Thursday, January 28, 2016


There are so many important truths hiding in plain sight. 

Yes, the Truth is right there, yet it hides in plain sight. It announces itself so loudly, yet no one seems to notice. Only but a remanent sees. 

It's like the most precious stone holding the secrets of the universe and all its power; yet it is not comprehended. The Truth is dismissed by so many.

One thing is for certain. A day will come, when all awake to be marveled. They will all bow in reverent silence before the Truth. 

Oh Eucharist, Shekinah of the all mighty. Such a humble dwelling, such a marvelous design, bread and wine, with water. Such power, such humility, we praise you Emanuel, amongst us. You let us eat you, so we become like you, eternal and compassionate, just like you, the bridegroom.

In the ancient times, by Moses he was worshiped in mount Sinai. The Arc of the Covenant, the power of the Logos, accompanied by two cherubims. Moses and Eliah his friends, transfiguring before his close friends: Peter, James, John. 

Mary, blessed above all women, tabernacle living of the almighty, who humbly dwells in the shape of bread and wine.

Mystery for some, everlasting life for others, hiding in plain sight the Glory of the almighty!

One day the heavens will open, it will seem like a big two dimensional scroll, and all will see him. All will resurrect, believers and unbelievers no more, for faith will be no more. Hope won't be needed any more, for only love will remain.

A kingdom, universal, eternal that transcends this universe to go unto a new Universe, a new Earth. And the most amazing thing is that it has already happened. It seems like a place where the past and future are but conjugated in an eternal present. 

It is so, oh Lord, that all of our life is be before us, you, and all! I am amazed and at awe! We are before the presence of the Lord. 

No words to describe what I see, but perhaps one word, one number says it all: Jesus and 2016.

Who is this enemy that attempts to change the times, to erase the year we live on, to wipe all traces of your words. So much foolishness to think one can destroy God! Who would be that someone?

I worship and proclaim without shame that there is but one God, his name is Jesus; and his prophet announcing him is John the Baptist. All other coming after him are false. So, Mohamed, that who you really are, a false prophet, as written 600 years before you appeared by none other that John the Evangelist in the book of revelation. And yes, you come out of the seas of multitudes, deceiving so many to kill us. Don't you realize you are but a tool to help us corroborate the Logos. So, it is precisely for that reason that you kill us Christians and Jews. You would like to destroy all evidence of our existence on Earth, and wipe the year 2016 from our memories.

Do you really think you can wipe history and the Logos from every soul in the planet? That is your written mission indeed, and you have become our crucifier, fulfilling our destiny. Don't you realize you hurt yourself far more than what you hurt us? 

Saul of Tarsus had an encounter with Him on his way to Damascus. Hence, I ask for your intercession, Saint Paul: "open the eyes of those who persecute the Church, so they become like you: converts to the one only God, Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Messiah, the resurrected one, the Spirit of God, the Word of God, the son of Mary"

That is my prayer every day for those who have the zeal of God without discernment. I pray to God so he opens their eyes, so they realize, we are temples of the Shekinah, the power of God, the Eucharist, the Bread, the Wine, who descended from heaven. Maranatha! 

Come Lord Jesus!

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