Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy 2017, filled with trust and thanksgiving Lord

Feliz año. 

Te deseo también que aprendas cada día más a confiar en Dios, que es el único que dice la verdad siempre; y que lo hagas con una total entrega cada día, lleno/a de gratitud por todo lo que el Señor ponga en tu mesa. Todas las cosas concurren a bien de los que aman al Señor, pues ya saben que él los ama.


Happy New Year.

I also wish you learn each day more to trust God, for he is the one who always tells the truth. May you trust letting go totally in him; may you be filled with thanksgiving for all the dishes he puts at your table. All things concur for those that love the Lord, because they know he loves them. 



Wednesday, December 28, 2016

gravity modulators - developmental stage 1 (commonly and mistakenly known as antigravity modulators)

Pendular oscillator, aka, gravitational force modulator. 

You don't cancel out the gravitational wave, you must ride on it, balance yourself on it and float and glide. 

This is exactly the principle of an antigravity engine. It uses a precise pendular frequency.

We are getting so close to antigravity modulators. A couple more steps and we are in the future, like the Jetsons. 

Kudos for the bright expose!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What is the Truth? asked Pontius Pilate before the sacrifice

The new TelePrompTers have arrived to give us a more believable storyline that does not brake so easily, firer-walled. 

Good, they might have hired the writers for the Simpsons, Two and a Half Man, and Big Ban Theory. At least it will be entertaining disinformation BBG BS. 


But honestly: how do you silence reason?

Force, by means of force and fear; following the example of King Henry VIII, a compulsory by violence and death belief ordained by the State, just like Islam's Sharia Law. 

I do believe Winston Churchill was a follower of the False Prophet, and so are the coupsters that infiltrated America, and their time-stamp, JFK assassination foreign conspiracy directed by the Royal House of Windsor and the Royal House of Saudi.

The truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.

Saturday, December 24, 2016


What have Christians celebrated for the past 2016 years? Christmas and New Year. 

Lots of people are unaware that the celebration of the New Year is a Christian Celebration. Everybody cheers around the world, and will be welcoming Year 2017. Most people are completely unaware of the significance of the year.

I remember how one professor once told me that separation from Religion and State was imperative in public education. I told him that in order to do that, the year itself would have to be banned, for the year itself had a very strong religious connotation. I said to him that 2000 years ago Christ had been born. Hence, the only way to separate religion would be to stop using the year we live on.

The professor understood clearly what I said, for I could see it in his face. He had no words to reply, for indeed he had realized that we were living in the Year of the Kingdom of Christ for the past 2000 years. 

He became aware that every time we used the year, we would be celebrating Christ's birthdate as a reference. So, when students time-stamped their essays and homework, when he received his paycheck dated with a year, when he paid taxes and so forth, every time we used the year; we would be acknowledging Christ's birthdate. 

He was speechless. The professor had no words to reply!

I said to him with a bit of sarcasm: "if you want to get rid of any and all religious connotation, fully separating State from Religion, you must get rid of the year we live on." I added: "what year would you like to set as the standard, perhaps the Declaration of Independence?"

He became very angry and started to say: "well, yes, we must do that!"

The professor is now death, and so with him are the attempts to change the year we live on.

What is the lesson to be learnt?

There is a very old prophecy that states that in the later days the anti-Christ will attempt to change the year we live on. Stalin, for instance, tried to do so. He died and the USSR died with him. The other only option and threat to change the year would have to come from another very powerful political regime that masquerades itself as a religion: Islamic Sharia Law. Currently, they are in the Year 1438 of their institution, which is the birth of Mohamed. 

So, for all those of you who want full separation from Christianity and State, forget it, give it up. It will never happen, unless we become an Islamic State and Sharia Law. However, Islam would also conflict with separation from State and Religion. 

Another option is that Communist China becomes the ruler of the world. If that were to happen, all religions would be forbidden worldwide, and the calendar year would be changed worldwide. 

Wether you believe Christ is God or not, you will still be commemorating his birthday. It does not matter if you rejoice with us, or curse at us. Still you will have to date all documents with his birth year, soon to be 2017 years since he was born.

Note for Protestants: do not await for the kingdom of the messiah to be established on Earth for a "thousand" years. It already happened! We live in soon to be Year 2017 of the Millennia of Christ. The second coming is in Glory, as stated in chapter 20 and 21 of Revelation.

Rejoice, the King of all created things was born 2017 years ago!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017! Happy birthday Jesus Christ!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Happy 2017 Birth of Christ

Antichrists are upset:

They took away Christmas,

so we can only say happy holidays.

Still they are offended, very offended at Christians.

Why are anti Christians offended?

We complied, we took away baby Jesus from their sight and from their ears in Christmas time.

We no longer portray Jesus Christ as the reason for our joy of the season.

Anti-christians are upset, very upset still for another related celebration of joy amongst Christians.

We are about to celebrate Year 2017, which is the 2017 birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Still antichristians will not rest until they eradicate the year we live on.

Their next move will be to change the year we live on, for it commemorates the birth of Christ the Messiah 2017 years ago.

So, if the trend continues, we'll no longer be able to celebrate New Year with the number 2017.

I wonder what year they will choose...

OPEC Middle East lives in Year 1438 of the birth of Mohamed. I wonder if antichristians will choose that date. Perhaps they will want us to celebrate Year 240 instead. 

We will see what they want us to do, in order not to be offended by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Still we can say Happy New Year 2017, but for how long, for how long?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Truth - the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat

"The emperor has no clothes!" cried the child out loudly.

There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.

Hence, it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when.

Given that wars and battles are won in the minds of people, I wonder where those that lied will hide when the truth is revealed. 

Underground caves, or in cynical plain sight?

Will they ever admit, or will they claim innocence all the way through?

Well, I guess a good lier must lie to him/herself above all and foremost. Otherwise, he would not be a crafty lier.

Storylines, narratives, TelePrompTers, and major deceptions, some lasting 500 years, or 1500 years, will be made evident, eventually. 

That, Mr. Anderson, is the sound of inevitability.

The Truth, the Whole Truth, nothing but The Truth.

Everyday that goes by, we get a little closer to that final day when it all shall be revealed. 


Monday, December 5, 2016

Happy 2017 birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ

Just wondering...

If Jesus Christ did not exist, as some say, and if Jesus Christ is not God; why will we celebrate his 2017 birthday in a few days?

Why have we been celebrating his birthday for the past 2000 years?

It would undoubtedly appear as if those that deny him are unaware of History. 

So, who is wrong? Those billions of people around the World who live in Year 2016/2017; or those who claim he did not exist, and is not God?

It would seem to me that in order to have the whole world celebrate your birthday for so long, you must be very powerful, don't you think?

That is the evidence at hand. So, let those who think Jesus is not God, try to change the year we live on. Once they do that, their argument may have some weigh and reason. Thus far they seem to be in denial of factual events.

Merry 2017 Christmas. 

What about the followers of Mohamed, you may say?

I've heard plenty about him, but Sharia Law is not World Law or Year we live in is his birthday. He is trying to be the One, thus far he has failed. He might have all the Petrol in the world, he might have come 1400 years ago; still he does not rule. Does he? 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti


Crux sacra sit mihi lux (Cruz Sacra se mi luz)
Non draco sit mihi dux (No sea el Dragón mi luz)
Vade retro satana (Apártate Satan)
Numquam suade mihi vana (Nunca me persuadas con vanidad)
Sunt mala quae libas (Es malo lo que bebes)
Ipse venena bibas (Tú mismo bebete tu veneno)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Who am I Lord?

Quién soy Señor?

Tú eres Eduardo de Jesús.

Y tú, quién eres Señor?

Yo soy, para ti, Jesús de Eduardo.

Personalización de las palabras de San Benito en su encuentro con el corazón de Dios. 

Estoy enamorado del sagrado corazón de Jesus, y de María.

Who am I, Lord?

You are Eduardo of Jesus.

And who are you, Lord?

For you I am Jesus of Eduardo.

Introspection into the words of St. Benedict, and his encounter with the heart of Jesus. 

I'm enamored with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Maria. 

I'm enamores 

Drain the swamp from the dung of Satan

You wanna drain the swamp?

Test for cocaine usage in the Three Powers, Executive, Judicial and Legislative. 

Let the president be the first, then the 9 supreme justices. Then Senate and Congress. Follows National Security Council and Pentagon Generals.

Whomever is milking from the dong of Devil, is with the Devil.

Let's drain the swamp from the drug used by handlers to manipulate the behavior of their captives. That, my friend, is the power of cocaine, tested scientifically. 

Drain the swamp, Mr. Trump! Mad God bless you. You are most certainly in need of his Might and Strength to carry out the task. May he give you strength. There is power in the name of Jesus, in his blood, in his body, the Eucharist. 

Don't persecute marihuana.  Persecute instead cocaine, a drug used to manipulate behavior by the handlers. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

All races are invited to become Eternals, citizens from Eternia

I do believe I have the best citizenship in the Universe. I am a Citizen of Eternia, we are currently in year 2016 of His and Her Eternal Kingdom: Jesus and Mary.

I feel I am very special. I am not a racist given the fact that all the children of Eve, from Genesis, are invited to become children of God.

So, yes, I am Eternial, I believe we are very special. I believe the Universe rotates super rapidly around Earth, so does the Sun and its planets, as well as our Moon.

We are at the Center of the Universe, everything is being attracted to us in a super massive black hole. Time is coming to an end for the advent of our King, Jesus, to come in Glory, the day the Earth and Universe vanishes from his presence and majestic glory, Maranatha!

Come Lord Jesus

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Cocaine test for ALL government officials

Let us do the litmus test.

Given that the substance used by the Evil Elite is cocaine; I believe testing for cocaine would be the ad-hoc litmus test for the leaders of the 3 powers: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. 

We want a Cocaine Free Government!

However, we all know that won't happen. 


Because pure Cocaine is tied to the Power Circle. That is their dirty little secret. 

Cocaine is intimately link to psychosis and sociopathy. A person addicted to cocaine will do whatever needed to get a dosage. Lab experiments confirm it. 

Cocaine is the drug of the upper echelons given its power and price. It is used as a drug to control others into submission. 

Let's talk about that!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Beast - the self proclaimed owner of all the Cocaine, Petrol, Weapons and Petrodollars in the World

What are the tools of the Antichrist, his most major commodities on Earth?

He claims he owes all the Oil in the World, all the Petrodollars in the World, all the Weapons in the World, all the Cocaine in the World.
Who is this man, but a Royal Monarch, a child of the House of England and the Hose of Saud. England, daughter of the Church that left the Eucharist with Henry VIII. Saud, one of the seven Heads mentioned in Revelation as the Beast of Seven Heads. The Beast of Seven heads is the offspring of the False Prophet, Mohamed.

A beast was born of one fallen daughter of the church, England, with one of the descendants of the False Prophet.

Who is this man, the owner of all the Cocaine, the Weapons, the Oil and the Petrodollars of the World?

The Beast, the eight of the Ten Kings, not from among the first seven kings.

Father, Jesus, Mary, Mother, protect us!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

He visto a Dios, y no he muerto.

Dios es bueno. 

El Hombre no es bueno.

El Bien es obedecer a Dios.

El Mal es no obedecerle.

Por qué hay mal?

Hay mal por causa del libre albedrío. 

Hay Mal porque escogemos no obedecer a Dios.

Ergo, el Bien es obedecer a Dios, el único bueno.

El Mal sucede cuando no le obedecemos.

Pregunta: y quién es Dios, para que le sigamos y obedezcamos?

Jesus de Nazareno, hijo de María, la Virgen Judía, pues la salvación viene de los judíos, Jesus, el Rey de los Judios, tal y cual fue sentenciado a muerte. El es aquel que resucitó, subió a los Cielos y vendrá de nuevo en Gloria, para llevarnos a una nueva tierra, en un nuevo universo. 

Jesus es la Eucaristía, aquí, reinado en este milenio que comenzó hace casi 2017 años.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Citizens of Year 2016 and Alzheimer's

Alzheimer, the syndrome of our current days.

The Western Civilization is suffering from Alzheimer. They do not know why is it we live in year 2016. They all have forgotten. As a result, they are awaiting for that someone that will change the year we live on because of a severe case of Alzheimer's. 

Have we forgotten our identity, who we really are? Have we forgotten who Christ really is? Is that the core reason behind the abduction of "westerners" into the Destructive Cult of the False Prophet? 

Is that the reason Bush and his presidents proclaims a New World Order, amnesia, historical amnesia? 

Is the West anesthetized, has it forgotten why we live in year 2016?

That might be the reason everybody is awaiting for a Cult Leader to bring them to their false Messianic Kingdom expectations; they forgot why we live in year 2016.

We DO NOT NEED a stinking New World Order, we already have a Messiah ruling the Earth. We are currently in the year 2016 of his kingdom. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Satan talks to God and places a bet

Satan came to the seashore. He raised his head against heaven and shouted out loud.

"I will use the powers you have granted me, the False Prophet, the Beast of Seven Heads, and the Ten Kings to destroy humanity."

In a challenge against God almighty he dare say that he would proof to God that his holy ones would not care for the victims and refugees of the wars and havoc he would create. To which the Lord answered, as He did when Job was tested. 

"Yes, my sheep will care for the sick and the refugees of the wars you created. My people will follow the Christ, I guarantee that by my own name. I will save them. Amen."

The Devil, went then to make war against the Earth and her children, knowing he would loose the bet.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

We are the citizens of Eternity (Eternia)

We are the citizens of Eternity, the Year of the birth of Christ, will reign for ever and ever, amen. 

Currently we are in year 2016. 

We are the citizens of Eternia. 

Education, always pursue it. Arts is the cuspid!

I belong to the Raw Expressionism school of arts, written, spoken, depicted, and even sang. A school of Logos, in the University of the Holy Spirit. It's online!

Monday, November 7, 2016

I cracked the code to understand Revelation

cracked the code to understand the Book of Revelation.

Revelation is an "open" prophetic book. The key is in plain sight. The numbers are: 
666, 3.5 and 7

Just plug in the numbers:

The Two Witnesses give testimony for 3.5 days. Each of those days correspond to 666 terrestrial years. Given the fact that the two witnesses are the Old and New Testament, and that they started giving testimony together since the birth of the Church, or Kingdom of the Messiah which started 2016 years ago; we have the first clue. The Millennium started 2016 years ago. According to what is written, the Church will give testimony for 2331 Earth years (666 x 3.5), before they Two Witnesses are eliminated by the Beast. Who are the Two Witnesses: both Jews and Christians, Old Testament and New Testament, Law and Prophets, His Body, His Blood, Bread and Wine, Eucharist. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

What happens during each one of those 3.5 days (which last 666 years each)?

Given the fact that the Book of Revelation is divided in 7 Spirits, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Thunderbolts and 7 Bowls, we just plug them in.

In year 1 of the kingdom, the birth of Jesus, the Seven Spirits represent the maturity of the Church who stands before the presence of God's Throne on Earth. These Spirits last, or are in effect, for 3.5 days, each day being 666 years in length. From year 1 to year 2331 (666 x 3.5).

First 6
In the year 666  the Seven Seals are broken, and we see the horseman of the apocalypse, which are the first four seals, as well as the other three remaining Seals are opened. This ordeal lasts until year 1332 (666 x 2). At the same time,
Mohamed, the 1st antichrist, also known as the False Prophet in 711 Spain, establishes his mission, Sharia Law, on Earth.

Second 6
In the year 1332  the Trumpets start sounding until they are finally blown in year 1998 (666 x 3).
It is also time when the 7 Royal decedents of Mohamed, 7 Caliphates, start taking shape and maturing int what eventually become OPEC, the Seven Sisters, which is the Islamic Oil Power of the Middle East, aka as Beast of Seven Heads. It is worthy to notice that the Seven Trumpets predicted 1/3 of oceans, rivers contaminated, and 1/3 of humanity exterminated. Thus far in abortion registered alone, we have killed 1,400 million humans, or almost 1/3 of the population of Earth.

Third 6
In Year 1998 is when we get the 10 Kings, or the Third antichrist. Notice how the eight is the Beast. Notice also how the lineages of the once daughter of Christianity, separated by Henry VIII, is infiltrated by Freemasonry, which comes from the Knight Templars of the Middle East, the secret service of the False Prophet. Eventually, the Royal House of Britain has a child with one of the Heads of the Beast of Seven Heads (Queen Elisabeth and King Faisal had a child secret in 1946). The child is the Beast. He is one of the Ten Kings, however, he is not from within the 7 prior. He is a Royal, comes from the W, or second 6, but he is one of the 10 Kings, the third 6 which is Roman numeral X or 10. 

Why do the 10 Kings start after the assassination of JFK? Well, because that is when the Coup d'Etat began in the USA. We were infiltrated by the master minds behind ISIS, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the "Sola Koran" people, aka Wahhabis. Remember George HW Bush was behind the assassination of JFK and his father, Prescott, behind the assassination of the Jews by giving money from his Bank on New York to Adolph Hitler.

Also, on year 1998 another event takes place, which are the Seven Thunderbolts. However, since they were not written, we do not know what they say. Thunderbolts are regarded as prophets by Saint Faustina. We do not know. It is the only hidden secret in the Book of Revelation, the Open Prophetic Book. It is assumed the period may last 333 years, or half a day. From the Year 1998, until 2331. we may have the Thunderbolts. 

Note: the Betelgeuse measure of 640 per day, coincides with year 6000 in the Jewish calendar. However, this events close 100 years before 2331. So, could it be that the & Bowls of Wrath take place in a period of only 100 years?

How long do each seven last?

7 Spirits, for 3.5 days: year 1 to year 2331
7 Seals, for 1 day: year 666 to 1332
7 Trumpets, for 1 day: year 1332 to 1998
7 Thunderbolts, a bit less than 1/2 day: year 1998 to 2231
7 Bowls of Wrath: the remaining 100 days, for times are shortened.

The cycle of the 7 Bowls correspond to the years after, which are shortened due to their severity. This event is forecast by scientists as the effects of Green House on Earth. All oceans would be contaminated, all rivers as well. The sun will burn humanity, due to its intense radiation since we started to destroy Earth Shield with Fossil Fuels and other threats.

Proof: the 7 Trumpets claim 1/3 of all oceans and rivers are contaminated, and 1/3 of the population has been exterminated. 1,400,000,000 children have reportedly been exterminated worldwide via abortion. That equates to almost 1/3 of humanity, and if we count the wars, we are there.

Proof: Saudi Arabia is holding hostage the archeological evidence that proves the Old Testament is true. Mount Sinai is where God spoke to Moses and feed the Israelis for 40 years, with a lake formed thanks to a stone from which underground waters flowed, filling a lakebed. This proves they are planning to destroy us, Bible People, otherwise they would be holding it hostage.

Proof: From year 666 to 1332, Mohamed, the False Prophet, was unleashed as foretold in the 7 Seals. The Horseman of the Apocalypse, Wars, famine, etc. Spain in year 711 suffered Sharia Law for 700 years of invasion.

Proof: Pope Francis wrote his first encyclical about the science of climate change, the Earth being destroyed. Leonardo DiCaprio in the National Geographic documentary "Before the Flood" proved that the Earth has gone beyond the point of no return: two degrees temperature rise. In other words, Earth will resemble Mars in the near future. Earth is dying.

So, there you have it. I broke the code to interpret the Book of Revelation. I doubt I am the first one opening the code. It's so simple. I bet that there have to be theologians with a doctorate in eschatology who have done this prior. Nevertheless, to me it has been one of the most revealing things I found.

I am currently wondering what the 7 Thunderbolts carry. They were not written, so I'm expectant to see what they are. 

In this interpretation of the Book of Revelation, Mohamed is the False Prophet, which gives birth to a Beast of Seven Heads, which I interpret to be the consortium of OPEC in the Middle East, which happens to fit the description. Hence, it follows that Henry VIII (and his descendants) would happen to be the Whore of Babylon, which economic might is destroyed in a single day.

The Mark of the Beast would be the Petrodollar, for it is a world single currency; and the Image of the Beast would be the neurolinguistic, subliminal, subconscious programming apparatus: television and dynamic HTML or Flash messaging.

Well, there you have it! I know it may be scary, but remember the words of John Paul II: Be not afraid!

Last proof: the 10 Kings are the 10 presidents after the assassination of John F Kennedy. They fit the profile of those working for the Beast that destroys the world via Fossil Fuels with the power of the Beast of Seven Heads, OPEC.

Those are my conclusions and convictions. However, if there is proof to the contrary, I am willing to hear evidence demonstrating otherwise. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

World@eVolution now

Everybody needs to be on the anti-Fossil Fuels team.  Public and Private sector together. The greatest sin of the era is the love of Fossil Fuels. The Earth has its centuries counted with the IRREVERSIBLE climate change scientifically proven data. Earth is dying, and in the next couple of hundred years, we will all be death with Mother Earth. We destroyed our own home, our planet. 

Let's stop for a bit, to have mercy and start loving the beautiful gift life is, and the beautiful planet HE gave us to care for. It's never too late to stop the madness and decide to love instead. Why keep on disfiguring the face of the Earth, wounding her, raping her, killing her?

It's time to give up wars and fossil fuels. It's time to save what we can for those that come after us. Let's give them an elderly Earth, dying, but treated with quality of life, for her and her inhabitants, yes, us descendants of Eve. Good care for all animals and the living. Care and respect, quality of life in our last days with planet Earth, our mother.

Forgive us Mother Earth for destroying you and your children. We want to care for you instead, and all the living of yours kindly, with love, which is the mysterious hideaway place where Jesus God dwells.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen.

Apaxim, World@eVolution

The End of the World - a sign in heavens

A message, a sign in the heavens!

a ferocious star splits in four by a pitch dark cross.

When will the world end based on the documentary of National Geographic "Before the Flood."

True no one knows the hour and the day, but in trying to figure out the seasons.

We know the two witnesses preach for 3 days and a half.

If each day were to be 666 years, we have a date.

Since the Book of Revelation has five cycles of sevens, I made the following schematic.

From the birth of our Lord to year 666, we have the 7 Spirits.

From year 666 to year 1332 (666x2) we have the 7 seals.

From year 1332 to year 1998, we have the 7 Trumpets. 1/3 of oceans and rivers contaminated, 1/3 of population killed.

From year 1998 to 2331 (666x3 plus 333) we have the 7 thunderbolts and 7 bowls of wrath. Times are shortened and the two witnesses are killed: Jews and Christians.

So, we are at the end of the 7 Trumpets and beginning the 7 thunderclaps (which are not written) and then the 7 bowls of wrath. All oceans contaminated and rivers. Sun scourging humans. Volcano like Yellowstone erupting, big Earthquake, Earth gone by fire, by year 2300.

Chapter 20 and 21 end with a new universe and a new Earth. Those are the good news!

Watch "before the flood" National Geographic documentary and awake.




Thursday, November 3, 2016

These are the Real News, the future at hand.

Before the flood

My reaction paper. 

We need to be the healthy ones repenting and trying to save Earth and its inhabitants. It's too late already, but it is worth it to become a steward, not a destroyer.

Christians must rise to the occasion proclaiming Christ died, resurrected and will come again. A message of hope, a new Earth, a new universe. Be not afraid, repent, it's much better for all of us. Culture of life!

Think big, like a steward of creation would. It' s never to late. Don't panic, be thankful to the Lord our God. 

Him who warns is not a traitor, is a saying we have in Spanish language. He did not want us to destroy the Earth, yet we all did. Some much more than others, and they need to stop! 

Lord, have mercy on all of us.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Virgen de Guadalupe, save us! 

As according to my calculations, it will be all be done by 2300. I don't claim to know the day or the hour, but I can read the seasons. Thus, my personal interpretation is we are heading right through the paths of that open prophetic book: Revelation. 

Each of the three and a half days measures 666 years, and 333 for the half day.

On each period we have the set of five cycles of seven. One is hidden, the Thurndrrbolts. Thus, the period in which we live in the Book is right after the Seven Trumpets and the Seven Thunderbolts and Cups of Wrath.

The End of the Earth and Universe will be as stated in chapter 20 and 21. He returns in Glory to save us; to take us to a new universe, a New Earth, a message of Christian Hope. 

This chapter narrates the end, when the "efecto invernadero" takes place. 

Thank God, for this Earth so beautiful we are going to miss. 

I pray for our brothers the Indians, and their Buffalos sending a message, like in the movie Avatar. However, in this movie we just end, and depart to a new Earth. Let's prove to ourselves we are worthy of the New Earth by being responsible in this Earth we destroyed. 

Lord have mercy on us! Teach us to be stewards of your creation, not destroyers of life. 

Revelation, Chapter 16

1 Then I heard a loud voice from the sanctuary calling to the seven angels, 'Go, and empty the seven bowls of God's anger over the earth.'

2 The first angel went and emptied his bowl over the earth; at once, on all the people who had been branded with the mark of the beast and had worshipped its statue, there came disgusting and virulent sores.

3 The second angel emptied his bowl over the sea, and it turned to blood, like the blood of a corpse, and every living creature in the sea died.

4 The third angel emptied his bowl into the rivers and springs of water and they turned into blood.

5 Then I heard the angel of water say, 'You are the Upright One, He who is, He who was, the Holy One, for giving this verdict:

6 they spilt the blood of the saints and the prophets, and blood is what you have given them to drink; it is what they deserve.'

7 And I heard the altar itself say, 'Truly, Lord God Almighty, the punishments you give are true and just.'

8 The fourth angel emptied his bowl over the sun and it was made to scorch people with its flames;

9 but though people were scorched by the fierce heat of it, they cursed the name of God who had the power to cause such plagues, and they would not repent and glorify him.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Luciferians is the best word to describe it

The Saudis, the British, the Americans, the Luciferians! 

Now we know who the 5200 pedophile cases that Anderson Cooper reported where high security clearances in the pentagon!

So much more evidence!

It's shocking but I was expecting something of the sort, and George H W Bush is involved as well.

It's seems that Caligula has fallen! The Emperor has no clothes!

Ancient Dragon kidnaps through False Prophet mount Sinai

Did you know that the ancient dragon, false prophet, antichrist is hiding in Saudi Arabia the mountain where Moses spoke to God, as well as the enormous rock that gave water to Israel for 40 years in the dessert after being delivered from Egypt?

Did you know they are threatening to destroy all archeological evidence in order to wipe all historic evidence of the Old Testament and the New Testament, including its people?

Now you know.

Youtube it!

Mount where God spoke to Moses in Saudi Arabia. 


The End of Christian Era is at dawn. 1438 vs 2016

The United States of America bans the usage of the Gregorian Calendar worldwide. 

In an unprecedented move the United States Congress agrees to the demands of the largest terrorist organization in the world, OPEC. 

In order to avoid more terrorists attacks led by the "divine" royal monarchy of Saudi Arabia, currently controlling the price of the petrodollar, and logistics and weapon supplies to terrorist organizations across the US and the world; the year has officially been changed to 1438 (birth of Islam).

The State Department has issued a notice to all US embassies to avoid displaying Year 2017 in any of New Year's celebrations.

European leaders react and refuse to submit to OPEC's mandate. As a result increased terrorist activities have put Europe in emergency status. 

Putin has refused to follow the surrendering terms imposed by OPEC as sanctions against Russia rise. "It appears the world has succumbed to this terror attack, but we will stand firm," confirmed Putin last statement before the Duma (Russian Parliament).

Latin America has bowed to resist the invasion of the False Prophet agents, as they refer to them. Even after the attacks against the Beloved City, Vatican officials are firm in their conviction to "keep on remembering the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ" as many bishops and cardinals are gunned down throughout the world. The Pope has asked the church to remember its origins in which the Church was persecuted by the Roman Empire yet managed to survive.

The Spanish government has issued a comunique to the population reminding them of the 700 year long invasion of the False Prophet suffered in year 711; letting the faithful know that Christ will stand with the Church and a new era of hope lies ahead. Saint Isabela devotion is encouraged. They are reminded to look at history and have started a chain prayer asking Queen Saint Isabela Catholica for her intersession as terrorist attacks continue.

The oil embargo of OPEC against the world continues. The petrodollar is confirmed as the single world currency and any attempts to deviate from the Oil standard is met with brutal attacks worldwide.

APaxim News