Tuesday, January 28, 2020

For Life, For Voice, We the People stand United.

Exactly. You hit the nail right on the head. Yet, main stream will use its peer pressure technics to make believe everyone stands with them. 

I remember the first question of the last and third debate, the reason for Hilary loosing. Democrats still are not aware that people are prolife. We have all seen what abortion is, thanks to Priests for Life back in 2003-4. So, after all, it wasn’t the Russians, it was abortion why she lost.

It’s been a long way, and We the People have awaken. We know what pro-choice really means. It’s not healthcare, it’s not freedom, it’s bondage, guilt, sin, madness and shame; it’s genocide of the human species, little children in the womb. We can very well tell there is far worse more evil in abortion than in all the other evil things they do to the most defenseless. We know this genocide is an act of treason against the rights of every single human being conceived, the right to life, from which free speech comes from. We cannot have one right without the other. We cannot only have life on the condition we silence our thoughts. We cannot have freedom to speak without guaranteeing our right to life. In order for a civilization of peace to exist there most not be death inflicted upon others because of different believes. Civilization of Peace demands both rights together, to live and to speak, and to continue living. We have a right to think and choose which argument is sound, because democracy means government of the people, which starts at home. I have a right to govern the government and govern my house, through my right to life, speech and privacy. 

So, first fundamental right is life, then freedom to chose, to believe, to speak, to ask, to learn, to evolve, to change, to choose life, peace, and freedom of speech, which are the foundations for a society, a civilized society of peace. 

Yes, armed and powerful, to resist those that want to infringe on the right to life, speech, self government. We have, as citizens, the right to demand from the State and Government to safeguard our fundamental rights, because that’s why we elected them and pay taxes; we live in a democracy. You express you will to a democracy by paying taxes, for we heard, no taxation without representation from our founders. So, it’s not a nation ruled by owners, but by servants of the people. A civilization of Peace. 

Abortionists will loose 2020, because we know how evil and barbaric abortion is. Far from a Civilization is a society that exterminates its own offspring during initial growth and gestation. Monsters and savage beasts, the cause of all wars is abortion, for not only dehumanizes society, but at the same time turns them into sheep awaiting the slaughter, because they were tricked with false and deceptive words such as choice, freedom, privacy, liberation, equality, health, and so on, while in reality, they were doing a pilgrimage to the showers of cleansing, where their very young would be put through a horrendous torture, abortion.

Truly, truly I believe that the only one with so much evil and power before the destruction of 1,500 million lives is non other but the Ancient Alien Dragon, that Serpent without wings whose name was once the tree is the knowledge of good and evil, the Ancient Serpent. 

I believe that the only way Life will triumph is if we pray the Rosary to achieve the goal, end the genocide of abortion in the USA and preach to the other nations what a civilization of peace looks like, wouldn’t you say? 

How would it make you feel if America drains the swamp and becomes the first to ban abortion, for it goes against our Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Amendments. 

Can’t you see? If we make it through law, all those promoting abortion would receive a harsher punishment than child rapists, pedophiles, sex traffickers and the kind. We would be sending a very strong message to the world: America stands with the unborn children, we are their voice, we have defeated the barbaric hegemony of the few, and rescue the human race from the clutches of Death. 

For the Right to Live, for Freedom of Speech, we the people stand united with the Law of the Land, the constitution, the Amendments, the Declaration of Independence.

For Live,

For Voice,

We the People stand united. 

For Live, for Voice, we the people stand united. 

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