Sunday, January 31, 2016

Thank you

Thank you!

Thank you for giving me a purpose.

Thank you for giving me a mission.

Thank you for showing me the way.

Thank you for awakening me.

Thank you for giving me a name.

Thank you for making me a part of your company.

Thank you for forgiving all my errors and encouraging me to try again.

Thank you for calling me your son.
But above all, thank you for being who you are, love.

When I look really hard, I see nothing but coincidences and patterns. I cannot but marvel when I see the Moon, such a coincidence in so many ways. I cannot but marvel when I see music and the rainbow, 12 precise divisions to which all the universe conforms. I am amazed at such beauty. I see the electromagnetic spectrum in wonder an amazement of such beauty, all in twelve divided, octaves after octaves of the visible, invisible, hearable and unhearable, music and rainbow, connected, woven into an exquisite fabric our senses feel. 

Nonetheless, you blinded me on purpose, so that I could not see all. Yet, I know it is there, the Logos using the electromagnetic spectrum as its carrier, vibrating as if all were strings making music of worship and praise to your name.

Yes, I know my mission is to love, but you've made it easy, so easy, for all we have to do is follow the tune, follow the twelve, find the key and sing along with the message of peace, the rainbow of twelve colors. And you said it's ok to keep on trying and trying again, until we get it right. Thanks!

Life is like music, for you just have to hear it and sing along. To hear the choir of angels, to sing along the twelve gates, to feel its tune and rhythm, to play and sing along the praises to your name. For after all, what would heaven be, but an everlasting Mass, giving thanks to your name and giving love to others, singing the right chords, in the right times, and enjoying a heavenly meal with our brothers and sisters.

So hard it is to follow you, to sing along, but it only takes one simple step to start, to fail, to star again, to fail, to start again, over and over until we get it right. 

To reach the unreachable star, the quest, the dream, to find the key, to play and sing along, worship hymns to your name. To float as if on thin air, being held by a string, a wave, in the right place, a key, to ascend. 

Thank you for music and the twelve, a gift from heaven, a gift from the most holy one. Twelve gates to the beloved city of God, accessible here, on Earth, your bride, your church.

Many think that humans invented music, that is not so. Music and the twelve where there since the beginnings of time, awaiting to be found and sang and played by humans. Another miracle we take for granted, divisible by twelve, a great mystery hiding in plain sight, but for a few to understand. 

Thank you for music, oh Lord. It makes everything so much light and easy to carry. Antigravity generators, phase modulators, but you need to just the key, to find the pendular tension frequency to levitate and float, to move the mountain with a faith the size of a mustard seed. Such a narrow wave, such a massive object, so it seems, yet it floats away!

Yes, music cannot only bring Jericho's walls down, it can build pyramids, or propel us faster than the speed of light, place us in heaven chanting celestial hymns to the Logos, who speaks the right words, in the perfect tune. 

Even Tesla figured out there was a mystery in mechanic resonant frequencies, and we just have to find the key, and sing along the praises to your name. For only you alone are holy, and all graces, majesty, holiness belong to you. You alone, the love of my life.

Thank you Jesus 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

La religion llamada Dinero

El dinero no es riqueza.

Los ricos tienen todo lo que necesitan, y una cosa que no les hace falta es el dinero, pues con dinero, o sin dinero, tengo siempre lo que quiero (y mi palabra es la ley).

Una piedra en el camino, me enseñó que mi destino, era rodar y rodar. Después me dijo un arriero, que no hay que llegar primero, sino hay que saber llegar. 

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar... Money. I don't want, or need money. I have everything I want/need. I'm rich!

Los pobres tienen dinero, el dinero de Caesar, las deudas de todos; pues el dinero no es otra cosa que deuda. El dinero es una religión, donde la gente funciona en un sistema donde deben, o tienen la deuda de otros, pero en verdad no tienen nada. ¿Por qué no tienen nada? Pues porque el dinero es de Caesar, o el reyezuelo de turno, y todo le pertenece a él.

¿Qué es el dinero? Un papelito lleno de promesas intangibles y volátiles, que era sostenido por el oro, y ahora por el petróleo, según dicen. 

¿Quién dice cuánto vale el Dollar? OPEC pone el precio al dólar desde 1973, el embargo. 

¿De quién es el dinero? Del Caesar, de la religión del dinero, cuyo sacrificio es incrementar el dinero (profit). 

Es como una pirámide que se infla con una ilusión de tener más numeritos. Es una obsesión compulsiva donde los ceros son todo.

El mercado de derivatives, cuyo valor imaginario es de 1,400,000,000,000,000, es la mayor ofrenda a este dios tan apetitoso. Equivale a 200,000 USD por persona en el planeta. O sea, es un cuento chino en el cual todos ponen su fe, como si fuese dios. (Y pensar que luego critican a los que creen en los evangelios y en Jesus... Hilarious.)

Mi respuesta a los seguidores de la religión del dinero es: despierta del cuento, de la ilusión de acumular papelitos llenos de numeritos que no sirven para nada; e imagina, como quizás hubiese dicho John Lennon: 

"Imagine there is no money, it's easy if you try."

Water = fuel

Water, the fuel of the future.

Given that an athlete produces 200 watts per hour riding a bike, and that the average diet intake is 4000 calories per day for an athlete; calculate the percentage of energy supplied by food. 

Answer: food provided 4.65 watts, or 2.3% of the energy needs for one hour per athlete, assuming the next 23 hours the athlete consumes no energy. 

Now that you found out the calories in food are insufficient to supply energy needs, assume water is the major source of watts/h.

Given that the energy produced by the athlete is far greater than the energy consumed by food intakes, and assuming H20 is the source of energy, and that the average consumption of water is 4 liters per day; calculate the amount of energy extracted from H20 (water). Answer in kW/h and calories.

Answer: 4 liters of water supplied  97.7% of energy needed, which is 195 watts/h.

How much energy is there in 4 liters of water (H2O), compared to 4 liters of gasoline? 

Answer: 80 KW/h. There is more energy in hydrogen and oxygen than in gasoline. Twice as much.

What percentage of energy did the human organism extracted from 4 liters of water to supply 200 watt/h?

Answer: given that there are 80 kW/h of energy in 4 liters of water, and that the consumption was 200 W/h, the answer is 2.5 %. The human organism extracted 2.5% of the power stored in water.

What is the main source of energy for a human organism?

Answer: water 

How does the human organism, or plants, extract energy from water? 

Does solar energy play a role in the extraction of energy from water in a living organism (explain)?

How do you extract energy from water efficiently? How do you brake the bond of Hydrogen and Oxygen using Tesla's mechanical resonant frequency? What is the mechanical resonant frequency of hydrogen, oxygen and H20? Why is it relevant?

Based on these calculations, do you foresee water to be the new fuel source to provide all energy needs on the planet?

How much energy in kW/h does the world consume daily?

If all the energy would be extracted from water, how much water is needed daily to produce the energy needed to run the world?

Can water become the source of energy in a sustainable and eco friendly world habitat? 

Conversion factors:

4000 kilocalories = 4.65 kw/h

Thursday, January 28, 2016


There are so many important truths hiding in plain sight. 

Yes, the Truth is right there, yet it hides in plain sight. It announces itself so loudly, yet no one seems to notice. Only but a remanent sees. 

It's like the most precious stone holding the secrets of the universe and all its power; yet it is not comprehended. The Truth is dismissed by so many.

One thing is for certain. A day will come, when all awake to be marveled. They will all bow in reverent silence before the Truth. 

Oh Eucharist, Shekinah of the all mighty. Such a humble dwelling, such a marvelous design, bread and wine, with water. Such power, such humility, we praise you Emanuel, amongst us. You let us eat you, so we become like you, eternal and compassionate, just like you, the bridegroom.

In the ancient times, by Moses he was worshiped in mount Sinai. The Arc of the Covenant, the power of the Logos, accompanied by two cherubims. Moses and Eliah his friends, transfiguring before his close friends: Peter, James, John. 

Mary, blessed above all women, tabernacle living of the almighty, who humbly dwells in the shape of bread and wine.

Mystery for some, everlasting life for others, hiding in plain sight the Glory of the almighty!

One day the heavens will open, it will seem like a big two dimensional scroll, and all will see him. All will resurrect, believers and unbelievers no more, for faith will be no more. Hope won't be needed any more, for only love will remain.

A kingdom, universal, eternal that transcends this universe to go unto a new Universe, a new Earth. And the most amazing thing is that it has already happened. It seems like a place where the past and future are but conjugated in an eternal present. 

It is so, oh Lord, that all of our life is be before us, you, and all! I am amazed and at awe! We are before the presence of the Lord. 

No words to describe what I see, but perhaps one word, one number says it all: Jesus and 2016.

Who is this enemy that attempts to change the times, to erase the year we live on, to wipe all traces of your words. So much foolishness to think one can destroy God! Who would be that someone?

I worship and proclaim without shame that there is but one God, his name is Jesus; and his prophet announcing him is John the Baptist. All other coming after him are false. So, Mohamed, that who you really are, a false prophet, as written 600 years before you appeared by none other that John the Evangelist in the book of revelation. And yes, you come out of the seas of multitudes, deceiving so many to kill us. Don't you realize you are but a tool to help us corroborate the Logos. So, it is precisely for that reason that you kill us Christians and Jews. You would like to destroy all evidence of our existence on Earth, and wipe the year 2016 from our memories.

Do you really think you can wipe history and the Logos from every soul in the planet? That is your written mission indeed, and you have become our crucifier, fulfilling our destiny. Don't you realize you hurt yourself far more than what you hurt us? 

Saul of Tarsus had an encounter with Him on his way to Damascus. Hence, I ask for your intercession, Saint Paul: "open the eyes of those who persecute the Church, so they become like you: converts to the one only God, Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Messiah, the resurrected one, the Spirit of God, the Word of God, the son of Mary"

That is my prayer every day for those who have the zeal of God without discernment. I pray to God so he opens their eyes, so they realize, we are temples of the Shekinah, the power of God, the Eucharist, the Bread, the Wine, who descended from heaven. Maranatha! 

Come Lord Jesus!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Am I a Christian?

If there were no weapons, there would not be wars of mass destruction.

Would you like to live in a world where there are no weapons, weapons of mass destruction?

Would you like to live in a world without fear, of mass destruction weapons, and weapons?

Would you? 

Christians don't make weapons or sell them. Be cold or hot, don't be lukewarm! 

Weapon manufacturers cannot be Christians. Christians do not need weapons. Christians are lambs to the slaughter by the Beast that comes out of the abyss. 

Why sell weapons to mad men with ambitions to subdue the whole world by fear and death and destruction of planet Earth?


Why weapons?

Jesus told Peter to put the sword away, and Peter died crucified. Rome was born again in Emperor Constantine. The fruit of so many crucified and martyrs gave us Rome.

It's a technique of war, a strategy, a plan. Mahatma Gandhi used the strategy. 

Let's defeat the enemy with prayers to Saint Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus, on his way to Damascus.

Saul, Saul, don't you realize you hurt yourself far more than me? This is God talking, my name, Jesus, the resurrected.

Saul repented! 

We won. We have Saint Paul now!

So, let's keep on winning and praying for their repentance! 

No to violence!
Yes to prayers! 

Conspiracy or reality? Time will tell.

The First Islamic state implanted in Europe by a group of individuals and members of a cult whose god kills. For Christians, God dies in the cross and invites us to die. For Muslims, God kills and invites them to kill Jews and Christians.

Two systems of belief antagonic and complementary of each other. Muslims help Christians fulfill our destiny by killing us like lambs brought to the slaughter. Muslims are the prophecy found in the book of Revelation, the False Prophet. Their prophetic roll is to kill Jews and Christians with the power of abyss.

So, what to do? How to defend ourselves? 

The only way is to endure their persecutions and to pray that they see Christ crucified in each one of us, so that they may convert when they realize what they are doing, just as what happened to Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus. 

What else is there? How else do you fight them? 

The only way is to die crucified by them while proclaiming Jesus is God. I do not see another way out!

Chapter 20 of Revelation says that Satan will lead the whole world to destroy us, Christians and Jews, in the End of Times.

So, let's be realistic! The Muslims will persecute us Christians until the End of Times. Wisdom would dictate we should not give them weapons and power, for they will use it against us as they have done since the year 666.

Yes, we liberated the Iberian Peninsula from the moors in 1492, after 700 years of savage invasion which started in year 711. Can we do the same once again? Yes, but in order to justify such actions Europe and America would have to be under Sharia Law, like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the other 5 kingdoms. Only then, once we are under fascist Islamic Sharia Law State, could an emancipation movement be set in motion.

What to do, but to wait until things are really bad against Christians in order to have a strong enough moral ground to justify defending ourselves from the Muslim military hordes and an Islamic State ruling the whole world.

Preventive strikes would do nothing, for they would end up being portrayed as the victims. Hence, we need to wait longer, until there is way too much Christian and Jewish blood spilled by this monstrous satanic cult. Then, only then, we will have enough justification to defend ourselves. 

(Of course, another way would be to teach history. However, that is impossible due to censorship by a government infiltrated by the invaders, which have already change legislation to carry out their military plans against us).

Conspiracy or reality? Time will tell.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

El Chapo y el Chapu

Otra tomadura de pelo... Han de pensar que somos imbéciles. ¿Quién orquesta toda esta bazofia?