Monday, January 25, 2016

Conspiracy or reality? Time will tell.

The First Islamic state implanted in Europe by a group of individuals and members of a cult whose god kills. For Christians, God dies in the cross and invites us to die. For Muslims, God kills and invites them to kill Jews and Christians.

Two systems of belief antagonic and complementary of each other. Muslims help Christians fulfill our destiny by killing us like lambs brought to the slaughter. Muslims are the prophecy found in the book of Revelation, the False Prophet. Their prophetic roll is to kill Jews and Christians with the power of abyss.

So, what to do? How to defend ourselves? 

The only way is to endure their persecutions and to pray that they see Christ crucified in each one of us, so that they may convert when they realize what they are doing, just as what happened to Saul of Tarsus on his way to Damascus. 

What else is there? How else do you fight them? 

The only way is to die crucified by them while proclaiming Jesus is God. I do not see another way out!

Chapter 20 of Revelation says that Satan will lead the whole world to destroy us, Christians and Jews, in the End of Times.

So, let's be realistic! The Muslims will persecute us Christians until the End of Times. Wisdom would dictate we should not give them weapons and power, for they will use it against us as they have done since the year 666.

Yes, we liberated the Iberian Peninsula from the moors in 1492, after 700 years of savage invasion which started in year 711. Can we do the same once again? Yes, but in order to justify such actions Europe and America would have to be under Sharia Law, like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the other 5 kingdoms. Only then, once we are under fascist Islamic Sharia Law State, could an emancipation movement be set in motion.

What to do, but to wait until things are really bad against Christians in order to have a strong enough moral ground to justify defending ourselves from the Muslim military hordes and an Islamic State ruling the whole world.

Preventive strikes would do nothing, for they would end up being portrayed as the victims. Hence, we need to wait longer, until there is way too much Christian and Jewish blood spilled by this monstrous satanic cult. Then, only then, we will have enough justification to defend ourselves. 

(Of course, another way would be to teach history. However, that is impossible due to censorship by a government infiltrated by the invaders, which have already change legislation to carry out their military plans against us).

Conspiracy or reality? Time will tell.

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