Thursday, January 23, 2020

Abortion is collective suicide, it’s not reproductive health.

Mass media lies like sheep killing dogs. We aught to be careful. 

Tell you a story:

Just a couple of minutes ago I was a victim of a Bloomberg unsolicited add, which he is bombarding us with. I told Facebook when they asked why, that it was a scam, misrepresenting facts and truth, the reason I did not want to see that add. Mr Bloomberg is pouring billions into his, “I’ll impeach him when I’m president campaign,” which is basically all they’ve got. The Democrats have no plan for America but abortion and censoring the voice of We the People, via manipulation of mass media. How pathetic, because we see right through them, and they know it. 

Long live the preeminence of life, good and civic citizen who defend the right to life, as clearly stated in the 14th amendment of our Constitution. Democrats are unconstitutional by allowing abortion, the genocide of 70 million US citizens since Roe v Wade. The record needs to be straightened to challenge the constitutionality of rulings that do not put life above all other constitutional rights. How can one benefit, otherwise, from the Bill of Rights, if one is put to death right after conception? 

Hence, Life is the number one right, freedom of convictions, creeds and believes the second most important right. It is from those to God given rights that this nation stands tall. You take away one, you take away the other. Life is of the essence, preeminent, from conception specially, due to the genocide currently taking place, because Democrats in large sponsor it. Hence, I conclude, we must drain the swamp, the rotten and putrid stench of death from any public office, starting at the top. All three bodies, executive, judicial, and legislative must be pro-life, because pro-life is a good citizen, as according to USCCB document on the preeminence of life. 

In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, father I beg of you to do what you did with Saul of Tarsus with pro-Abortion ideology. Let it fall off the horse due to reason: because we hurt ourselves far more allowing abortion, than the harm we do to those innocent children in the womb. Abortion is collective suicide, which is madness, Savage and Barbaric madness. 

Open their eyes and lead them to repentance. Change all three branches of government so that they do the will of God: defend life preeminently, and freedom of speech and faith. God gave those to gifts to Adam and Eve in paradise: life and the right to choose. Who are we to take those God given rights? That is why the US Constitution echoed those words, reason for which this nation is great above all other nations. Let us then repent as a nation to defend the life of the unborn. Amen.

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