Thursday, November 30, 2017

It wasn’t the Russians, but the pro-life

Stop blaming the Russians for Hilary’s defeat. Something else was the hottest topic and American divide; it was pro-life America.

Since Americans were shown the images of aborted babies, thanks to priests for life; the vote had been casted. Many prayers accompany those horrific images. 

America is divided by one single issue that took precedence before all else: the life of babies inside their mother’s wombs. (First question of the last presidential debate)

It wasn’t the Russians who gave Trump the victory, it was Pro-Life America. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Merry 2018 birthday of Christ (aka Christmas)!

Merry Christmas 2018


Said the wise, "vanity of vanities, everything is running after the wind, pure vanity", and taught us that within us there is an insatiable appetite, which seeks that unattainable pleasure.

Thus, the wise man said, that of all the things that exist on earth, only two give pleasure, all the rest neither satisfies nor fills:

1. The satisfaction of finishing a work,

2. and to eat.

I remember years ago when I was very enthusiastic about achieving perfection: I wanted to have the best audio equipment, in a way that equated reality. I wanted technology to match reality. And that's how I started a hobby. However, the cutting-edge technology I was looking for was extremely expensive. I was looking for that perfection, and even there, in the most sublime, technology could not be like reality —It was another reality. It was vanity of vanities, running after the wind, and to never find that unattainable pleasure of which our soul is thirsty of.

Now, then, the wise man also said other words to us. "From this Earth, those two things are those that give us the most satisfaction. However, there is another thing, which is not of the Earth, which offers that satisfaction that our soul seeks; and that is the only one that can truly satisfy the soul: the Will of God "

The Will of God, which is the one pleasure found in those words that say: "Thy will be done, and not mine, on earth, as in heaven, in our lives", or, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be done unto me, as according to thy Will/Word"

Well, what more could the soul wish for, than to take refuge in its creator, and to be at his side every day of its life ...

That is the thirst that is not satiated by anything in this world, because it craves more than this world can offer, because inside is such a great void, that only he who has no beginning or end, infinite, can He only fill. That substance is the Will of God, His Word, that we be with him, in him, in the infinite of eternity, forever. And therefore, that is why it says, that He has placed the infinite in the very deepest part of our being. There is a very special place, which he has reserved for his only Son, his throne in our heart.

You will tell me, "and who is he?"

He is the one who obeys the Father, until death, and death of Cross. He is very brave, like none. He trust fully in our Father, he obeys, as a responsible son. Jesus, the one who we will be 2018 years old very soon. Soon and very soon we will celebrate 2018 years since the birth of Christ in the non adjusted Gregorian Calendar; the Kings Calendar who rules the Earth as a Lamb: poor, humble and servant. The Lamb of God. 

Merry Christmas 2018!

Long Live our Savior, Jesus Christ!

Feliz Navidad 2018

Feliz Navidad 2018

La Vanidad.

Decía el sabio, “vanidad de vanidades, todo es correr tras el viento, pura vanidad”, y nos enseñó que dentro de nosotros hay un apetito insaciable, que busca ese placer tan inalcanzable.

Así, el sabio decía, que de todas las cosas que existen en la tierra, solo dos dan placer, todo lo demás ni sacia, ni llena: 

1. La satisfacción al acabar una obra,

2. y comer.

Recuerdo años atrás cuando estaba muy entusiasmado con alcanzar la perfección: quería tener el mejor equipo de audio, de tal forma que simulase la realidad. Deseaba que la tecnología igualase a la realidad. Y fue así como comencé un hobby. No obstante, aquella tecnología puntera que buscaba era de un altísimo coste. Yo buscaba esa perfección, y aún ahí en lo más sublime, la tecnología no podía ser como la realidad; era otra realidad. Era vanidad de vanidades, correr tras el viento, y nunca encontrar ese placer inalcanzable del cual nuestra alma tiene sed.

Ahora pues, también nos dijo el sabio otras palabras. “De la tierra, esas dos cosas son las que más satisfacción nos dan. No obstante, hay otra cosa, que no es de la tierra, la cual ofrece aquella satisfacción que busca nuestra alma; y es aquella la única que puede en verdad saciar el alma: la voluntad de Dios”

La voluntad de Dios, la cual es ese placer que se encuentra en aquellas palabras que dicen: “hágase tu voluntad, y no la mía, en la tierra, como en el cielo, en nuestras vidas”, o, “he aquí la esclava del Señor, hágase en mi según tu palabra”.

Pues, qué cosa más podría desear el alma, que acogerse en un abraso a su creador, y estar a su lado todos los días de su vida...

Esa es la sed que no es saciada por nada de este mundo, pues anhela más que este mundo, pues dentro es un vacío tan grande, que solo aquel que no tiene principio ni fin, infinito, solo puede él llenar. Esa sustancia es la voluntad de Dios, que estemos con él, en él, en el infinito de la eternidad. Y por tanto, es por eso que dice, que El ha puesto el infinito en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. Ese es un lugar muy especial, que él ha reservado para su único Hijo, su trono en nuestro corazón. 

Tú me dirás, “y quién es él?”

El es aquel que obedece al Padre, hasta la muerte, y muerte de Cruz. Es muy valiente, como ninguno. Confía plenamente en su Padre, obedece, como hijo responsable. Jesús, aquel que va a cumplir 2018 años dentro de poco.

Feliz Navidad 2018!

Viva nuestro salvador! 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Monárquicamente cobardes

Y hablando de el aborto en España y la Corona. 

De que nos sirven los reyes de las naciones cristianas si se han olvidado de los calostros, en efecto, la leche que mamaron sus antecesores. 

Isabela y Fernando católicos eran reyes que representaban a los pueblos cristianos. No obstante, la monarquía de Juan Carlos aprobó el aborto. Y así cuando aprobó el aborto, deslegitimó la monarquía y la corona. 

De que nos sirven reyes “cristianos” que apostatan de la fe, dedicándose a matar niños inocentes. ¿Para que sirve la monarquía, si no defiende la vida de cristianos, sino por el contrario, aprueba la barbarie?

Cataluña es donde comienza la caída de una monarquía que no tuvo cojones para defender la vida. Juan Carlos dejó como herencia la caída de la monarquía, que olvidó sus calostros. 

Europa, pobre de ti. Sin hijos para sustentar la economía, y ahora necesita inmigrantes que a bombazos le otorgan los señores de la guerra. Los reyes de las naciones cristianas de Europa, callados y cobardes, dejando que despojen de neonatos sus pueblos. Pues que no se quejen si Europa queda descristianizada, subyugada, islamizada, irreconocible. Ellos mismos, los monarcas, por falta de huevos, permitieron el genocidio de neonatos. 

Me recuerdan a aquel profeta montado sobre la burra que se oponía a tal barbarie. Profeta que dijo a Europa que todo estaba bien, que matando niños no pecaban. 

No pongo toda la culpa a ellos, pues se vendieron al más grande cazador de humanos que ha existido sobre la tierra: George HW Bush, aquel que por medio del Fondo Monetario Internacional otorgó dinero y poder a naciones y reyes que implementasen políticas de control de población. Esa bestia, cazadora de humanos, que lleva como trofeo de caza a mil cuatrocientos millones de niños ejecutados en estos nuevos campos de concentración. 

Que Europa no se queje, y que con gratitud acepte a los inmigrantes que necesita la población para continuar viviendo. 

Los que no quisieron sus propios hijos, ahora tienen los hijos de los pueblos de otras naciones que llegan a ofrecer sustento a una Europa que muere a causa de haber aceptado las políticas de control de población. 

Pareciese que la que perdió la guerra fue Europa por su apatía a la vida, y su desprecio del evangelio, y todo por los petrodólares a cambio de sacrifico de inocentes. 

Dos años importantes que había olvidado Europa, 911 y 711; que ahora les recuerdan. Y el refrán cobra vigencia: los que se olvidan de su historia, están condenados a repetirla.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Las trompetas ya sonaron

Los tribunales superiores de justicia de muchas naciones han cometido un muy grave error al legitimar el genocidio de inocentes. Esto es mucho peor que lo que Hitler hizo a los Judios, y mas bárbaro que cualquier bestia, incluida hace 500 años Moctezuma, cuando sacrificaba niños en las piramidales. 

Lo más interesante es cómo estás bestias tienen hipnotizada con terror a la población. Me recuerda ese momento en que llevaban a Jesús a su crucifixión. Era un espectáculo criminal barbárico. No obstante, parecían como posesos por el mal. 

Dios ten piedad y misericordia por nuestros pecados. Pues lo que le hacen a uno de nosotros, nos lo hacen a todos. Y si no hacemos nada, e ignoramos, o tememos, somos cómplices de esa maldad. Son ya mil cuatrocientos millones mundialmente. Una tercera parte de la población, todos niños inocentes en los vientres de sus madres. 

Ten piedad, somos como zombies, devorándonos unos a otros, a los más pequeños. Pues si no levantamos la voz en defensa de estos niños, somos sus cómplices; como lo fueron en Alemania todos aquellos que permitieron la persecución de los Judios. Pues sobre ellos está la bendición de Abraham. Y también sobre todos esos niños inocentes que han salido ya de la gran tribulación, las siete trompetas apocalípticas. 

En fin, año 2018, en los últimos dos milenios hemos pasado por el candelero, el libro y sus siete sellos, las trompetas cumpliendo proféticamente aquello que está escrito: una tercera parte de la población exterminada. Ya solo nos faltan los truenos, y la gran finale; las copas. 

No obstante, para que todas las aguas de los mares y ríos estén contaminadas, falta tiempo. De momento, como dice en las trompetas, una tercera parte de los ríos y mares ya están contaminados. Pero, para que estén todos, falta. O sea, la sexta y séptima copa están distantes. 

Gracias Señor por tu fortaleza para levantar nuestra cabeza, esperando nuestra cercana salvación; cuando vienes en gloria, y la tierra y el universo no se hallen más delante del trono de Dios.

Gracias por tu esperanza de salvación. Maranatha! Ven pronto Señor Jesus! Te esperamos anhelantes.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

We oppose to Worship Mammon

Money Worshipers, Reptilians.

Critical analysis of yet another belief system.

What’s the percentage of people that are willing to do anything for money and power? 1%, The 1%? 

Or perhaps, there are more, but not them all make it to the top, like Judas, the traitor. 

Religions within religions. Yes, I remember Jesus told us we could not worship both God and Money. Hence, he defines the worship of money as a religion, a system of beliefs, where money and power of self become God. 

We could also refer to the religion of money as that which seeks self gratification; as opposed to the religion of Christ which teaches us to take care of the sick and poor, to feed the orphans and widows, to shelter them, to die in the Cross with him. 

The religion of money worshiping has to do with having enough power so that everybody serves you. It’s self worship, hedonism, narcissism, old philosophical thought now considered pathological in certain cases. 

In contrast, the religion of God Jesus Christ is the religion that teaches us that no one loves more than the one who gives his life for his friends. And Jesus is in that offering that our soldiers give us. Instead of self, We the People! Jesus is also in the offering nurses and those that take care of the needy make. Those are offerings of selfishness, to serve, to help, in the name of Jesus. 

Those that operate in the name of Mammon, the deity of Money and Power, actually worship themselves, and only operate to serve self (even when doing charity!). You see, Money Worshipers (Mammon Worshipers) is a religious belief system which seeks to eradicate all other belief system as in order to rule over the minds and hearts of all people. It’s a compulsory belief system. We Christians oppose to the love and worship of money and power. We give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and we don’t worship his money. 

However, the advocates for the religion of money do not want us to expos the truth. Because there is a religion out there pretending not to be a religion, a diabolical Cult, which objective is to teach people to worship money and power, the cult of self: The Culture of Death and Profit. Yet, we are exposing them for what that ideology represents: the Culture of Death.

We oppose to the Culture of Death in plain use of our mental faculty. We oppose to the ideology of Money Worshiping, aka Mammon Worshiping. 


Aborto: indefendible 

La falta de razón y sentido común en aquellos que abogan por el aborto es una constante. 

Lo que hace el aborto es indefendible. Nunca se puede justificar el genocidio de niños. 

No obstante, hemos visto cómo Hitler justificó el asesinato de Judíos...

¿Que podremos decir al respecto, cuando ponemos estos dos atentados contra la vida humana en una línea cronológica? Que Hitler no ha muerto y resucitó en George H W Bush, que es el responsable de mil cuatrocientos millones de niños exterminados, una tercera parte de la población mundial. 

Está evidencia fue presentada por Salvador Abascal, en su libro “De Herodes a Bush, Revolución Mundial”, Editorial Tradición, Mexico, donde demuestra que el Fondo Monetario Internacional dió préstamos de sesenta y setenta mil millones de dólares a las naciones en desarrollo que implementasen políticas de control de población, a cambio de comercio y dinero. Esto hace más de tres décadas. 

El argumento que presentan estos genocidas, como el príncipe William, es qué hay demasiados humanos. Por lo tanto, en base a esa premisa no solo abortan sino incitan guerras en el mundo.

Como decía madre Teresa de Calcuta: el aborto es la causa de todas las guerras. Y tiene razón, pues las poblaciones con mucho aborto y sin niños, como Europa, se llenan de inmigrantes que son traídos a cañonazo puro y duro del Medio Oriente. 

En fin, el aborto... indefendible desde cualquier punto de vista para aquellos que somos parte de la especie humana. Solo los Demonios y el Diablo pueden justificar la exterminación de seres humanos, pues por eso están en guerra contra nosotros. Nos han dividido, como forma estratégica de conquista, haciéndonos pensar qué hay humanos y a favor del asesinato de niños. El tribunal superior de justicia norteamericano está bajo la influencia del Diablo. Evidencia es Roe vs. Wade. 

Mi consciencia no me permite pensar que sea bueno el exterminio de seres humanos en masa. Mi conciencia no me permite aprobar una ley que permite matar niños inocentes en el vientre de sus madres. Esa es una ley diabólica, de seres de otro mundo que quieren destruir a la humanidad. 

El tribunal superior de justicia de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica cometió un grave error. La pregunta es: ¿Esa decisión en Roe vs. Wade es fruto de la tontera cerebral, o fruto de una influencia Diabólica?

Como decía Pedro Ferris: Un mundo nos vigila, y añado yo, quiere exterminarnos a todos. No solo quieren hacernos sus esclavos, sino quieren exterminarnos. 

Dios, defiéndenos. Ten piedad y misericordia; sálvanos del Diablo y las otras huestes y potestades diabólicas. 



Friday, November 10, 2017

Measuring the pulse of the nation

What the World needs!

The world does not need arm dealers. 

The world needs negotiators of peace. 

Truth matters

Secrets present a risk to systems; henceforth secrets should be eliminated. 

A system without secrets, is a healthy system. It does not need to lie to cover up for secrets.

A system with secrets, creates lies to cover up for the secrets, which if grown create systemic secrets. Lies create conflicts, which if grown, create systemic conflicts.

Conflicts are detrimental to maintain the order and stability to a system. Smooth operation of a system cannot be achieved when conflicts are generated by lies; which in turn create a dysfunction in the system; and even a dysfunctional system, if growth is allowed.

1. Lies are created to cover up for secrets, obviously. 

2. Conflicts are created by lies, obviously.

3. Secrets are the cause of conflicts. 

4. Secrets are the cause of lies, and lies are the cause of conflicts. A system with lies and conflicts is a dysfunctional system. 

5. Secrets present a risk to systems. Secrets should be eliminated. Everything hidden must be made known in order to clean a dysfunctional system. 

I believe the truth is cleansing, and healthy for systems to function properly.

A system could be a family unit, an extended family, a community, a state, a nation, or any other organization of individuals into a system. 

Truth matters. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Apaxim, world@eVolution

Ron Paul wants what the majority of young Americans feel like: one amongst many nations, not an Empire. 

On the other hand, we have historical analysis, and advise that Empire is the only way to survive, once you have become an Empire. 

And if historical analysis is right, and we currently live an era that will be referred to as the Age of Empires at war, in 500 years from now...

Yes, most young Americans do not buy the imperial flag; they rather be just one of the nations, et pluribus unum, one amongst the many.,Yes, just a penny. 

America is maturing and becoming humble, instead of exceptional. Ron Paul appeals to that youth. On the other hand you have the self reckoning of a national historical identity as an Empire, in the era of the Age of Empires at war. To forget all the wars we have had throughout history, ignoring patterns, would be ludicrous. 

Nevertheless, I believe stepping down from the throne is better than Wars. It would be a good idea to negotiate peace. 

I long for that day known as the Age of Empires at War ceases. It would mean we have evolved as a human united civilization, ready to explore other civilizations. 

I believe the future of humanity lies in the brotherhood of all of us here on earth. However, that will happen once the wheat is set aside from the chaff. 

Those periods of cleansing in between death and birth of civilizations are cyclical; as is most in life.

I pray so that we all negotiate peace. There needs to be peace amongst brothers; no secrets, no lies. So, those that lie must be exposed worldwide in order for our societies to evolve from an Age of Empires at War, to an Age of Peace; a true model for a civilized and advanced society that explores a New Earth. 

I believe that is the sound of inevitability, our destiny. I am certain, as if I had already experienced that moment in our collective future. 


Book of “I”

Trapped on 18

A short tale about a magical number.

The story of the most powerful man on Earth, is the story of a prisoner of number 18.

This is a very special man. He had discovered a secret in a number. He became the most powerful man on Earth, all thanks to a book he read. A book that made him obsess, yet as powerful as can be. 

Once upon a time, there was this man who liked to read. As he read, he found something that would change his life forever. He discovered a book that belonged to a secret society called 18 Club. In the book, he discovered that by giving money always in multiples of 18; would in turn give him back synergic amounts of blessings and money. He had found the Zero Point Energy of numbers. He discovered how to multiply money. He discovered that when giving to the poor in multiples of 18, he would get 36 times more in return, and depending on the multiple, the magical return of wealth could be enormous. 

It all had to do with watching numbers. In the book he eventually found how to convert letters into their numeric values. He studied numbers, all with one purpose in mind: to give in order to receive more back.

He started giving $18 to the poor, and would get back $90, and sometimes even $4500 when he purchased a lotto ticket. It all depended on the combination of numbers, to the point that even the date was of relevance. He even noticed that when he gave money to a poor man who was sitting on 18th street, at 18:00hrs (6:00pm), on the 18th day of the month; his returns on his investment would be much higher than he had expected. Thus, he started experimenting with numbers, and sharing his secrets to his closest friends: He had to give, in order to receive. 

At first he started winning in the lotteries, but as time went on he discovered places where he could make even more, as the book of the 18 Club taught him. 

His friends would laugh at first, wonder at times. They would call him crazy, and were amazed when he invited them to amazing and extravagant parties; all paid with his business of giving 18, or its multiples. He kept the book a secret to his friends, for the book had a warning: don’t share the knowledge of Club 18.

At first, it all seemed like a naive game which involved some sort of super powers at work, as according to his friends, but it never felt like an evil presence was behind all the magic. It seemed like a very lucky superstition.

One day he decided to invest most of the money he had left. He had already invested $181,818 in a technology corporation, but had not made any money on that investment. The reason: He hadn’t follow the rules of the book because he has difficulties understanding a book with so many formulas. 

However, when he remembered the first page of the book, which had very precise instructions on how to apply the knowledge contained within its pages; he made a breakthrough. He had realized that only by giving to the poor or needy, he could make a return. If he wanted to make money, he should also invest in equal terms. So, he transferred an equal amount of money, all he had left, $181,818, to an international agency in charge of taking care of the poor. He had two investments, of equal amount. One in the stock market, one in a charity. 

So, he followed the rules and gave that money to charities on the 18th day, of the 6th month (18/3), at 18:18 hrs, when his son was 18 years old, from his home on 18th street. As the instructions of the book said, he waited patiently as the stocks he had purchased for $18 dollars grew and grew. During 18 months he waited. On the 18 month he decided to sell. The stocks of that technology company had grown 1000 times. That is the day when the money he had invested grew to $181,818,181 in just 18 months. 

He understood the book and how to invest to get more in return. He had finally gathered all the understanding he needed from the book. He had discovered its secret...

He kept on investing until his wealth exceeded 18 trillion dollars. He became the most powerful man in the world. He bought 18 Islands, 18 central banks of the most powerful economies, 18 boats, 18 cars, 18 amazing castles, 18 planes, 18 multinational corporations, and was surrounded by the wealthiest of the wealthiest. There were 18 in total. 18 people had all the wealth in the world. He was amongst them. However, he could not reveal the secret even to them.

Soon he became the only one to rule the world. He was the most powerful man on Earth. He discovered the secrets of the book of “I,” as some people call it; so I’ve heard. 

During his journey, after many sorrows, he discovered he was trapped by this superstitious belief, which had in turn made him mad. He scarified all his friends and family for the sake of 18. He was obsessed with those two numbers and its multiples. He would see them everywhere he went. As he walked downtown, as he watch tv; the home addresses, the streets, the license plates, the pages on a book, the amount of gas, the tickets at the grocery store. He just knew one thing: he had to give away money in multiples of 18; when all the 18s align, the more reward he would get. He also avoided any other number, because it would give him bad luck. He was obsessed with 18 for every aspect of his life. 

He was a very attentive man. His life was like watching a man gambling continuously in a Casino, always obsessed and winning. The world was his Casino, and 18 was his lucky number.

Eventually, he became the most powerful man in the world. He was wealthy beyond belief. He traded all the commodities internationally, traded in all currencies. He had the ownership of the whole world; so much of his power was in that lucky number 18. 

One day, however, he lost his ability to communicate. He was so obsessed with numbers, that he would not even recognize letters or words anymore; numbers were all it mattered to him. He started to resemble that book filled with formulas. Some thought he was a mathematician immersed in economics. No one knew how he made all the money, for the book also showed him how to disguise his investments by using multiples of 18. 

Everybody around him thought he was mad and had lost his head. However, being so rich, no one would dare question him or oppose him. His legal team of 18 attorneys, 18 accountants, 18 financial advisors, would take care of his wealth. He also had eighteen teenagers, each 18 years old, who would serve his sexual appetites, which would last exactly 18 minutes every time. 

So odd he was at the end, he appeared to be like an animal, babbling a nonsense of numbers. No one could understand what he was saying. They would all obey his commands because he gave them money, tons of money in multiples of 18. No one could understand him. At one point, he had completely lost words, the ability to communicate. He had forgotten how to communicate with others, being that he was so much absorbed with multiplying numbers printed or in money. He had all the money of the world, in multiples of 18, of course. Yet he was mad as a goat!

Mad with numbers, trapped in a world where only numbers mater. He lost the sense of others. He could only think of numbers. He didn’t care for the welfare of others as he gave money to charities, in the millions, I may add. Pay attention, for his intent was not helping, but only making more money. His only thought was that of increasing his money. He could care less about people. The only thing that matter for him was a return on his investment, by giving money to those is need, in order to receive; but only in multiples of 18.

He was lost at the end, with all the power and might of this world; he became the victim of his own sorcery. 

So much power he has, yet lost the ability to communicate with others. It was then that he realized that he had gained the whole world, but lost his soul. He was a very sad and obsessed man. Filled with fear of everything, but 18.

Sad man he was, for all the good things that he did were not for others, but to himself. To increase his wealth with magic numbers who would give him more in return than what he had given, was the purpose of this truly poor man. For he truly never loved a soul; he just gave to the poor or in need, because he had found the magical formula to increase his wealth: the number 18 and its multiples. 

A ritual worship of numbers; instead of a service to his community. A selfish giving to increase wealth; rather than a selfless giving of one self to help others because of love. He did not feel the needs of others and try to help them because of love. He just gave in order to receive. 

He did not know the secret of life. He did not know about love. He never cared for love. As we all know; Love is a passion to be a father, a mother to all; to take care of others just because. However, he could not imagine a world where we all take care of others just because. He wasn’t a mature person who nourishes others. He only seek to nourish himself. I guess that’s why the call it the book of “I.”

Our main character just chose to worship numbers, by giving in order to receive multiplied, with a certain synergy untold. And, it was there, in his selfishness, in which he realized he had lost his soul; yet win the whole world. 

He did not care or help others. If he gave them money in multiples of 18, it was only to make a killing return. He could not care about others, their needs or help. He was a selfish beast who worshiped number 18, and gave because he expected to receive. It was all about 18!

In his 18 central banks he only gave loans with 18% interest rate. That was the main source of his income, 18% interest rate. 

So, what ever happened to this troubled man? He was last seen laying on the streets of the big city, filled with pain and grief; lost, forgotten, untold. Such misfortune that makes my soul pity for him; and ask for mercy. 

Lord, have mercy. Do not let us fall into the trap of that magic number 18.

As what happened to his wealth, that’s another story. For it appears he wasn’t the only one who worshiped numbers, 18 in particular. For it is said that others have come to take his place. It appears there is a society which calls itself the 18 Club. They are at the top of the food chain, on top of the pyramid. They are the wealthiest of all on Earth. 

It is also said that those that make it to the top, all go mad and loose their ability to talk. It is also said that there is a book with all the formulas to invest on number 18, aka Book of “I.” 

There are many stories out there. However, the most frightening of all stories is what the one the book says about itself. It is said that the book contains a warning. The warning is that only 18 people can know about the existence of the book; because if it were to become public, money would loose all its value worldwide. 

It is said that if people would find this secret, and become selfish multiplying their wealth as they give to the poor in multiple of 18; there would be so much money produced in the world, that money would be worthless, as little pieces of papers that mean nothing.

So, don’t try to find the Book of Club 18. It is a book that shows the secrets of giving money in multiples of 18, on the 18 temporal line, on the 18 space, with all 18 coinciding. I don’t even know the name of the book, and even if I knew it; I would not tell you. However, I’ve heard the call it the book of “I,” which is printed by Club 18. Only 18 copies exist worldwide. 

Moral: Be careful, be cautious, don’t get close to that superstition about number 18. For you may win the whole world, but loose your soul. 

Monday, November 6, 2017

We the People want 

We the People want: 

All this things that need to be publicly owned, by us, We the People. 

It should also be made public worldwide, but we need to start at home: 

All banks, gas,

electricity, water, power, transport, judicial branch of government, executive and legislative branches as well. 

The government belongs to We the People, and We the People established the government in order to protect us from the totalitarian oligarchies. 

Totalitarian oligarchies are not the government. The government belongs to We the People, not to the totalitarian oligarchs. 

We the People erected government when we declared our independence and constitution. 

We the People are the source of government, and all of its structures. 

I have evidence of what I say. I know that is the case because the Constitution starts with the words: We the People. 

We the People!

Henceforth, We the People ask Independence from totalitarian oligarchies, as we did in 1776; we also proclaim those words out laud today!

So help us God!

Let us pray to God. He will defend us, because We the People are asking for freedom, liberty, and happiness! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

My treasure Devine 

I found the jewel everybody wants, Eternal Life.

Lord, you are the promise never broken; the only truthful one. I adore thee, Eucharisty 

There is no treasure as precious as you, Devine Eucharistic Dine. 
