesus in the gospels, as well as the prophecy of the apostles regarding the things to come. Thus, I am certain more than ever that he did not lie when he talked to us in the Bible. 

It would seem as everything is happening as predicted. He said we would be handed into tribunals, and how we should not worry about our defense, for he would protect us. Nevertheless, I remember how Jesus and the apostles were sentenced to death because of the testimony of Jesus, the resurrected one. Regardless, I hear about Saint John, who survived the furnace of boiling oil, which gives me hope thinking I might be spared from a horrendous attempt on my life. I just hope that I am spared. But I thank him anyway. 

I have thus far being stoned and yet survived. I’ve been falsely accused several times. I’ve been detained and interrogated. I’ve been raped as a child as well. Causing me great sadness, the fake tribunals have tilted the table around and found me guilty instead, when I was the one crying fault. In addition, my brother died in the hands of Big Pharma when he was treated for cancer with radioactive elements which latter killed him of Pancreatic cancer, as Dr. Aurelio Rapado confirmed. So, even my family has been persecuted as well. Yet, I see how many innocents are persecuted worldwide, as if a terrible and apocalyptic beast was loose and rampant amongst us.

I still pray for my enemies, hoping they will convert and stop persecuting us, and/or for the Lord to give us strength. However, I believe that those that have been sent to persecute me are the ones that the Lord has put before me so that I pray for their salvation. Yes, it is hard to save them unless Jesus shows them the truth, as his words become palpable on the Cross: “forgive them father, for they do not know what they do.” Thus, I am convinced that their conscience is cauterized, they do not even know they are at fault. But, what am I to expect from a world that kills its infants in the womb of their mothers and call that action righteous?

Lord, here I am to serve you in this sea of troubles, as Hamlet must have felt. Nevertheless, I will keep on giving testimony of your name, Jesus; I will also keep on praying for my enemies. I guess they are like zombies, not knowing right from wrong. After all, the Culture of Death is like a poison in their bloodstream which turns them into zombies. They just have these appetites of evil augmented by those evil words coming out of the mouth of the Ancient Alien Serpent. Hence, they truly do not know what they do. Forgive them Father. Save them as you saved Saul of Tarsus, when on his way to Damascus to kill Christians, he was confronted by the truth himself. Have pity on them, spare them. Saint Paul, I pray for your intercession. Jesus, stand in their way, let them fall off their horse when you block their resolve. Convince them, rebuke them, enlighten them.

Lord, you told me that returning to America was going to be hard, that i would be persecuted for having exposed them in the Book I wrote in 1997. I am here. You were right! I was persecuted, just as you said. I have left written testimony of it. I know persecution will not cease, but I also know that some may convert because of your testimony. Please help me with spiritual strength so that I can continue to carry out the task you have commended to me since 1981. I’ve fallen several times, but I stood up and carried on taking up your cross. Honestly, I would like to despise my life in the present world for the sake of the Glory of your name. Please, I beg of you, don’t take your spirit away from me, give me strength to carry on. Let me forget about my claims of justice and reparation for myself, instead give me the strength to focus on giving Glory to your Name so they may repent. Let me consider as nothing the insults to my name, and instead see you being insulted within me. Do not let me think about me, but only your Holy dwelling in me. After all, I have eaten your body, drank your blood, let you inside the temple of my soul, so that it may be you within me, not myself.

I don’t mind at all carrying the Cross as long as I know you are the one carrying that burden in me. That way, I would see myself as just Simon of Cyrene, helping you out, and accompany you on your way to Calvary, as many are converted as they see you. Thank you for persecution, for threats of incarceration (51-50), thank you for false testimony, thank you for letting me be with you on your way to the Cross, thank you. Have mercy and let me say at unison with you: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

May the Lord almighty, his Holy Spirit, and his wife Mary be at our side on the way to the Cross, which should be the goal of every Christian on planet Earth, to be by your side. Give strength to the Pope, to your beloved Church. Infuse your joy of salvation, fill us with your Spirit and praises and glory to your name. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Mary, wife, daughter and mother of God’s only Son, the Eucharist, save us!


Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Land of the Free?

The land of the free? A place where we have sentenced to death 60 million children without a trial, for the crime of trespassing the womb of their mothers.  

The globalist agenda has thus far executed 1,500,000,000 children worldwide, one fifth the population of the planet.

If we do not honor and respect the weakest amongst us, children; is there something from stopping us committing other atrocious crimes?

What could be worse than legislating in favor of genocide of children?

Hitler, Stalin, Mao and all the beasts we have had thus far are nothing compared to what is actually happening. 

Evil is at its peak. We should not alarm ourselves from anything else that happens. If we are capable of such a horrendous action against children, there is nothing stopping us from destroying the whole human race.

What is happening? Where does all this madness come from? 

Lord Jesus, Mary, have pity on us.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Who is God?

God cannot be judged as an idol maker for the Logos becoming Flesh, Son of Humankind, born of a holy woman descendant from Eve, to whom the promise of salvation was originally given. 

Jesus, Only Son of God, Only Son of Mary, the Logos becoming Flesh and giving us a New Covenant, where we all become friends of God, Emmanuel, the promise, the God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. All friends of God like Moses and Elijah. 

The New Covenant, The Bride of Christ, the promise of love and salvation, the Manna that descended from Heaven, Logos made Flesh, made bread: the Eucharist, the Apostolic institution of the twelve on Peter, the Eucharist, brought to us by an Apostolic succession, the millennial kingdom of God established on Earth. The Shekinah of God in the Arc of the New Covenant.

“Those who eat and drink my flesh shall have eternal life... since then, many of the disciples left him” John 6:66

Today is the day of the Lord. 

Who is he?

Jesus of Nazareth, son of Mary, the Jew, born 2018 years ago. 

Friday, June 29, 2018

“Q” may say whatever she wants

“Q” may say whatever she wants.

What can we really expect from a culture that assassinates its own unborn children? 

They don’t  care, do you?

Does that culture feel compassion and pity for born children, when it does not have compassion and pity for unborn children? 

They don’t  care, do you?

A culture where they rape and use children as merchandise is a Culture of Death and Profit; dispiseful, cruel, evil. 

“Q” may say whatever she wants, but the hard core truth remains: human lives are important. 

We care. Do you?

Regardless that that they have lost their humanity, there are those of us that care. 

We care! We are their voices, their defenders, we are God’s family. 

Jesus, Mary, shield the so many children that are perishing in the Great Tribulation. Save their souls from the Evil One. 

Que diga lo que le de la gana el “Q”

¿QuĆ© realmente podemos esperar de una cultura que asesina a niƱos no nacidos? 

¿Va esa cultura a tener compasiĆ³n y piedad de los niƱos nacidos, si no tiene piedad de niƱos no nacidos?

Una cultura donde violan y utilizan a los niƱos como mercancĆ­a de trueque, es una Cultura de Muerte, despiadada, cruel y malvada.  

El “Q” dirĆ” lo que le de la gana, pero la verdad es que sĆ­ importan las vidas humanas. A pesar de que haya muchos que han perdido su humanidad, habemos los que defendemos a los niƱos. Somos sus voces, sus defensores, somos la familia de Dios. 

JesĆŗs, MarĆ­a, ampara a tantos niƱos que estĆ”n padeciendo en la Gran TribulaciĆ³n. Salva sus almas del maligno. Amen. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

La Sangre de Cristo me cubre.

La sangre de Cristo me cubre.

SeƱor JesĆŗs, en tu nombre y con el Poder de tu Sangre Preciosa sellamos toda persona, hechos o acontecimientos a travĆ©s de los cuales el enemigo nos quiera hacer daƱo.

Con el Poder de la Sangre de JesĆŗs sellamos toda potestad destructora en el aire, en la tierra, en el agua, en el fuego, debajo de la tierra, en las fuerzas satĆ”nicas de la naturaleza, en los abismos del infierno, y en el mundo en el cual nos movemos hoy.

Con el Poder de la Sangre de JesĆŗs rompemos toda interferencia y acciĆ³n del maligno. Te pedimos JesĆŗs que envĆ­es a nuestros hogares y lugares de trabajo a la SantĆ­sima Virgen acompaƱada de San Miguel, San Gabriel, San Rafael y toda su corte de Santos Ɓngeles.

Con el Poder de la Sangre de JesĆŗs sellamos nuestra casa, todos los que la habitan (nombrar a cada una de ellas), las personas que el SeƱor enviarĆ” a ella, asĆ­ como los alimentos y los bienes que Ɖl generosamente nos envĆ­a para nuestro sustento.

Con el Poder de la Sangre de JesĆŗs sellamos tierra, puertas, ventanas, objetos, paredes,  pisos y el aire que respiramos, y en fe colocamos un cĆ­rculo de Su Sangre alrededor de toda nuestra familia.

Con el Poder de la Sangre de JesĆŗs sellamos los lugares en donde vamos a estar este dĆ­a, y las personas, empresas o instituciones con quienes vamos a tratar (nombrar a cada una de ellas).

Con el Poder de la Sangre de JesĆŗs sellamos nuestro trabajo material y espiritual, los negocios de toda nuestra familia, y los vehĆ­culos, las carreteras, los aires, las vĆ­as y cualquier medio de transporte que habremos de utilizar.

Con Tu Sangre preciosa sellamos los actos, las mentes y los corazones de todos los habitantes  y dirigentes de nuestra Patria a fin de que  Tu Paz y Tu CorazĆ³n al fin reinen en ella.

Te agradecemos SeƱor por Tu Sangre y  por Tu Vida, ya que gracias a Ellas  hemos sido salvados y somos preservados  de todo lo malo.

La sangre de Cristo me cubre. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Due Process for all, it’s the Law of the Land

The frog is slowly cooking. It’s seems like a Military State where all guarantees the US Constitution provides have been annulled, deleted.

It’s amazing to see a nation collapse at its very foundation, the Law of the Land. A nation in perpetual war against its own citizens. Proof of that is the laws allowing the termination of the life of innocent children by the tens of millions.

The whole edifice is collapsing unto itself. It reminds me of 911, and how in one instant there was nothing. 

We should pray. I think there is not much else we can do. The whole establishment is collapsing. 

It is sad to see America sink, to remember what it once was. A Statue of Liberty seems like a dream long gone. She is naked, afraid, poor, trembling, instead of standing proud like a beacon of light. 

Let’s pray for America this 4th of July, before it completely disappears. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Big Elephant 

Big Elephants Everyone Ignores in the Room.

Do you want to see the big elephant in the room everybody seems to ignore, the real crime against children?

The real crime against children and humanity, the Big Elephant in the room...

Caution! Graphic image of the murder by abortion of a little girl.

Roe vs. Wade, Petrodollar born, both in 1973.

1973, the Year we sold the US Dollar to Big Oil Islam. The year genocide was made law, Roe vs. Wade. What a coincidence!


El aborto es el crimen mĆ”s atroz y bĆ”rbaro que puede existir, pues es el asesinato de un inocente. Desde su ConcepciĆ³n es un ser humano. Es una pena que la humanidad estĆ© bajo la influencia del Satan ayudĆ”ndole a destruir a la humanidad y a Ć©l Planeta. Todos como zombis anestesiados, y oro por todas esas pobres personas que han perdido su humanidad y se han vuelto cĆ³mplices de tanta maldad. 

No me sorprende que tantos estĆ©n bajo la influencia del maligno, pues estaba escrito que asĆ­ sucederĆ­a. 

Ten piedad y misericordia de nosotros, y lĆ­branos del maligno.

Lord, have pity and mercy on us, deliver us from evil.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

America at the crossroads

Christianity vs Freemasonry, Exacerbated Nationalisms and Islam.

I hear so many proud nationalistic Americans, who regard themselves as Christians, and who vehemently defend their national identity and criticize Islam; yet at the same time honor the freemasonic fathers of the nation. Well, if that is the case, and they want to be freemasons as Washington; they should embrace Islam. After all, the origin of freemasonry is Islam.  

What does Islam and Freemasonry have in common: a New World Order, the awaiting of the messiah to establish a kingdom on Earth.

You see, as opposed to Christianity (aka Catholicism) who asserts that the millennial kingdom of Christ started 2018 ago; the followers of the False Prophet, Mohamed, await for an Earthly Kingdom to come. Both Protestants and Islam await a kingdom to come, a New World Order. Yes! Protestants are still awaiting to impose their perspective of a messianic kingdom, same thing Islam awaits. Both Protestants and Islam await for the same thing!

Catholics, on the other hand, do not await for the Kingdom of God in Earth, for the Eucharist on Earth is that messianic kingdom established 2000 ago. 

I pity for so many Americans, all of them deceived by the kingdom of Henry VIII, origin of the so called reformation. They do not know they are following the Beast that leads them away from glorifying God. Instead, they glorify themselves, as mandated by the initiation rituals of freemasonry.

The origins of freemasonry are in Islam. Freemasonry, as according to Christ’s teaching, is a doctrine irreconciliable with Christianity. Yet, America has been infiltrated, deceived by the Beast that comes from the abyss. 

America at the crossroads needs to choose either Christ or Islam, aka freemasonry. However, given that their nationalistic identity is opposed to the teaching of Christ; would they be able to love God more than their earthly nationalistic identity?

Lord, have Mercy. No wonder they are in so much confusion...


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Trinary Matrix Chips

Have you heard of the AC 6V semiconductors? I hear they use trinary, instead of binary processors. So, instead of + one, zero; they have minus 1, zero and plus 1. Yes, trinary, instead of binary processors and semiconductors. Fast, heck a fast, with a trinary Matrix, of course. Cool, isn’t it!

Apaxim, World@eVolution

Free Energy for all. 

We can all tap into the Flux, as Tesla said, Free Energy, all around us: the Force. Free, from God, to all. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

God’s Gold

What is God's gold refined in fire, which truly makes us rich?

His word, his promises. For once they are put through the test in our lives, confirmed in our heart, remain forever engraved in our very being, just like the wounds of Jesus. 


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Pray for your enemies, consecrate them to the Immaculate

Is the blood and flesh payment, that Jesus offered in the Cross, enough to pay for the sins of those that have offended you?

Not to forgive our brother is equivalent to not believing in the redemptive value of the blood and flesh of Jesus for their sins; hence, our own sins. 

If we don’t forgive, we don’t believe in Jesus. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Because the truth offends us

Crucify the Truth, crucify the truth, shouted the crowd.

But why, said Pilate, should i crucify the truth?

Because it offends us, shouted the crowd back.

Does it sound familiar?

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Awakening to our written history


bynary system, sun & Planet X 

So, it is indeed the probable truth.


Evidence found in the transients (celestial moving objects in close proximity to the solar system. Monitoring transients in the would be binary solar system neighborhood. Citizen scientists discovered a massive star with an Black X in its midst; half blackhole. Spooky stuff!

